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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
And let's not forget the amazing soundtrack. Brian Eno's "Force Marker" and Moby's "God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters" alone solidified Heat as one of my favorite all-time movies. They punctuated the scenes they were featured in so perfectly. I just watched these a few months ago, but you're making me want to watch it again already.
Jesus - Fuck - Yes. That song ripped my goddamn heart out at the end.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
23 was pretty decent, yet I never felt the need to watch it again.

Cable Guy is a dark-comedy suspense thriller. I was so confused the first time I saw that movie in theaters as a kid. I asked myself, "Is Jim the bad guy this time?". It took about the halfway mark to realize something was off.
There’s a twist but it’s still Jim being the Jim that everyone knows. I think he had the chops for some truly dark, dramatic roles, similar to Robin Williams in One Hour Photo. Carrey could’ve interlaced it with some of his usual antics for something few others might’ve been able to pull off.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Jesus - Fuck - Yes. That song ripped my goddamn heart out at the end.
Heat introduced me to "God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters;" "God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters" introduced me to Moby; Moby introduced me to Electronic music. I was 15 when I saw Heat; I'm 43 now, and Electronic music has been a staple and passion in my life ever since.

Heat was a very important and pivotal moment for me; I can say honestly that it literally changed my life, a kid taking piano lessons with no interest in music to the point that I simply didn't listen to anything save Classical which served as a motivator to study my instrument. The summer of '96, I worked in a lab with my dad, and saved a few hundred dollars to buy my first keyboard, a Yamaha PSR-520. Along with having something to play outside of my piano, I also arranged a version of "God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters." I still have the rough sheet music I scratched out, and the exact settings for the Yamaha PSR-520 in the event I ever come across one again.

You're right, Heat: 10/10.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Mission Impossible

Inspired by Darren Mooney and Marty Sliva, and actually kinda liking Tom Cruise despite his... whole.. everything... I decided to start watching the MI movies. I don't even remember which, if any, I actually seen before. I only remember that U2 recorded a version of the theme song in 4/4.
So... yeah, 1996, and the highlight of the film is when they use... THE INTERNET lol. Searching for super secret code words as strings on usenet engines including just putting ".com" on the ends of things... wonderful.

The film is under 2 hours, has appearances by Ving Rhames and Emilio Estevez, and John Voigt as a villain which is great 'cause he is one in real life. The famous wire-handing hacking scene is genuinely great (as long as you ignore the preposterous security measures). And this is still in the times when almost no one knew how write women characters for action movies. Classic.
The biggest surprise for me is that Brian De Palma directed it. Certainly I could see flavors of Blow Out and Scarface in some of the scenes, which I'll never not like.

I know the sequel has a bad reputation- looking forward to it.

Thanks to u/BrawlMan for letting me know I put this in the wrong forum. Couldn't edit/delete it there and since I plan on watching some of the sequels I just copied it here.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I’ve hear similar takes on this being practically nothing but dialog, which would be supported by the overuse of closeups. I doubt I’ll bother until it’s streaming. They’re really marketing the 70mm format but it seems little more than wasted potential here.
I didn't watch it on IMAX (too long a commute) and while I don't think the movie really needs it I can only imagine it improving with the IMAX experience. The theater experience was worth it though.
I had two gripes with the movie. One was that anything emotional or "deep" that they tried to do never stuck the landing. The scene with the founder of Barbie had me checking my watch.

The second was this. It was a fun takedown of toxic masculinity (the scene with film criticism I genuinely laughed out loud at), then they follow it up by maintaining the status quo. The status quo of Kens being second class citizens and maybe homeless. They even make a joke about how the Kens will continue to be treated how women are treated in the real world.

I wouldn't call this men-hating, just straight up shit writing. The first half of the movie paints Barbieland as a dystopia where whatever role you were given at "birth" is what you're stuck doing forever. To end the movie by just going back to that felt very lazy.
It's a horribly dystopic outcome for the Kens.

