Discuss and Rate the Last Film You Watched

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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I think it's only fair to say that it's not HIS assassination of Lex. I mean, someone wrote that shit for him to say, someone green lit that persona as well, as they thought it was working for the mood of the film. It's highly likely that Jessie didn't even like the portrayal, and maybe even spoke up about ways to change it, but was shot down, because he's just an actor. I vaguely recall hearing mention about Ben getting frustrated with the production, as he, a director/writer in his own right with considerable talent, apparently tried to do some tweaks with the story, etc, but was shot down. So, it's entirely possible Jessie was just, doing a job, as he was contractually obligated to do. With little to no input on how he was to portray the character. Which happens a lot more in the acting world than I think we realize.

In the fan-spheres, we often describe characters as if they are the brain child of the actor themselves, when it's more often the character is already fleshed out, and the actor is just, well...ACTING like the script instructs.
Okay, that’s fair. Eisenberg is the vessel through which Zack Snyder assassinated Lex Luthor.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Blade: Trinity

Why is there a blind woman in charge of the security cameras?
I have no fucking idea. Blade Trinity gets worse every year. Honestly, skip it and either watch the live action tv series, which unfortunately only lasted one season. Or the 12 episode Blade anime. Either are more worth your time than the garbage heap that is Trinity. The only good thing about Trinity was the first time I was introduced to Ryan Reynolds.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
Equal Opportunity employer?

Does she at least have the ability to feel shit through her feet like Toph from Avatar?

I haven't seen Blade Trinity for years, honestly.
She could feel her shoes and the floor, but that's about it.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
So I just finished Blade: Trinity.

1) Jessica Biel plays Whistler's daughter, but the blood relation is completely pointless. She doesn't have any scenes with Kristofferson. She never talks to him, or about him, nor does she have any reaction to his death. It's pointless trivia and doesn't affect the plot in any way.

2) Ryan Reynolds really is trying to pull the rug under everyone's feet with his comedy shtick. He basically steals the movie from Snipes. And he has zero chemistry with him or Biel - you know, the trinity of the title. I don't think Snipes ever even acknowledges the character. He's the narrator of the movie too, quite randomly, bookending it with a monologue that I think was meants to alleviate such a weaksauce ending.

3) The Prison Break guy has got to be the most boring, least intimidating rendition of Dracula I've ever seen on film. Parker Posey acts triathlons around him and should've been the lead villain.

4) The narrative just has no steam - it's just a bunch of sidequests (do this, now do that) that barely connect and don't add up to anything. Most of it boils down to rescuing someone and then sitting around until somebody else needs rescuing. Rescue Blade. Rescue King. Rescue a random little girl nobody gives a shit about.

5) Is it that much of a benefit being a vampire? You get shot or stabbed anywhere in the body (with silver, to be sure) and you instantly explode. Grazed by a knife to the arm? Boom, you're dead. Conversely human characters can tank a ridiculous amount of damage in this movie.

Equal Opportunity employer?

Does she at least have the ability to feel shit through her feet like Toph from Avatar?

I haven't seen Blade Trinity for years, honestly.
She has a specialized keyboard and at one point gives a presentation on the computer, but no way of *using* the security monitors surrounding her desk. Guy just waltzes past the cameras one night and murders her. I don't get it.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Blade: Trinity

Why is there a blind woman in charge of the security cameras?
Funny story. The bit where Hannibal King says “He hates me, doesn’t he?” was not in the script and was just Reynolds asking Biel or the director about Wesley Snipes.

Like I love Blade Trinity but it is a fucking stupid movie. But between Snipes playing an unintentional straight man to Reynolds and Parker Posey and Triple H as the primary villains it’s at least fun to watch. Deliriously stupid and goofy, but I won’t deny it’s a fun time.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
I don't think Snipes ever even acknowledges the character.
Ryan Reynolds is painfully unfunny in this, but there's one sorta kinda good scene. Not one sorta kinda good scene with Ryan Reynolds, one sorta kinda good scene in the entire movie, that just happens to have him in it.

