Discuss and Rate the Last Film You Watched

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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Watched this last night. I agree with you 100% but it was precisely what I was looking- a nice little action flick on a Friday night after a brutal work week before I start another season of some other show.
I had already seen this actress pull off action and fighting sequences in Legion so I was down for this whole thing.
I think I also benefitted from never having seen any of the other movies in the "series" (my friends and I just watched the original with Arnie 100 times back in the day). I'm glad I don't know about any of the crap they piled into what is the simplest of premises and the only two movies with a predator alien I watched were literally the same exact plot and rhythm.
I highly recommend you see Predator 2, if you're picking only one of the sequels. The movie does its own thing, and Danny Glover (Roger Murtaugh from Lethal Weapon) as a great leading role. P2 actually builds off the first movie well, and you can't go wrong with Gary Busey being his mad, obsessed, self. Predators is great as well. After that, ignore the rest.
Being a nerd, I like Predator in this one too...

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Elite Member
Apr 25, 2020
Alright I'm gonna say it. I saw Wild Wild West with Will Smith.

And honestly, I feel the bar for bad movies has gotten even lower since this movie came out, because this movie wasn't that bad.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Alright I'm gonna say it. I saw Wild Wild West with Will Smith.

And honestly, I feel the bar for bad movies has gotten even lower since this movie came out, because this movie wasn't that bad.
Funny enough, even Will Smith considers WWW crap. I have a soft spot for the movie, but I rarely ever bother to watch it now. My mom, dad, and brother love the shit of WWW. More so my mom and brother.

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Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
I have watched Mad God. Very good. The visuals are very strong and despite being very surreal and with only a very vague plot, the world it builds is very strong. All the different creatures and people feel like they have a history of some sort. Even if it's not something you can really understand, it feels like the creator at least understood it, that it's not just all visuals just for the sake of it.

If I had any negatives to say about it, it would just be that I think the "operation" scene went on just a little too long. Other than that, for the film it's trying to be, it's very good.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Two things both on Netflix:

Sea Beast - A gorgeous movie (those water effects, yeesh) full of characters that look like they were made of Play-Doh. I was really enjoying it right until the very end, which was such a stupid ass pull that I just kinda left the room the fam was watching in. Sad, there was a lot to like in the beginning.

Jumanji the second one I think - Yeahhhh, this does nothing for me. It can be funny at times, but the video game aspect didn't really shine through. Just a generic action movie with uneven visuals. Only made it halfway. Am I the only one who can't take the Rock seriously anymore? Every time I see him in a movie, all I ever see is just the Rock. Shoutout though to Jack Black, best part of the movie.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
Alright I'm gonna say it. I saw Wild Wild West with Will Smith.

And honestly, I feel the bar for bad movies has gotten even lower since this movie came out, because this movie wasn't that bad.
The only things I really remember from that movie are the spider mech and getting a glimpse of Salma Hayek’s ass. I don’t know if that’s because those were the only good parts or if it’s because I was fourteen at the time and haven’t seen the movie since.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
For All Mankind

I probably have praised this show before because it may be my favorite non-comedy on TV but I'm half-way through season 3 and it's just so good.
Because it so consistent- it has as formula, one I like, and it delivers.
If you don't what it's about it's one of those alternate history shows where the Soviet Union landed on the moon right before the USA and then followed it up with landing a woman on the moon, thus drastically accelerating the space race. The show is primarily from the point of view of American astronauts and their families.

Season 1 is the moon landing through the '70's.
Season 2 is the early '80's and the settlement and militarization of the moon.
Season 3 is the race to Mars in the '90's.

Each episode bounces between personal drama and extended scenes of tense space terror. So if you like Gravity, 2001, stuff like that, the latter delivers and that is pretty amazing to me (as someone old enough to expect that kind of production only on the silver screen).
One clever conceit that keeps the show watchable is that it changes as little as possible in terms of the fashion, music, and general cultural sensibilities. So even though this version of the 1990's has a Soviet Union still going strong, lunar colonies, and different US presidents, it still has the same stupid baggy pants, dangerous obsession with runaway capitalism, homophobia and climate catastrophes. So it's enough of a period piece AND sci-fiction combo to make it relatable.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Kelly's Heroes

Supposed to be a classic war movie, saw it for the first time and...eh? There were hints of a decent movie, maybe it could have worked, but it didn't.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Under Siege - 9/10

Another idiotic yet highly enjoyable action film of the 90s. Starring future fat bastard Steven Seagal as Casey Ryback, the SEAL who became a cook and Gary Busey and Tommy Lee Jones as a fucking amazing villain duo; the corrupt Executive Officer and rogue CIA hard case respectively who conspire to hijack and rob the USS Missouri of her nuclear tomahawk cruise missiles.

Like the movie is dumb, but with Jones and Busey taking up most of the slack - ably assisted by Colm Meaney - in terms of sheer entertainment factor and Seagal making the most of his stoic and soft spoken demeanour in a sensible way makes for a very fun and brisk movie.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Under Siege - 9/10

Another idiotic yet highly enjoyable action film of the 90s. Starring future fat bastard Steven Seagal as Casey Ryback, the SEAL who became a cook and Gary Busey and Tommy Lee Jones as a fucking amazing villain duo; the corrupt Executive Officer and rogue CIA hard case respectively who conspire to hijack and rob the USS Missouri of her nuclear tomahawk cruise missiles.

