Discuss and Rate the Last Thing You Watched (non-movies)


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Hawkeye (3/5)

So, yeah. Suffice to say, the show's arrow doesn't hit the bullseye.
Wait, that's a 3 out of 5? Not that I disagree with the rest of the review. I think this was the first D+ show that I really felt had no business being a series instead of a short movie.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Wait, that's a 3 out of 5? Not that I disagree with the rest of the review. I think this was the first D+ show that I really felt had no business being a series instead of a short movie.
The ratings I use have simple equivalents:

1/5 = Terrible
2/5 = Bad
3/5 = Okay
4/5 = Good
5/5 = Excellent

I can't really call Hawkeye a "bad" show. It's dull, it's tedious, it's fairly banal, but none of its faults are enough to make it "bad." Hence, 3/5


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
If you've not watched "class of 07" yet you are seriously missing out. Possibly one of the best shows I've seen in a long long time. It's the kind of show Avenue 5 should have been, like non-stop laugh/cryfest. The first season is done.


Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Lockwood & Co. - Netflix

A British teen action drama. Ghosts appeared and started killing people by touch in what the British dubbed "the problem" 50 years ago, and during this time ghost hunting has become a new profession, for which children are particularly suited as younger people have a greater affinity to sense ghosts.

The show goes into some detail about the weaknesses of ghosts. Ghosts will kill you if they so much as touch you, however they are not able to to touch silver or iron, and they can be temporarily dispelled with magnesium fire or salt. So given that this problem has been around for 50 years surely people have invented all sorts of interesting gadgets and methods to fight the ghosts and defend themselves right?


The children fight ghosts using rapiers (well, they call them rapiers in the show, but they mostly seem to be small swords), and when they find the source of the ghost's presence they surround it with an iron chain and then cover it with a silver net. That is the extent of their technological progress over 50 years. It's like someone came up with this method in the first week of the ghost issue and then everyone went "golly good" and never attempted to improve anything in any way, and it really annoyed me.

If a ghost touching you will kill you, but ghosts can't touch silver then why isn't every ghost hunter wearing silver armor? It wouldn't even be expensive. You could just electroplate plastic with silver, it would maybe cost a few hundred bucks. Why are they using rapiers when they don't actually need to stab or cut the ghost? If you just need to swing some iron or silver at it then surely it doesn't have to be a sword? Once again, one could just electroplate a fiberglass rod with silver and it would be lighter, faster, and would work just as well against ghosts. If the ghosts can be temporarily dispelled by salt why is no one carrying around a shotgun with rock salt?

Anyway, the show is fine as far as teen dramas go, but clearly the writers didn't think much about the way things work in the world past "there's ghosts now I guess."


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Just saw the Dungeons and Dragons Honnor Among Thieves movie and i can honestly say that it was a great time. The movie wont blow anyway away with awesomeness, but it's funny, lighthearted, and absolutely enjoyable start to finish. I enjoyed every minute of the movie and was really surprised consider these kinds of films dont have a great track record. But it's really awesome and I would easily recommend it to anyone and it's a must watch if you play DnD.


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
For me, the best cinemawins are always the ones about movies I don't like.



Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
Just saw the Dungeons and Dragons Honnor Among Thieves movie and i can honestly say that it was a great time. The movie wont blow anyway away with awesomeness, but it's funny, lighthearted, and absolutely enjoyable start to finish. I enjoyed every minute of the movie and was really surprised consider these kinds of films dont have a great track record. But it's really awesome and I would easily recommend it to anyone and it's a must watch if you play DnD.
This is "non-movies"! Y'know they've banned people for less!

Anyway. For once the national broadcaster put my tax money into good use and made a docu-series about four autistic people living about their lives. The cast has two "typical" asocial guys with niche interests, but they can lead a life just fine. Then you have a mental case who funny enough has no problem socializing and having fun with friends but is oh so neurotic about doing anything else that nothing ever gets done. And then there is Topi on the other end of the spectrum: blurts out anything on his mind, speaks with catchphrases, (claims that he) has watched 8000 movies, only eats carrots and pizza if given the choice. But some of those catchphrases caught on tape are pretty epic such as:

"The back is everything. Lose your back and you lose physical work and must become an office rat and let your soul die."

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
"The back is everything. Lose your back and you lose physical work and must become an office rat and let your soul die."
That's a pretty great quote.

I have to say though, as an office rat myself, you still definitely need your back. Having lower back paid still sucks even when you're sitting, which is why I actually started using a standing desk at the office.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Agent Elvis

Basically an Adult Swim toon centered around the title character and other popular figures from the late 60’s & early 70’s, including Charlie Manson and Nixon. And a coke-fueled monkey named Scatter. Often quippy and quite explicit, it was a fun nightcap while it lasted. No word on a second season yet, but the ending fit either way.


Only on the fourth episode so far but curiosity is piqued at how much damage the two main characters will create for themselves, and those around them. The show does a pretty good job of dangling the carrot every episode, while instilling mixed feelings of empathy, frustration and anger in the viewer depending on the situation. I would be disappointed if it ended well, because like Breaking Bad, the whole premise is built around an impending train wreck. The fun is seeing just how it will get there, and how bad it will be.

