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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Just got back from Talk to Me. This may sound like an exaggeration, but this may be the scariest movie I've seen in theaters. Granted, I can probably count the number of horror movies I've watched in theaters on one hand, but that doesn't take away from just how scary this movie was. It didn't use a lot, if any, jump scares, either. It was pure atmosphere and realistic acting, along with WTF scenarios. Highly recommend to any horror fan. It really did speak to me.

On a related note, I have a feeling that those plastic hands that they sell as props around Halloween time are going to fucking haunt me this year.
This is the kind of endorsement that'll send me straight to the theater. Asking the gf now if she wants to do a date night tonight.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 (7/10)

The movie adaptation of the first part of the titular graphic novel.

I don't have much to say about this. It's decent enough - Bats returns to Gotham as an oldie (sometime in the mid-20th century) to fight, um, evil mutants who are doing evil things in evil ways. That's really the plot in a nutshell. Also, he gets a new Robin named Carrie Kelly who, to be frank, is barely a character, and has an insanely short initiation cycle, not to mention that she still has parents.

Still, there's a number of elements of this film that push it into "good" territory. First, the OST - the menu theme by alone is fantastic, and I found myself replaying it, and I can't seem to find the track on YouTube, because we can't have nice things. Second, there's a number of moments that elicited chuckles from me via interviews throughout the piece. I'm assuming these reflect Frank Miller's politics (from what I understand, Miller's a bit of a controversial figure), so YMMV as to how you react to them, but you basically have a psychiatrist sprouting jargon ("Batman is punctuating the membrane of civil society, engaging in erotic engagements with the criminal underworld," or something) or interviews such as (paraphrased):

-Interviewee: "Batman is a thug. We need to reintegrate these people into society."

Interviewer: Do you live in [the crime stricken areas]?

Interviewee: God no!

Again, little pokes at "bleeding heart liberals" or whatever term you might prefer. And yes, call me a terrible person, but these got plenty of chuckles from me.
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Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
First I must reveal that nowadays I live in a small town of maybe 3k-ish people, but we actually have a movie theater here that actually shows new movies. So I went there to see Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning, A Tom Cruise Production, Part 1.

Begins with a the pre-titles sequence, a pretty long one (but the movie is long too) and it's some cheesy stuff, but the movie paces itself really well in the first act (airport) in my opinion. Because at least for me it requires a bit of settling in to all this wild hacking stuff and master thievery. I mean, the pickpocketing still gets a bit old by the end. Anyway, the movie gets tense, I can get into the battle against the Entity, and it gets a bit funny too at times, but the hand-to-hand fighting going about I'm not buying. Zola is the only one who looks like his face has been smacked in. They all fight so much and not a scratch on them until the final blow if that is coming. Hunt clearly beats this one hired merc to hospital condition, but fuck it there they are kicking more ass on the next day. Similarly (big spoiler) And Gabriel killing a sword-wielding Ilsa, c'mon. I'm the first guy to get annoyed by overcompetent female action heroes, but Ilsa shoud've sushied (that's a word alright?) that guy. The Dutch angles are pretty funny. Some of the dialogue editing is weird on purpose. 7/10

It's decent enough - Bats returns to Gotham as an oldie (sometime in the mid-20th century) to fight, um, evil mutants who are doing evil things in evil ways.
I think it's supposed to be set in the 80s. Y'know Batman is in his mid thirties in the 60s tv show and so on (I recall Miller saying this himself in a documentary interview. Also Batman's flying machine has "digital systems" or something like that.).
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Ditching the numbers in the title, Ving Rhames, any tiny/skinny-ass love interests, any famous pop/rock musicians for the soundtrack, and any remaining attempts at subtlety in the plot (total nuclear holocaust!), we have what for me is the most pleasant entry in the series so far. They did all the stuff I want, especially crazy-ass Tom Cruise doing some crazy shit- this time climbing the tallest building in the world with one sticky glove lol.