What the movie is going for, socially-message-y, basically boils down to: if you can care about Kens being treated as second class citizens in Barbie Land, then you should care about women being treated the same way in the real world.

That's the cue for a lot of men to go "Women aren't treated *that* bad in the real world!" and for women to list off the ways and for the dude to roll his eyes thinking well *I* don't do that and maybe that's good enough, that by exaggerating a point (this is a comedy) one by one men are forced into their best behavior to prove that their worst behavior isn't the norm.

But referring again to the world within the movie itself, the movie ends up treating Barbie Land as a hypothetical rather than an alternative fantasy land like Narnia or Wonderland or one of those. Barbie becomes "real" at the end because she chooses struggle over complacency, which is what Barbie Land really represents.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Mission Impossible

Inspired by Darren Mooney and Marty Sliva, and actually kinda liking Tom Cruise despite his... whole.. everything... I decided to start watching the MI movies. I don't even remember which, if any, I actually seen before. I only remember that U2 recorded a version of the theme song in 4/4.
So... yeah, 1996, and the highlight of the film is when they use... THE INTERNET lol. Searching for super secret code words as strings on usenet engines including just putting ".com" on the ends of things... wonderful.

The film is under 2 hours, has appearances by Ving Rhames and Emilio Estevez, and John Voigt as a villain which is great 'cause he is one in real life. The famous wire-handing hacking scene is genuinely great (as long as you ignore the preposterous security measures). And this is still in the times when almost no one knew how write women characters for action movies. Classic.
The biggest surprise for me is that Brian De Palma directed it. Certainly I could see flavors of Blow Out and Scarface in some of the scenes, which I'll never not like.

I know the sequel has a bad reputation- looking forward to it.

Thanks to u/BrawlMan for letting me know I put this in the wrong forum. Couldn't edit/delete it there and since I plan on watching some of the sequels I just copied it here.
No worries. I know Mission Impossible 2 is love or hate it, but it's not that bad of a movie. At it's worse: a 6 out of 10. I will say the movie did suffer from heavy editing, and John Woo was locked out of the editing room. The movie was supposed to be r-rated and have a run time of 3 hours. The movie studio didn't like that. Which will explain certain plotholes (I know I don't like using that overused term, but it is true in this case), and why the film tends to jump around. You still get some great John Woo style action and you can't go wrong with that. Not to mention, Tom Cruise did about 95% of his own stunts in that movie. I'll take action that is clear as day with heavy use a slow-mo, over the shaky cam crap any day of the week. If you're looking for John Woo's American Best though, seek either Hard Target (get the Blu-ray version, it has more of the violence uncensored) or Face/Off.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
The Corpse of Anna Fritz (2015)

Ok, this movie starts by being the wrong kind of messed up (necrophiliacs at the morgue) and moves into the right kind of messed up (the woman turns out to not be quite dead, and she has to come up with some way of not being murdered by them to cover up their crime).

Spanish film, well acted, especially by the person playing Anna Fritz, low budget, did well for itself, and apparently was pirated lots in the Philippines.

