Reminds me of All Star Batman and Robin.It’s not the worst movie, mainstream or otherwise, ever made. However when one looks at the talent involved, the breadth of material and historical works, and the sheer cultural impact and enduring popularity - Superman for example is one of the most recognisable fictional characters ever, alongside Sherlock Holmes and Robin Hood - of the characters the movie is about, and yes even the money spent. Then it is a far worse movie than it should by any logic be.
The DCAU managed to tell a more compelling tale about the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight meeting each other in 61 minutes than BvS did in nearly three hours. That movie got away from them big time.
You have Batman and Robin, set in an origin story so none of the continuity baggage.
You have Frank Miller, the guy that made The Dark Knight Returns, "The bestest batman comic book everz"
You have Jim Lee working on the art, one of the greatest comic book artist ever (can't deny his impact at least)
Clearly All Star Batman and Robin had so much going for it to be the best Batman thing ever......and then the comic came out....
(But to be honest I like the comic as a guilty pleasure/so bad its good kind of thing, though I prefer BvS over All Star Batman)