The game has three parts in three great locales- Moscos, Dubai, and Mumbai- which helps pace the movie real well with telegraphed suggested bathroom breaks. Darren Mooney talked about in one of the streams about how these movies tend to have their best parts in the middle and that is certainly true here. The whole Dubai section was the series' highlight for sure. Not just the skyscraper climbing, but also the whole thing where they fake a meeting by faking two meetings, and the ensuing get aways and fights- it was all very very good.

Mooney also talked about how supposedly the plan was for Cruise to give way to Renner in this movie and be replaced but he just refused- wikipedia didn't say anything about that and it's all the research I'm willing to do about it, but I didn't really feel that way so whatever drama and re-edits were handled behind the scene is came out pretty well.

The only thing I didn't like was the last scene where they show his wife and really I didn't need that, it's not as if these movies have any character development or continuity worth a damn. Maybe some nerds woulda been like "what happened to his wife" but that would be lame, who cares, the non-action women in these movies don't matter.

Speaking of action women, I love any scene where there is an infiltration or a heist and the hot action chick goes to a fancy party in a killer dress and pretends to be just some hot chick but is really doing spy stuff. This movie has it, the last one had it, it's all great.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Mission Impossibles Rogue Nation and Fallout

Ghost Protocol seems to have set the standard because the next two movies are, for better and worse, "more of the same." Mostly better because I enjoyed them. They are serialized: Sean Harris and Rebecca Ferguson appear as villain and ally, respectively, in both of these, cementing stability and continuity in style and plot.
This was a really pleasant surprise because I'm a fan of both actors. Harris played the role of Ian Curtis, the tragic/beloved singer of Joy Division in 24 Hour Party People, one of the best movies about rock music ever. Ferguson stars in Silo, a show I enjoy and got my whole family into.

The presence of Ferguson's character is a much needed addition- finally a woman on Ethan Hunt's level. They really drive that point home by having her save his ass twice. That is why, plot-wise and dramatically, Rogue Nation is the best movie in the series, IMO.

Fallout is just MORE, which is fine, and we get Henry Cavill which is a funny coincidence because just a couple of days ago I watched the last of his Witcher episodes so I have a Cavill-rific weekend. Of course his fight scenes are good but I was amused to hear him push through forcing and American accent lol (and yeah as I type that I realize he had to do that to play Superman but I honestly do not remember those movies that's how lame they were).

Having Alec Baldwin and Angela Bassett play grizzled bosses are just.. yeah, of course that's what you do, that seems about right.

In terms of set pieces and action, the extended multi-part vehicles chase scene in Paris was a standout. The underwater thing was an interesting idea did go a bit over the line for me in suspending disbelief but that's fine. The most pleasant surprise in a fight scene was the dude fighting both Cruise and Cavill simultaneously- and winning! Yes that scene is the one that was memed with Cavill doing the arm-cock moment, but really it was cool just having some nobody be the best fighter in the whole series.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
They Cloned Tyone

Netflix movie staring John Boyega, Jamie Foxx, and Teyonah Parris (Mad Men, Dear White People (the movie)).
There is now a whole sub-genre of sci-fi/horror comedy told from black perspectives. So if you like the stuff that Joran Peele does and Lovecraft Country and Boots Riely's move from music to film, then this is right up that alley.
It's... ok. Pretty entertaining. Plot is three low-level criminals discover a crazy science experiment conspiracy to control black people. The entertainment is in the one-off gags and performances. The socio-political commentary is extremely heavy handed (not a criticism at all from me, this is a satire), both aimed at black cultural stereotypes and systematic inequities.
All of that is me trying to sound smart, mostly you get three great performances making a lot of jokes and doing gags.
Ultimately the story kind of falls apart and doesn't make much sense, as usually these types of movies that try to do high concept and over the top entertainment. The films looks cool- it is retro-futuristic, set in every decade from the 70s until now at the same time (i.e., Jamie Foxx is dressed like Superfly while talking about the Blockchain). So that is the movie just telling you to relax and go along with the ride.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
You know who's an underrated professional villain? Thomas Kretschmann. Waltz and Mikkelsen hit it big with Basterds and Hannibal and get A-list cred despite phoning it in ever since in just about anything that needs a nazi or a eurotrash baddie.

