> And she’s 51!. Hollywood ladies, this is how you age gracefully.
lol 51 isn't old especially these days with trainers, skin care, and even tasteful surgery.
Let's see what I been watching...
The Curse
I talked about this one already but the last episode was a freaking doozy, oh man, what a show, 10/10.
Scavenger's Reign
The latest in one of my favorite entertainment trends- the mainstreaming of anime. This 12 episode moody sci-fi thriller is on Max. It is basically three parallel stories of stranded people on a alien planet teaming with strange life. Really the point of the show is to watch weird creatures that still sort of behave like things we recognize but different. So it's the kind of story telling that can only really be effective animated, which is cool. Vibes are like Solaris. Really lovely series, highly recommended.
True Detective new season
Only watched the first 2 episodes. The Alaskan setting and Jody Foster hooked me in because I tried to watch the acclaimed first season of the show and gave up halfway, I couldn't tolerate the oppressive nihilistic attidue coupled with Machoughney's and Harrelson's endless grimdark prattling. So far the show is... I dunno? Again, so try-hard grimdark to the point of absurdity, but that is the show's aesthetic so I'm not complaining it's just kind a boring? But we are a bit invested in the mystery so we'll keep going for now.
Fargo season 5
This season got a lot of praise I think because it's lot more action and mood heavy than the previous one, and we did enjoy it. However, it uses current political tropes as a narrative drive and at times it felt unintentionally self-parody. The domestic abuse themes and portrayals coupled with the political cartoon version of right-wing evil, supernatural elements and general Fargo wackiness whipped the tone all over the place at times. You do get to see John Hamm put aside his always likable charm thing to play an absolute monster.
Shogun (original mini-series)
I been reading James Clavell's novels in release order, and yes that is partly inspired by the upcoming series. Also watching the original mini-series and almost done with both. The novel is great, certainly understand why it's so beloved, and the series does a decent job of putting on the small screen. Certainly having Richard Chamberlain and Toshiro Mifune (guy in all the Kurusawa films) helps, but equally important is the actress and role of Mariko, Clavell's first successful female character (IMO natch).
What will interest me for the new show is how they're going to deal with how much of the story has elements that are of its time and are more problematic now: orientalism, exoticizing foreign women, all sorts of sexist tropes, etc. The book was written in the 1960's by a British man about Japan... there's... a lot lol. So I was really surprised someone decided to tackle this story today. Either they're going to make it faithful, which means here come all the finger-wagging thinkpieces- and it will be deserved- or they're going to make radical changes to modernize it, and it will be slammed for that, and it will be deserved. Should be fun!
Murder She Wrote
For some reason this has come up in conversation with my wife, probably because I was on a Columbo kick. So we been watching these and it's delightful. I mean- good? I dunno, it's VERY 1980s, and it's shocking how cheap and poor a lot of the production was. I mean Columbo episodes often just look like slightly lower budget but decent mini-movies and MSW is harsh edits and exaggerated acting and cheep props and visible boom mics.
But the thing that I love about JB Fletcher is also what I love about Columbo- they are willing to eat s*** in order to focus on the real problem. As they investigate the situation, people dismiss them and insult them and they're like ok whatever sure I'm sorry blah blah and then BAM here's how you killed someone.
Also honestly I'm just loving a TV show where each episode is its own story and it ends in 45 minutes. Old man nostalgia maybe but in the good old days you could watch some TV and go to bed not have to remember a bunch of stuff.