Director Kevin Smith Angers Buyers With a Fake-Out at Sundance


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Jul 3, 2008
Who could seriously say Kevin Smith doesn't know the industry at all with the number of films he's put forward? Sounds like a lot of sour grapes from people who deserved his ridicule more than they would ever admit to themselves.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
He never said he was going to sell it. He said there was going to be an auction.

A rather fine point, but a point nonetheless.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
This seems like a good reponse but he did kind of insult the wrong people and "the man" wasn't that much of a presence at the auction. Besides, though I like most of his stuff, I think Kevin Smith might be getting a bigger ego than he actually deserves or that he actually earned.

In any case, this sounds like and episode of Entourage to me.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
zelda2fanboy said:
Jumplion said:
That's a helluvah lot of information, but thank you, I'll definitely look into that "Moguls and Movie Stars" movie, I'm going through all the classic movies I've missed out on through Netflix anyway (speaking of, any suggestions?). I do understand that Hollywood is a business n' all, and there's all sorts of tricks and trades you've got to know, but it's a bit saddening to see this kind of stuff. I may not agree with Smith's methods, but I do wish him the best. I guess you could say part of me is still a bit starry-eyed and philanthropic in my jaded self.
Netflix really kinda skews recent and I can't really come with a "need to see" list. It's kind of a personal endeavor, you know? My best recommendation to catch up on oldies would be to browse through this list

Say what you will about his video game stance, but the man KNOWS his shit when it comes to movies. His "great movies" reviews are fountains of information on what a particular movie is about and why it is important to him and film history in general. Other than that, keep a keen eye on TCM because they're really good when it comes to doing director, theme, and era retrospective movie nights. Also, watch anything with Humphrey Bogart in it. I've yet to see a bad one.
I'll definitely look into those (whatever Netflix has anyway, I can still find some), thanks for the information, I appreciate it.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
dthree said:
I still think the fan-financed version of this film would have been bigger news.
That's what he plans to do with "Hit Somebody" his next, and last, movie.

Then he's setting up an Indie distribution studio to give little guys a chance. Working with Harvey Weinstein really made him realise how lucky he was to be given a shot and he is now goint to "throw his hat over the wall" and do the same for others.

I for one, hope it all works out.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
Booze Zombie said:
"A fat, masturbating stoner"?
Is that seriously the best fucking insult a publication can come up with?

Anyway... good on him. I hate advertising, though this seems a bit counter-productive to his career.
Actually he called himself a fat, masterbating stoner, read the post again.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
ph0b0s123 said:
Oh dear. He may have a point, but this type of behavior does not help. And if the movie is not amazing he may find getting his next job in the movie business rather hard.

It's his last film.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Kair said:
ph0b0s123 said:
Oh dear. He may have a point, but this type of behavior does not help. And if the movie is not amazing he may find getting his next job in the movie business rather hard.

It's his last film.

He has an ice hockey project called Hit Somebody lined up as his next film!


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Timbydude said:
Smith acted like quite the douche. That was just kind of being a jerk; he didn't really gain anything from doing that.

...And he hasn't made any genuinely funny movies yet.
dude, your certaintly alone on this opinion. most people love clerks

if red state is good and smith can achieve his goal, then this is a big thing for indie films

if not


Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
EvolutionKills said:
Ghengis John said:
Elizabeth Grunewald said:
Smith came out and gave what The Hollywood Reporter calls "a long and profanity-laced speech" in which the director "lambasted movie studios for a system he said is unfair and outdated and too focused on advertising."
That's pretty uncool there Kevin, lambasting the advertising driven studio system to pull a publicity stunt. No matter what you might think of the system, the guy's who's time you wasted are human beings. In the least you owe them a fricking apology, you ass. I mean all the people there had to be there because they liked Smith's work or had some measure of respect for Smith, otherwise they wouldn't wanna buy into one of his films. And so this is how he treats his SUPPORTERS.