Kretschmann has gone up against Jack Bauer, Captain America, Indiana Jones, Blade, King Kong and Tom Hanks, played like half the nazi high rank (Goebbels, Eichmann, Remer, Fegelein) and was both Dracula AND Van Helsing in two different movies. Dude probably has the best bad guy CV in the business.

Anyway, watched Greyhound on Apple TV+.

The plot is so thin I'm surprised it's adapted off a C.S. Forester novel. Written by Tom Hanks too. Weird.

It's 90 minutes of Hanks barking orders aboard a US battleship while trying to sink a bunch of German U-boats. Take away a flashback of Elisabeth Shue as the darling back home and that's about it. It looks like a movie but it doesn't play like a movie. There's nothing in the way of drama really. You could throw in talking heads now and then and it would make for a solid WW2 dramatization.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
You know who's an underrated professional villain? Thomas Kretschmann. Waltz and Mikkelsen hit it big with Basterds and Hannibal and get A-list cred despite phoning it in ever since in just about anything that needs a nazi or a eurotrash baddie.

Kretschmann has gone up against Jack Bauer, Captain America, Indiana Jones, Blade, King Kong and Tom Hanks, played like half the nazi high rank (Goebbels, Eichmann, Remer, Fegelein) and was both Dracula AND Van Helsing in two different movies. Dude probably has the best bad guy CV in the business.
Oh, the old vampire in Blade 2, and the main bad guy in Resident Evil: Apocalypse? Yeah, does a good job, but best for villains in bad movies, if you know what I mean.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Yeah, does a good job, but best for villains in bad movies, if you know what I mean.
That shade better be thrown at RE: Apocolypse. Blade 2 is a great movie. The only thing that sucks about it is some of the dated CG with certain fights scenes. Why they couldn't have used wires for the characters to do certain flips is beyond me.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
That shade better be thrown at RE: Apocolypse. Blade 2 is a great movie. The only thing that sucks about it is some of the dated CG with certain fights scenes. Why they couldn't have used wires for the characters to do certain flips is beyond me.
In Blade 2 I couldn't recognise him, so yeah.

Though, there's arguments to be made that Blade is the better movie, despite Blade 2 having much more style.
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Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
I think we can all agree that whether there is a debate between Blade and Blade 2, Blade Trinity is definitely the worst.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Though, there's arguments to be made that Blade is the better movie, despite Blade 2 having much more style.
Blade is the better movie, don't get me wrong, but 2 is almost up there, if not for the worse CGI than the first movie.

I think we can all agree that whether there is a debate between Blade and Blade 2, Blade Trinity is definitely the worst.
Certainly! Not even Snipes will defend nowadays. Mainly his and studios faults on Trinity's quality. The Blade TV series and the Blade Anime are better than Trinity. The Anime in particular I find on par with the first movie.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Blade is the better movie, don't get me wrong, but 2 is almost up there, if not for the worse CGI than the first movie.
I'm not sure. Blade 2 just looks so much better, and for I while I though that was the best because of it. OTOH, Blade's story might be better.

Certainly! Not even Snipes will defend nowadays. Mainly his and studios faults on Trinity's quality. The Blade TV series and the Blade Anime are better than Trinity. The Anime in particular I find on par with the first movie.
Apparently some of Ryan Reynolds' dialogue about Blade hating him was really out of character stuff he was saying about Wesley Snipes hating him, and they just kept it in cause it worked.

Though, Ryan Reynolds being Ryan Reynolds led to a great scene where he's captured, and Blade storms the vampire's base, sees him chained up, looks and him and then just walks by, not bothering to untie him. Best part of that film.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'm not sure. Blade 2 just looks so much better, and for I while I though that was the best because of it. OTOH, Blade's story might be better.
I'm not complaining about the overall look on Blade 2. My main problem is the CGI being real bad and obvious, even by 2002 standards.