Like the movie is dumb, but with Jones and Busey taking up most of the slack - ably assisted by Colm Meaney - in terms of sheer entertainment factor and Seagal making the most of his stoic and soft spoken demeanor in a sensible way makes for a very fun and brisk movie.
Under Siege is peak, Silver Age Segal movie. This, Above the Law, Out for Justice, and Marked For Death (Screwface is still the best villain out of all the Seagal films) I consider his best works. Exit Wounds is decent, but it was all down hill to DVD-Hell for Seagal, after Half Past Dead. I always preferred Van Damme movies anyway compared to Seagal. Van Damme is a better person too, and not an egotistical scumbag.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
White House Down - It's Die Hard in the White House! ...The good one. Yeah, I said it. Olympus Has Fallen is not "bad" (still better than Die Hard 5), but I don't care much for movie, nor the franchise as a whole. I do hate the first sequel. Those movies take themselves way too seriously. Especially the second movie. Also, London Has Fallen as by far aged the worse, and the most racists movie in 2014. The only credit I can give OHF is it has some better action and blood because of the R-Rating.

WHD is just more fun to watch and has this self-awareness without being eye rolling and annoying, aside from one scene. The movie is stupid good fun. The weakest elements are the CGI for certain helicopters. Even for 2013, they were not well done and easily spotted. The blu ray just makes them stick out more. Otherwise, good movie, and the one from Emmerich I've enjoyed and re-watched the most.
I decided to watch OHF for the hell of it. Everything I said before mostly stands the same. I do recognize several faces. The right hand villain from Ninja Assassin is the main villain in this movie. Angela Bassett and Morgan Freeman are great as always. Aaron Eckhart is the president. The action is good and better than WHD's because of the R-Rating. Helps that the director of Training Day worked on this movie, so it explains a lot. The man knows how to direction action. WHD is more fun and entertaining though. I will more than likely not being watching this again any time soon. I had my fill and curiosity of looking back at something I barely watched beforehand.
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Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
Bullet Train
Brad Pitt plays Ladybug, a dude for hire, who boards a bullet train from Tokyo, but little does he know there are a bunch of other dudes and lasses hired on the train to cause all sorts of trouble. The train is a metaphor btw.

It's a fun movie. Feels like it was written by a clever 13-year-old boy. Funny action and funny quippy characters. Backstories, flashbacks, completely wild coincidences that are still something to keep an eye on. At times the digital photography goes a bit nuts and looks too artificial, but there are nice shots in there too. Also it's clearly about fifteen minutes too long. Y'know the train runs out of steam or something. 6/10

Also does Channing Tatum have a real job nowadays?


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Night Hunter

"Heyyy, do you hate pedos?"

Why yes, I believe I do. Who doesn't? Other than Pedos?

"Do you love Ben Kingsley and Stanley Tucci?"

Hell yeah!

"And Henry Cavill?"

I, uhh, he does his thing well enough I guess?

"How about 'dark and daring' thrillers, eh?"

Alright, give it up, what'r you selling? Just hand it over already.

"This here film about pedo hunters starring two out-of-place British men bumbling around America but one of them fucks up and their bait child gets kidnapped so they must find them while uncovering a predictable conspiracy. Everyone has big beautiful eyes (apart from the pedos) and all the pedos look like cliché pedos. It's nowhere near as dark as Prisoners nor as daring as You Were Never Really Here and feels like a straight-to-TV movie at times. But will likely be serviceable for those who haven't seen the aforementioned type films!"

Did...did you just review the movie for me?


Hello? Oh, they left a DVD of Antlers, neat.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Wrath of Man (2021) on Amazon Prime 7.5/10

This was not on my radar! A Guy Richie film with Jason Statham and many others you will likely recognize.

Somewhat revenge porn done with a serious tone and the kind of directing we've come to expect from Guy Richie. Glad I caught it.

Just realized his, "The Gentlemen" is on Netflix. That's up next.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Wrath of Man (2021) on Amazon Prime 7.5/10

This was not on my radar! A Guy Richie film with Jason Statham and many others you will likely recognize.

Somewhat revenge porn done with a serious tone and the kind of directing we've come to expect from Guy Richie. Glad I caught it.

Just realized his, "The Gentlemen" is on Netflix. That's up next.
The Gentlemen is more Guy Ritchie’s regular sort of film, but Wrath of Man is a pretty good action thriller considering its not what Ritchie usually does.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Dragon Ball Super - Super Hero

A pretty fun Dragon Ball movie actually. Rather than focusing on Goku and Vegeta, this movie focuses more on Piccolo and Gohan and Pan to an extent.

Fights are what one would expect, there are some funny jokes in it and the story is passable as well.

A movie I'd recommend if one is or was a fan of Dragon Ball Z.
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