So he used up 2 hours of their time, big fucking whoop. I'm sure as hell not crying a river for them -snip-
I'm guessing you have nothing constructive to say in the rest of your post then? I guess I can save my time. Moving on.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Phantom_IEC said:
Kair said:
ph0b0s123 said:
Oh dear. He may have a point, but this type of behavior does not help. And if the movie is not amazing he may find getting his next job in the movie business rather hard.

It's his last film.

He has an ice hockey project called Hit Somebody lined up as his next film!
Then this post must be inaccurate.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
Ghengis John said:
EvolutionKills said:
Ghengis John said:
Elizabeth Grunewald said:
Smith came out and gave what The Hollywood Reporter calls "a long and profanity-laced speech" in which the director "lambasted movie studios for a system he said is unfair and outdated and too focused on advertising."
That's pretty uncool there Kevin, lambasting the advertising driven studio system to pull a publicity stunt. No matter what you might think of the system, the guy's who's time you wasted are human beings. In the least you owe them a fricking apology, you ass. I mean all the people there had to be there because they liked Smith's work or had some measure of respect for Smith, otherwise they wouldn't wanna buy into one of his films. And so this is how he treats his SUPPORTERS.

So he used up 2 hours of their time, big fucking whoop. I'm sure as hell not crying a river for them -snip-
I'm guessing you have nothing constructive to say in the rest of your post then? I guess I can save my time. Moving on.

Really? that's the best you could do? Ignore me, by replying, and implying that it's not worth replying to. Did I hurt your feelings that bad?

I don't care if people agree with me or not, but if you're not going to say anything back worth saying, don't reply at all. Just don't be a hypocrite and try to call me out for not having anything worth posting to, then posting to it with a whooping three sentences.

I understand that people have different opinions, and everybody has a right to his or her own. But I have little tolerance for hypocrites.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
loremazd said:
Actually he called himself a fat, masterbating stoner, read the post again.
After the three messages telling me that, I have.
I don't normally encounter this problem when reading.

My bad.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Bobic said:
Hah! What an arrogant twonk.
All these people who support the film distributors and slate Kevin Smith, I wonder whether they support DRM?

Kevin is arguing distributors are using methods that are 'outdated' and 'unfair' which, I'm going to presume, may mean the industry favours certain people within it (shafting others), holding a monopoly, and exploiting the audience, which is pretty much what DRM does.

I wonder if these people are being hypocritical?

Gahars said:
But still, there's a way a to make a point, and a way to act like a douche and insult other people trying to distribute your movie.
Ghengis John said:
I mean all the people there had to be there because they liked Smith's work or had some measure of respect for Smith, otherwise they wouldn't wanna buy into one of his films. And so this is how he treats his SUPPORTERS.
Just because someone invests in your film doesn't mean they are investing in it because they respect you. It just means they think your film has what it takes to make a profit for them. They don't necessarily care about or respect Kevin. They may not even care about you, the potential audience, but only what's in your wallet.

...the guy's who's time you wasted are human beings. In the least you owe them a fricking apology, you ass.
Distributors may be human beings, but not necessarily nice ones. I don't think Kevin Smith came out with a rant for no good reason. I've read interviews from him before, and he does know something about how films are made and sold, and he most certainly does have respect for at least some people in the industry.

How do you know whether or not the people he slated didn't deserve what they were given?


Terrible Person
Oct 18, 2010

I just saw through the whole thing on youtube, and it has changed my opinion drastically. He didn't play these people for fools, he built up to it so much before the actual auction that everyone should have seen it coming. He wasn't slamming them, he was a giant bucket of enthusiasm. You guys should watch through all the parts of this video, it's quite eye opening. In the basest terms, it sounds like he's trying to make movies exciting again.


New member
May 15, 2010
Kudos Kevin..
IM sure there might be some corporate backlash for future projects because of this but thats what happens when you tell things like they acutally are, in such a black and white way .

Ill gladly pay to see this movie, and man it looks REALLY good.