Mainly here. You could tell where the CG begins and where ends it, even back then. That's the worse the CG ever gets, but it still distracting so early on. Which is crazy, because everything else holds up fine. Blade I do consider the better movie mainly for pacing, story, and action. Blade 2 does have better action in certain regards, but that first fight scene with vampire elite, does not hold up well when it's not them physically there. Blade 2's story is not bad, but nothing more than a personal preference of mine. I will say that I love Nomak over Frost, and consider him the best villain of the trilogy.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Oppenheimer in the theater.

Story of the theorist utilized to create the atomic bomb to defeat Nazi Germany. Not finished with the bomb until AFTER Nazi Germany fell. And then they nuke 2 Japanese cities.

The movie is gorgeous. It is a fun 3 hour watch. Cillian Murphy does a terrific job as the titular character. He has a mesmerizing presence. But...
the final 1/3 is about Oppenheimer being railroaded by the government for advising we proceed carefully with the existence of this world killer weapon. In reality, he had enough Communist connections that it was prudent that he not have a security clearance.



The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Oppenheimer in the theater.

Story of the theorist utilized to create the atomic bomb to defeat Nazi Germany. Not finished with the bomb until AFTER Nazi Germany fell. And then they nuke 2 Japanese cities.

The movie is gorgeous. It is a fun 3 hour watch. Cillian Murphy does a terrific job as the titular character. He has a mesmerizing presence. But...
the final 1/3 is about Oppenheimer being railroaded by the government for advising we proceed carefully with the existence of this world killer weapon. In reality, he had enough Communist connections that it was prudent that he not have a security clearance.

I feel like BOTH things in the spoiler are true.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Richard III (1995)

Great movie with Ian McKellen playing the title character as a magnificent bastard. One of the funniest movies to have the lead constantly breaking the fourth wall. Everything about this movie just jumps out to me. The violence is grisly and bizarre, isolated in surreal, silent vignettes (since most of it in the play happens off-stage, the movie fills in the blanks in macabre ways). The costumes and art direction make up this weird alternate history England caught between gaudy decadence and sexy fascism. It has an uncanny yet familiar look, like when Ghibli makes a movie "set in Europe". And it has a refreshing way of breaking up the play's monologues and acts into sequences of scenes that tighten the action and make clever use of each location.

I also have a theory that any movie that begins with the characters arriving one by one at a party is probably going to be awesome.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Evil Dead Rise

These movies are becoming parodies of themselves, because with the subject matter - like so many long running horror series’s - there’s only so many ways to skin a cat.

Clueless idiot stumbles upon book of the damned and out of curiosity lets the evil out: check

Demon does the evil possessed sounding voice, weirdo body contortions, wall clinging, vomiting, impersonation of meat puppet as trickery, etc : check

Chainsaw finale with protagonist covered in blood: check

“Surprise!” ending: check

That said, it’s good if you know what you’re in for, because that’s basically all it is besides a new setting and new protagonist. The torch has been passed on from Bruce and while I’m not sure of future plans for the series, from this perspective it should be in good hands. Casting was good because by the end she actually kinda looks like she could be his daughter, maybe? I doubt/hope they don’t really go there though because *cliches*.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
They Cloned Tyrone: Silly / Great

A drug dealer, a hooker, and her pimp discover a large-scale plot wherein black people are being cloned under their city in an attempt to maintain the status quo and "keep the black man down."

Basically, a blaxploitation film for the modern era. It's as ridiculous as it sounds. I laughed a lot, though not for the humor, rather the sheer ridiculousness of it all and the caricatures they paint of the stereotypical impoverished black neighborhood. A part of me wanted to be offended, but I couldn't dignify this film with such a serious feeling. Watch the trailer below and spare yourself laughing at the expense of reasonable black people like myself for the full 2 hours.



Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts: Fun / Great

Probably my favorite of all the Transformers movies, and that's not saying much; I also have a favorite pair of underwear. Mirage and the scene where he turns into a Formula 1 car for a second made me giddy, and it has some good action. I was entertained.