I suppose the show could also be considered a cautionary tale in our age of road rage. Nothing against Russell Crow’s performance in Unhinged, but in terms of cause and effect it already surpasses the movie.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
We also started watching Beef and I am loving it.
If for no other reason than that Steven Yeun is my favorite actor in the world these days, I think. Every second he's on screen is riveting, how he balances being constantly on the edge, the self-hatred and pity for and by him... so good. That church scene when he broke down, man, I felt that, especially because we knew how it would sour.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
We also started watching Beef and I am loving it.
If for no other reason than that Steven Yeun is my favorite actor in the world these days, I think. Every second he's on screen is riveting, how he balances being constantly on the edge, the self-hatred and pity for and by him... so good. That church scene when he broke down, man, I felt that, especially because we knew how it would sour.
My only problem with the show is that none of the characters besides him seem very likable. Yeun’s character is cleary the underdog trying to do right, buy his parents some land, etc. but fuck if he isn’t frustrating to watch in action. And the bloody douchnozzle miscreants he has for company really doesn’t help matters.

Another struggle would be feeling an ounce of anything for Amy. It’s like there could be more depth to excavate from her childhood that would go a long way, but more than half way through the season the writers refuse to go there. All we have are characters treading water at best, while others like Amy’s husband and Danny’s bros are complete toolbags.

After the sixth episode it’s starting to feel like the show is coasting up a very gradual slope. Something needs to happen to any of these people soon. It wouldn’t surprise me if the church leader also has some skeletons or hidden motives. He just seems way too nice to be true.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
My only problem with the show is that none of the characters besides him seem very likable. Yeun’s character is cleary the underdog trying to do right, buy his parents some land, etc. but fuck if he isn’t frustrating to watch in action. And the bloody douchnozzle miscreants he has for company really doesn’t help matters.

Another struggle would be feeling an ounce of anything for Amy. It’s like there could be more depth to excavate from her childhood that would go a long way, but more than half way through the season the writers refuse to go there. All we have are characters treading water at best, while others like Amy’s husband and Danny’s bros are complete toolbags.

After the sixth episode it’s starting to feel like the show is coasting up a very gradual slope. Something needs to happen to any of these people soon. It wouldn’t surprise me if the church leader also has some skeletons or hidden motives. He just seems way too nice to be true.
The church leader is a smug hypocrite. As soon as he saw Yeun's character fixing the sign, he immediately tried to extract unpaid labor from him.
Here's one way to be a good person: always pay for a job. Always.

Yeun's character is not just an underdog trying to do right, he is a self-pitying jerk with a martyr complex. It's one thing to be a victim of someone's bad intentions, but he seeks it out- his brother is right. That he's even dealing with that cousin makes him not more sympathetic than the rest.

The show's "problem" for me is that typical peak-era TV problem: everyone is horrible. But I guess I can accept that (I just caught up with Yellowstone ferpetesake). At least here it's funny and the episodes are short.
I still haven't made it past the half-way mark (still catching up with other stuff) so may I'll change my tune but... yeah, no, I'm certainly not "rooting" for anyone.

My wife hates the Ali Wong's husband so much, lol. He is so insufferable. I think I live a charmed life because his mention of the "gratitude journal" is the first time I ever heard of this nonsense.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
The church leader is a smug hypocrite. As soon as he saw Yeun's character fixing the sign, he immediately tried to extract unpaid labor from him.
Here's one way to be a good person: always pay for a job. Always.

Yeun's character is not just an underdog trying to do right, he is a self-pitying jerk with a martyr complex. It's one thing to be a victim of someone's bad intentions, but he seeks it out- his brother is right. That he's even dealing with that cousin makes him not more sympathetic than the rest.

The show's "problem" for me is that typical peak-era TV problem: everyone is horrible. But I guess I can accept that (I just caught up with Yellowstone ferpetesake). At least here it's funny and the episodes are short.
I still haven't made it past the half-way mark (still catching up with other stuff) so may I'll change my tune but... yeah, no, I'm certainly not "rooting" for anyone.

My wife hates the Ali Wong's husband so much, lol. He is so insufferable. I think I live a charmed life because his mention of the "gratitude journal" is the first time I ever heard of this nonsense.
Bad choice of words on my part about “trying to do right”. Maybe compared to the other hooligans he runs with at the very best, but he’s still a hustler with some deep insecurities and other issues. Just finished it and everything is made much clearer after episode 8. There is some good stuff in here that really makes you go “wow” all deadpan-like. The cynic in me briefly considered how it’d shake out, but with everything that happened prior I’m not nearly as bothered by it as I would’ve thought.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Just finished the series finale of Picard.
Okay it got me. I got teary eyed. It hit me right in the nostalgia and reminded me why I love Trek so much. And that ending?! Seven of Nine is Captain of the new Enterprise-G, Georgie La Forge's two daughter serve on it, and Picard and Crusher's son Jack is the new Counselor. And Q is back to fuck with the next generation of Picards and La Forges.
Sadly they did kill off a lot of people from the Next Generation show, but they had to raise the stakes on this one.

10/10 Star Trek Legacy when?!