Ding! Now You Suck Less


New member
Nov 23, 2009
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but my biggest problem with lvling systems is when they have some BS way of limiting your ability.

In WoW for example there is an unofficial cap for the highest lvl enemy you're able to kill (or even hit) which is roughly 5 lvls above your current level (this is for a character that can't heal it's self). When i play at the best of my ability, the best my rogue can manage is to kill that one mob 5 lvls higher than me. The reason is my weapon skill level is not high enough to hit the monster and that monsters defense level is too high. Note, your weapon level and defense level are capped at 5x your current level and they will increase as you use the weapon or get hit, this seems to be a universal cap for players and mobs. The thing that gets me though is that the sole purpose of these two stats is to keep you from fighting mobs who are too high a level. They do nothing else, their only effect is to lower my chance to hit on an enemy with higher defense, and if they did not exist then my rogue would be able to kill that guy who is maybe 8 or 9 lvls above his own.

Now i understand that this is starting to get ridiculous and that my lvl really means nothing if i can kill that lvl 19 while i'm level 10. But i just feel that if the only thing holding me back is my weapon lvl, and not any of my actual stats or abilities (or tactics), then there is a flaw in the mechanics of the game and these weapon and defense skills are only a shoddy patch to fix this problem.

Borderlands does the same thing, you can go up a level in mid fight and suddenly be steamrolling the enemies that were giving you trouble a second ago. Borderlands doesn't even HAVE stats other than your HP and what you get on your gear (well you do have weapon skills but they give consistent buffs to your weapons).

I just felt the need to mention this here, it relay is a minor thing but poor game mechanics annoy me to no end. And i want to add that I've been playing wow for years and borderlands is an awesome game.