I found out about this film because reviews of it came up when I was looking for people discussing Not Hard Feelings (2023) in which Jennifer Lawrence is hired by parents to have sex with a 19 year old. Which doesn't really seen like the same thing. Stupid AI recommendations.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
No worries. I know Mission Impossible 2 is love or hate it, but it's not that bad of a movie. At it's worse: a 6 out of 10. I will say the movie did suffer from heavy editing, and John Woo was locked out of the editing room. The movie was supposed to be r-rated and have a run time of 3 hours. The movie studio didn't like that. Which will explain certain plotholes (I know I don't like using that overused term, but it is true in this case), and why the film tends to jump around. You still get some great John Woo style action and you can't go wrong with that. Not to mention, Tom Cruise did about 95% of his own stunts in that movie. I'll take action that is clear as day with heavy use a slow-mo, over the shaky cam crap any day of the week. If you're looking for John Woo's American Best though, seek either Hard Target (get the Blu-ray version, it has more of the violence uncensored) or Face/Off.
Oh I know Woo, and Hard Target and Face Off. I dunno if I'd call myself a "fan" but I was pleased to see his name crop up. I didn't realize (or just forgot) that the MI films are a carousel of big shot action directors. The first three are De Palma, Woo, and JJ Abrams.
I also saw that the MI2 writers are Brannon Braga and Ronald D Moore, so this must make it their first non-Star Trek thing. Interesting.. I mean talk about writers and creative directors with whom I have a loooongg history and a LOT of opinions about...
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Heat introduced me to "God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters;" "God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters" introduced me to Moby; Moby introduced me to Electronic music. I was 15 when I saw Heat; I'm 43 now, and Electronic music has been a staple and passion in my life ever since.

Heat was a very important and pivotal moment for me; I can say honestly that it literally changed my life, a kid taking piano lessons with no interest in music to the point that I simply didn't listen to anything save Classical which served as a motivator to study my instrument. The summer of '96, I worked in a lab with my dad, and saved a few hundred dollars to buy my first keyboard, a Yamaha PSR-520. Along with having something to play outside of my piano, I also arranged a version of "God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters." I still have the rough sheet music I scratched out, and the exact settings for the Yamaha PSR-520 in the event I ever come across one again.

You're right, Heat: 10/10.
You probably know this, but God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters is very similar in style to Steve Reich (maybe openly influence by him?), but if you don't try it.

Oh and since this is a video game forum, I'm pretty sure the song was directly reference in the armored core for answer soundtrack since the name and style is very similar.

Last edited:


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Well I did not expect to Steve Reich to pop here but that's cool!

Mission Impossible 2
yeesh lol
Yeah man it deserves its crap reputation for one reason alone: it is not a movie, it is a Tom Cruise commercial. It's 2 hours of "look how cool I am!" Disgusting.
The first movie at least had, like, a story? Drama? Stakes? Yes it was De Palmarifically over the top with like everybody dying but at least Ethan Hunt had motivations, goals, drive?
Here he's on vacation and rock climbing freestyle just because that's why cool guys do. Then he runs around with the sexy thieve and they have a car race and she wants to fuck him and immediately falls in love with him because he's so cool. She's even still in love with him when another dude pretends to be him and convinces her to risk her life for him and she never finds out about that and she's still in love with him- look I don't wanna be the guy that watches an older movie and whines it being problematic but sometimes they make it too ridiculous.

John Woo is parodying himself with the slow diving fun firing and flying pigeons. The villain is preposterous. Every time a character was disguising himself as another character I could tell in 2 seconds and I genuinely don't know if this was on purpose to make the audience feel "smart" or because it was that genuinely incompetent at trying to convey tension or mystery.

One of the reasons I am watching these is because I kinda respect/admire Tom Cruise's crazy doing his own stunts thing. But some of it, especially the fight stuff, is so preposterous that it doesn't matter. At one point he is riding a motorcycle and in order to avoid getting shot, he sort of hops off skids with his feet on the ground while the bike is still moving. I'm not a physicist but I don't think that's how that would work lol.

Hey you know how one of the most made fun of scenes in the original Star Trek was when Kirk drop kicked the Gorn? Well this movie decided that is unironically cool and Cruise does that like 6 times. I mean, humans, not Gorns, but still. And also at one point he does Guile's flash kick. Ok.

My favorite scene was when the bad guys are chasing him and they are driving sport motorcycles. But they just sort of drive AT him and up a ramp to go over him? So that he could shoot them? Wtf was the plan there guys? I know why- so Cruise could just take one bike. It was just a motorcycle delivery service. Preposterous.

