Did You Like Dragon Age Origins??


New member
Dec 26, 2008
Did you?
Why/ why not?
Should I get it or not?
whats best part of the game?
And please, I say Please
NO Spoilers!

Just talk about things like
Is the story good?
did you enjoy the gameplay
was the game to short?
NO Ingamestory Information, if you can


New member
Dec 30, 2008
Did you just make 2 forums about this?

I havnt played it but i have played the flash game. My next trip to a place where i can buy stuff is going to get this and af e wother games. I wants it.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
dragon_of_red said:
Did you just make 2 forums about this?

I havnt played it but i have played the flash game. My next trip to a place where i can buy stuff is going to get this and af e wother games. I wants it.
I did? whoops my bad, damn this network


New member
Apr 24, 2009
It was a good game. Dialogue and characters were as good as expected from a Bioware game, and it certainly is no short game. The story is not exactly original, but well executed and, well, it's a fantasy game, so some tropes are inevitable.

The biggest flaw in my opinion is how horribly imbalanced this game is. Difficulty is all over the place, with some street thugs sometimes being harder enemies than a boss. Mages are much more powerful than the other classes. Fortunately it's not game breaking, but it adds some moments of unnecessary frustration.

Overall I'd say it's well worth getting.

Ocelot GT

New member
Oct 29, 2009
Renamedsin said:
Did you?
Why/ why not?
Should I get it or not?
whats best part of the game?
And please, I say Please
NO Spoilers!

Just talk about things like
Is the story good?
did you enjoy the gameplay
was the game to short?
NO Ingamestory Information, if you can
Yes, because it was an awesome and engrossing very well made game.
You should.
Once you get most characters in your party the game picks up, I recommend Shale.

Story is excellent. Voice acting is professional and not at all corny. The game is an excellent length and warrants 3-5 replays.


New member
May 27, 2009
best rpg i have ever played
chareceters dont feel like infomation points
fun gameplay
great classes
and story is awsome so far
and its really really really really long


New member
Apr 13, 2009
It's an excellent RPG with a wonderful story. The characters have rich personalities, and it's all very cleverly put together. The turning points are actually quite surprising, and you don't always realise that they're going to happen hours before they actually do, which is a first, I'd say. It's on par with KotOR (apart from that it isn't Star Wars related, of course), Planescape: Torment and other epic RPG's, and is well worth playing through at least twice =)


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Oh please get it. I don't know how moral choice systems are going to evolve without acknowledging this magnificent stepping stone. For once in forever, a Bioware game doesn't have a "good/bad" meter that changes according to what you do. Instead, party members who observe your actions will approve/disapprove, which can either lead to abandonment and hate, or long-lasting friendship and promiscuous sex with the many, many people to choose from (not quite the Witcher, but it makes Mass Effect look like Lady Chattterley's Lover).

As to the story, there's an easy litmus test. Go online or to a movie store and rent any Lord of the Rings. Like it? Buy the game. If not, might want to leave DA:O on the shelves.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
A worthy successor to Baldur's Gate and one of the best RPG's ever made.

It has a deep and rich story, gameplay is great, and short is definitely not a word that can be used in any way when describing the game (unless you're referring to the dwarfs :))

That being said, it is a true RPG, and unless you're used to that, it might take a while to get the hang of it.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Does using two questionmarks in the title mean that you are extra eager for our answer?

Admiral Stukov

I spill my drink!
Jul 1, 2009
Timmareus said:
It was a good game. Dialogue and characters were as good as expected from a Bioware game, and it certainly is no short game. The story is not exactly original, but well executed and, well, it's a fantasy game, so some tropes are inevitable.

The biggest flaw in my opinion is how horribly imbalanced this game is. Difficulty is all over the place, with some street thugs sometimes being harder enemies than a boss. Mages are much more powerful than the other classes. Fortunately it's not game breaking, but it adds some moments of unnecessary frustration.

Overall I'd say it's well worth getting.
From my experience playing at a higher difficulty level balances out some of the issues you mentioned, and let me tell you as a dual weapons warrior with Berserker & Reaver I most certenly do not feel underpowered or a worse choise then a mage.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
I agree there are some balance issues, that said they aren't making the game a worse experience for me as it's a really strong game.