After spending the entire film wishing they'd kill him off, he's captured by the vampires and he's going on about how his friends will rescue him. Wesley Snipes blasts his way in, looks at Reynolds chained to the floor and then keeps walking. I'm totally on board with that.

Watched the Blade trilogy the other week, as it happens, by which I meant I got the three dvds out, watched the first two and then looked for something else.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
2) Ryan Reynolds really is trying to pull the rug under everyone's feet with his comedy shtick. He basically steals the movie from Snipes. And he has zero chemistry with him or Biel - you know, the trinity of the title. I don't think Snipes ever even acknowledges the character. He's the narrator of the movie too, quite randomly, bookending it with a monologue that I think was meants to alleviate such a weaksauce ending.t.
From what I've heard, Snipes was a nightmare to work with on that film. Just refusing to actually WORK with anyone really. Being high as shit the entire time, reclusive, always talking in 3rd person as Blade. Refusing to open his eyes during a closeup scene where they had to CGI eyes opening. Just, a pure pain in the ass. So it doesn't surprise me that there is no chemistry between the leads, with that kind of tension on set, they probably were just trying to get through each take.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Let Him Go: Ok / Great

Story about two parents (Kevin Costner and Diane Lane) whose live-in son is killed in a horse-riding accident leaving behind their infant grandson and daughter-in-law. Fast-forward a few years, their daughter-in-law remarries, and moves away with their grandson. Lane suspects the new husband of abuse, and soon after, the husband surreptitiously whisks the widow and child away to live with his family (the Weboys.) Lane decides to track them down in an effort to get their grandson back, but the new husband’s family is… well, let’s just say “scary.” Not a bad film; actually does tension well enough to raise my level of anxiety to noticeable levels, but I feel it suffers from a slow build; too much is done to set the stage, and not enough when the director calls “action.” We learn that the Weboys have a reputation, but we never really learn where that reputation stems from or how far their ostensible influence reaches; they just end up being this really creepy, relatively small group of people serving as the antagonists. Worth the watch if only to say you’ve seen it.

Ammonite: Very British / British

A 19th century, antisocial, female paleontologist (Kate Winslet) begrudgingly takes in a fellow intellectual’s ailing wife while he goes away for a month. The younger woman (Saoirse Ronan) [somehow] melts Winslets icy exterior and their relationship become GRAPHICALLY romantic; we’re talking softcore porn at points. It serves well enough as a story, but in typical British drama fashion, most of the development and story is told through telling glances and thunderous silence. Most “British drama” I’ve seen, though admittedly, that is few. Watch it if you want to.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Dead Space: Downfall

Nice, crisp character designs ala Atlantis but the animation is really choppy and everything that isn't a character looks like cheap FMV background assets from an early 3D 90s adventure game. It's a pretty cheap looking movie, frankly. And while it barely passes for a movie, it's also more than just a plug-in for the videogame. The story is threadbare and does little more than show the carnage on the Ishimura prior to Isaac's arrival, but to be fair there's some decent gore in there. I still don't understand whole business with Markers, Necromorphs and Unitologists. To the degree that I do understand, I don't care.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Dead Space: Aftermath

Set between DS1 and DS2, takes us through a Rashomon-style plot where 4 characters are interrogated about yet another Marker horror show. Once more the exact same discoveries are made with the exact same results; the flashbacks are little more than novelties to try mix things up. Because the flashbacks rarely overlap and one account doensn't affect or change our perception of another, this feels less like the intended Rashomon plot and more like simply filling in the blanks in a sequential, predictable order.

Now about the animation. This was delegated to and handled by a bunch of Korean studios, which is the kind of joke I've heard about in Family Guy and the Clerks series but never actually seen one (that I knew of). Hence the pseudo anime look. But once more it's a pretty choppy, inexpressive animation, with weird disconnect between movement and intent, or what a character is saying vs. what they're doing. The narrative frame is rendered in cheap, untextured 3D animatronics that look like Foodfight assets while the flashbacks are traditional 2D animations. Each of the flashbacks features (inexplicably) different designs for the characters, marked enough to notice but not to the point the changes mean anything.