MI:2 is is if a midlife crisis was a movie. Motorcycles! Sports cars! Fast hot women! Questionable haircut! I'm surprise he didn't have an angry teenage daughter throwing tantrums.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Mission Impossible 2
yeesh lol
Yeah man it deserves its crap reputation for one reason alone: it is not a movie, it is a Tom Cruise commercial.
You just reminded me that MI: 2 is the only movie in the series that I have yet to watch. Not because I heard it was terrible, I think it was just never on Netflix. Might watch one day for shits and giggles.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Oh, one more MI observation: in each of the first movies, the woman character that Cruise either hooks up with or wants to is very very petite. I don't just mean typical Hollywood thin "unrealistic beauty standards," I mean really just small-framed with cute little gnome faces, the kind of person whose thinness is probably natural and healthy. Since 2 may suggest a trend, I wonder if this was done because Cruise is himself rather short. I'll be reporting in with each film on whether there is a woman above a size 2 and if they ever get a personality.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Well I did not expect to Steve Reich to pop here but that's cool!

Mission Impossible 2
yeesh lol
Yeah man it deserves its crap reputation for one reason alone: it is not a movie, it is a Tom Cruise commercial. It's 2 hours of "look how cool I am!" Disgusting.
The first movie at least had, like, a story? Drama? Stakes? Yes it was De Palmarifically over the top with like everybody dying but at least Ethan Hunt had motivations, goals, drive?
Here he's on vacation and rock climbing freestyle just because that's why cool guys do. Then he runs around with the sexy thieve and they have a car race and she wants to fuck him and immediately falls in love with him because he's so cool. She's even still in love with him when another dude pretends to be him and convinces her to risk her life for him and she never finds out about that and she's still in love with him- look I don't wanna be the guy that watches an older movie and whines it being problematic but sometimes they make it too ridiculous.

John Woo is parodying himself with the slow diving fun firing and flying pigeons. The villain is preposterous. Every time a character was disguising himself as another character I could tell in 2 seconds and I genuinely don't know if this was on purpose to make the audience feel "smart" or because it was that genuinely incompetent at trying to convey tension or mystery.

One of the reasons I am watching these is because I kinda respect/admire Tom Cruise's crazy doing his own stunts thing. But some of it, especially the fight stuff, is so preposterous that it doesn't matter. At one point he is riding a motorcycle and in order to avoid getting shot, he sort of hops off skids with his feet on the ground while the bike is still moving. I'm not a physicist but I don't think that's how that would work lol.

Hey you know how one of the most made fun of scenes in the original Star Trek was when Kirk drop kicked the Gorn? Well this movie decided that is unironically cool and Cruise does that like 6 times. I mean, humans, not Gorns, but still. And also at one point he does Guile's flash kick. Ok.

My favorite scene was when the bad guys are chasing him and they are driving sport motorcycles. But they just sort of drive AT him and up a ramp to go over him? So that he could shoot them? Wtf was the plan there guys? I know why- so Cruise could just take one bike. It was just a motorcycle delivery service. Preposterous.

MI:2 is is if a midlife crisis was a movie. Motorcycles! Sports cars! Fast hot women! Questionable haircut! I'm surprise he didn't have an angry teenage daughter throwing tantrums.
IIRC (and it's been awhile), MI2 is a guilty pleasure of mine, it doesn't hurt that I think Thandie Newton is hot even still (see Westworld).

Also, have you seen/heard the Metallica MI2 tie-in song that's in the same vibe as the movie


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
You probably know this, but God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters is very similar in style to Steve Reich (maybe openly influence by him?), but if you don't try it.

Oh and since this is a video game forum, I'm pretty sure the song was directly reference in the armored core for answer soundtrack since the name and style is very similar.

Yes, I am very familiar with Steve Reich, but had never heard the soundtrack for (nor played) Armored Core. Absolutely beautiful. Too bad it's glossed over by gameplay that demands 100% of your attention elsewhere. Thank you for sharing; I've added it to my YouTube favorites for quick reference later!
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Yes OMG I didn't even talk about the music...

