287. Ghost in the Shell (1995)
(Meaning it's the 287th film or TV show season I've watched this year, not counting multiple watches the same year. This is from my own numbered log.)
Score: 7/10
I figured out after a helpful post a few days ago that Dolby Surround replaced Pro Logic II (which my receiver doesn't support), so I finally watched this in matrixed surround for my ninth viewing (over a thirteen year period) today. Didn't have a speaker system until my last viewing a year ago. This Japanese PCM 2.0 surround sound track is a great mix. Still wondering exactly what Dolby Surround sends to the Atmos speakers with these types of tracks. Although my receiver LED said they were enabled, I couldn't tell if anything was coming out of them. But I preferred it this way.
This 4K release from 2018 looks nice, but has just a little too much grain reduction. Not as bad as Akira's new master, but I wish they'd have left the grain and the details inherent in the grain alone. A USA version just came out, which has the same grain reduction and apparently is a little brighter, but I'll stick with this version, partly because it keeps the original ending music rather than the U2/Brian Eno song (saying this as someone who loves Eno). Didn't really have a problem with the colors anyway, and the USA release seems to have the same color range, just brighter.
I still prefer some things about the original manga. Found the stories flowed together a little more smoothly, less confusing for people unfamiliar with either version. But I really appreciate the style of this version and think the makers did a decent job with the story.