Where Downfall at least felt close to a movie on its own right, Aftermath just feels like a glorified commercial for the games (as well as EA's Dante's Inferno, which a character poignantly plays in several scenes). Cheap, ugly, messy and not worth your time.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I watched The Karate Kid again for the first time in decades, and boy, that movie's kinda lame. Not that I ever thought otherwise though. Pat Morita is obviously pretty entertaining, but the only other memorable thing about this movie is that Elizabeth Shue does a damn sweet backflip in that's way more impressive than any of the karate stuff.

I also watched The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, which is really damn good. As a compilation of short stories this is one of the few where they actually work in correlation to one another. Starting it off with an almost Looney Tunes-esque character who appears invulnerable and very much aware of being in a wild west movie... who then totally gets killed sets the tone perfectly for the audience. Every story ends with the death of a character, and each following story sets a worry in you as to who. The best example is the third story and the fourth. The third story is the most dark and depressing one and ends with the death of a character who is completely depended on the person who ends up killing him for survival and is utterly helpless to stop his grissly fate. The fourth story seemingly ends with the death of a character who equally does not deserve to be done in like that, and coming off of the third story it seems to be the way of things in this harsh environment. But then it suddenly surprises you with this very positive and victorious outcome.

Real good movie. I don't know how well it lends itself for a rewatch though, seeing as the surprise as to how each story would end made it so gripping for me.


Elite Member
Apr 25, 2020
Watching bits and pieces of Batman v Superman, and I still don't think its the absolute worse movie ever that the mainstream and youtubers like moviebob make it out to be.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Watching bits and pieces of Batman v Superman, and I still don't think its the absolute worse movie ever that the mainstream and youtubers like moviebob make it out to be.
No, but I find it average.

I watched The Karate Kid again for the first time in decades, and boy, that movie's kinda lame. Not that I ever thought otherwise though. Pat Morita is obviously pretty entertaining, but the only other memorable thing about this movie is that Elizabeth Shue does a damn sweet backflip in that's way more impressive than any of the karate stuff.
I have a huge soft spot for The Karate Kid. It has its flaws, but I still watch the movie on a good day. III and Next Karate Kid are different ball game though. III was when you can tell they were just milking with Danny one more time with not much new. Next was just a lazy remake of the first movie acting as a sequel. Though my mom and brother love Next.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Watching bits and pieces of Batman v Superman, and I still don't think its the absolute worse movie ever that the mainstream and youtubers like moviebob make it out to be.
It's really bad in the way that I can't fathom how anyone could have ever made such a movie. Every single idea that was put into the movie was like someone rolling a 1 on a D20 every single time and critically failing. And I saw it at the Thursday night showings before the official Friday release, which was before any youtubers made a single video. Sure, there's worse movies made by people that suck at making movies and have basically no money, but I understand how a those movies got to that point of badness. I was the most confused walking out the theater that day and it had nothing to do with plot.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Watching bits and pieces of Batman v Superman, and I still don't think its the absolute worse movie ever that the mainstream and youtubers like moviebob make it out to be.
The amount of money you earn on YouTube is directly correlated to how outraged you get at media

Because that what we, as a society, really like. Outrage, not truth


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Because that what we, as a society, really like. Outrage, not truth
I prefer the truth than blind outrage over nothing. Sure, I admit to liking some angry reviews back in the late 2000s (be they games or movies), but they got old and I did not bother clinging on them like a child's teddy bear. A review can still be entertaining, but blind rage wangsting about how everything sucks, or there is "too much diversity" is boring, bastardizing, bullshit.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Watching bits and pieces of Batman v Superman, and I still don't think its the absolute worse movie ever that the mainstream and youtubers like moviebob make it out to be.
It’s not the worst movie, mainstream or otherwise, ever made. However when one looks at the talent involved, the breadth of material and historical works, and the sheer cultural impact and enduring popularity - Superman for example is one of the most recognisable fictional characters ever, alongside Sherlock Holmes and Robin Hood - of the characters the movie is about, and yes even the money spent. Then it is a far worse movie than it should by any logic be.

The DCAU managed to tell a more compelling tale about the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight meeting each other in 61 minutes than BvS did in nearly three hours. That movie got away from them big time.