I'm using two fighter types both with sword and shield, a fighter using two handed weapons, and a mage for heals and a bit of crowd control. So while i agree that mages are awesome powerful they can also be used as support for others classes to help them shine.

As said above some "similarities" between other fantasy stories are apparent but pretty much unavoidable, and again i don't feel it takes away from the game, because it manages to make you care about this story and these characters very well.
The story certainly ticks the 'epic' box for me.

It's so fucking long as well. I've played for about 30-40 hours and completed about 20-30% of the game. Get it!


New member
Jan 26, 2009
I love me some Origins. What can I say?

The fact that your origin story -matters- and can actually color your view of the game story is an interesting thing.

I played as a Human Noble, so things like the Dwarven culture seemed... well... I didn't really clue in how unique and -different- it was from the norm. Yeah, they care about honor, and there's some politics and there's a downtrodden class, but nothing really stood out...

...and then I played the Dwarf Noble story. Suddenly Ozrammar seemed like a very -very- evil place, a place of constant stagnant tragedy, of danger and of intrigue that made the Couslands' troubles seem like a walk through caketown. Also, Gorim suddenly had some importance other than the Denerim 'DWARVEN CRAFTS!' merchants.

Yeah, it plays with some of the tropes, woodsy elves, tradition-based dwarves, but damn if it doesn't start to deconstruct them and start going in totally different, morally grey roads with them. There's no good guys in Dragon Age: Origins. There's just the threat of annihilation and an ancient order who only exist to do Whatever It Takes to defeat that annihiliation.

Some of the game choices -really- challenge the player in terms of moral outcomes. It's -hard- to be a total goody twoshoes, and the game does NOT reward you for being good, or for being evil, or for being neutral in the same sense that KoTOR does. Does your morality matter? Yes, but not in the sense of "I AM GOOD HUZZAH" but more "I regret doing this thing, but it must be done or else everyone dies."

In the words of Duncan "I am sorry." And yet, he does what must be done, and that sets the tone for the -entirety- of your quest, where you may do acts ranging from demon-worship, to genocide, to exorcism, and sometimes all at the same time.

There's humor in it, but it's not the same style of humor as HK-47 or Minsc. It's a more intellegent, dry wit that pervades the game. It doesn't feel over the top, but it's a lot more subtle and some players never really catch the true charm of it. I for one -love- the dialogs that randomly break out between characters. Alistair and Morrigan's naturally foiling each other, Zevran hitting on -everyone-, Lelliana's stories as you approach items of interest... it's a rich tapestry, and you're trading in 'GO FOR THE EYES BOO' one liners for more substance and texture in the dialog.

Slash Dementia

New member
Apr 6, 2009
The game is great. I've never played Baldur's Gate, but if it's anything like this, I'm sure I'll love it.
The story is a bit generic, but it's the kind of generic that is good. It's like watching a good fantasy movie. The best part is the ending. Not because it finishes, but because it's just an epic ending.
All the characters have their own personality, likes and dislikes, which make the game even better. The game is long, but if you do the side-quests it'll take way longer.

I forgive the difficulty spikes that randomly occur, but because of it (and my lack of strategy), I tuned it down to casual difficulty for my first play through.

When the trailers say: "hard choices lay ahead." It sure does mean it. Sometimes you'll regret doing it, but the other choice doesn't seem as morally correct either.

I say...get it if you like RPGs and fantasy, and Bioware; it won't disappoint you.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
I have played for about 10hrs, I find it it interesting and compelling, but I don't if I actually find it fun. After a couple hours of play I feel achievement, but I don't get the cathartic feeling I associated with mindless hacking/slashing/shooting. All in all its a brilliant game, however one I often wonder why I am still playing at moments (especially some frustrating difficulty spikes).

I guess I wish there was a little more input into the actual combat, aside from special moves and tactics. Something like the rhythm game style combat of the Witcher or a block button that I can hold down.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
I liked it. It is not perfect though. The battles are sometimes a bit awkward and unbalanced, and after a while i didn't have any topics to talk about with my party. (Which will get refreshed after i did a certain chapter, of course). But overall it is a great game: Challenging (holy shit its hard sometimes), interesting, good story, atmosphere and setting and i haven't met any character i didn't like.