I'm one of those old-school Metallica fans who feels that the further they go away from METAL the lamer they are. All old-school Metallica fans have their cut-off the point, the point at which the band got lame, and mine is the Load/Reload era. I Disapper encapsulates everything about lame Metallica, especially Hetfield's exaggerated adding an extra vowel at the end of every line singing.

But also I love the parallels at who is covering the MI theme for the first two movies: U2 in the first, Limp freaking Bizket for the second. Both bands slightly past their commercial peak trying to stay relevant. U2's music, like the first MI movie, tries to have it both ways with genuine craft and populist entertainment, while Limp Bizkit, like MI2, is just interested in the lowest common denominator.


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
It's 2 hours of "look how cool I am!"
Hah. I almost posted this very sentence earlier, to warn you, and then didn't want to get involved (in advance). Actually, I wouldn't have directed it at Cruise specifically, but I remember the movie itself as trying really way too hard to look super cool in every scene.

I really thought the whole series would be awful at this point. And it was almost uncomfortable to be progressively more contradicted by the next movies. The 3rd one is quite okay. The following ones are shockingly enjoyable.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
@Old_Hunter_77, like I told you before, Mission Impossible 2 is love or hate it. I can see why people dislike it, or like it at the same time. There are many factors of why this movie is a mess, and I've already explained it. Woo is barely at fault, as he was locked out of the editing room for a majority of the process. So he couldn't even have a final say on his own action sequences. The fault really lies on the studio and Tom Cruise himself. I couldn't blame you going back to Hong Kong filming after this. He still did some American productions, but that involved his Hard Boiled spin-off video game, which is actually good.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Halloween Ends

What a weird note to end the new 'trilogy'. It's bookended by Laurie Strode and Michael Myers but it's not really about either of them. The real protagonist is some Corey Cunningham, who accidentally killed a kid on Halloween (I think it's supposed to be during Michael's rampage in Halloween Kills) and 4 years later he's a deadbeat being bullied and ostracized by the community. Laurie takes pity on him and sets him up with her granddaughter, who also kinda hates Haddonfield. I'd hate it too. It's more comical than sad that Corey and Laurie can't walk across the street without running into some asshole. I'd get outta there in a heartbeat.

The majority of the movie is just this grungy YA love story about (young, handsome) misfits. Michael shows up around 40 minutes to mentor Corey in the ways of the Dark Side. I thought it was a weird choice that they go to a packed theater so Michael can tell him the tragedy of Darth Plagueis. I don't quite buy this mystical link between the two of them, or the way the movie treats evil like it's contagious.

Still better than Kills though.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Halloween Ends

What a weird note to end the new 'trilogy'. It's bookended by Laurie Strode and Michael Myers but it's not really about either of them. The real protagonist is some Corey Cunningham, who accidentally killed a kid on Halloween (I think it's supposed to be during Michael's rampage in Halloween Kills) and 4 years later he's a deadbeat being bullied and ostracized by the community. Laurie takes pity on him and sets him up with her granddaughter, who also kinda hates Haddonfield. I'd hate it too. It's more comical than sad that Corey and Laurie can't walk across the street without running into some asshole. I'd get outta there in a heartbeat.

The majority of the movie is just this grungy YA love story about (young, handsome) misfits. Michael shows up around 40 minutes to mentor Corey in the ways of the Dark Side. I thought it was a weird choice that they go to a packed theater so Michael can tell him the tragedy of Darth Plagueis. I don't quite buy this mystical link between the two of them, or the way the movie treats evil like it's contagious.

Still better than Kills though.
That "mystical link" bullcrap sounds like just a cult of thorn tattoo rehashed from Halloween 5 and 6. Sounds way dumber than whatever the hell happened in Kills, and just as bad as dumb as H5 and H6. Glad I stopped watching after H2018. As far as I'm concerned, that is where the timeline is now.