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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Cobra Kai: Season 2 (4/5)

After three superhero seasons back to back, I needed something more down to earth. By which I mean "two gangs of teenagers start learning karate, because it's cool now." That's, um...realistic?

Anyway, snark aside, this is basically more of the same from season 1, and I mean that in a good way. If I had to rank the first two seasons, I think season 1 takes the win, in part because season 2 spends a slightly inordinate amount of time on relationships, but then, it's not like season 1 really lacked that either.

Anyway, this isn't really a full review, but just random thoughts, so on that note:

-Johnny is the MVP, and if you disagree, you're wrong.

-So, Kreese being back is great, but I'm a bit confused - he's established as living in a homeless shelter, but turns up to help Johnny run Cobra Kai, before taking control. Um, how much does your average sensei get paid, anyway? Because Kreese is established as having had money problems, but then they seemingly go away when the plot wants them to.

-The anti-PC stuff is still delicious.

-So, I'm the last person to discuss the philosophy of martial arts, but I like what the show's going for (least by my reading); that the Cobra Kai style isn't inherently bad, that there's something to be said for offensive karate that can be used to help people as well as win fights, it's just that Kreese takes things way too far. In contrast, Myagi-Do focusing on defence sounds nice in principle, but it isn't always going to work for you.

-So in the Capture the Headband scenario, what was Stingray's plan, exactly? Just wait until the last person turns up to steal their headband? What happens if he got the timing wrong, then he'd need to still fight people who still had headbands.

-So, going by YouTube, this seems to be a subject of some contention, but basically, far as I can tell, there's a lot of people who dislike Sam and like (or are at least sympathetic towards) Tory. Granted, this is me only coming off two seasons, but in that scope...sorry, what?

Tory's a *****. Tory's a psycho. Tory attempts to murder Sam in the season finale. Whatever supposed sins Sam has (and in two seasons, I haven't seen them), she hasn't attempted to murder anyone, or ever instigate a fight. The most sympathetic I can see someone being is that yes, Sam's got a life of privilage, while Tory has it tough (having started season 3, we see how tough), but frankly, when Sam states "everyone has a sob story, that doesn't give them the right to be a bully," I fully agree. I'm kind of wondering if this is the equivalent of the whole "Johnny is the real bully in Karate Kid" meme, but no, people seem to genuinely believe it.

-That party towards the end, why do the cops show up? It seems to take place at Moon's house, so what business do the cops have in stopping it?

-Holy shit the fight scene at the end is awesome. Partly due to how bonkers it is, but also from the craft. For instance, there's a long continuous shot in the same hallway where the camera interweaves through all the different fights going on (you can actually see Tory's actress seemingly waiting for her cue, given how she hesitates). Don't know how much time was spent rehersing that and/or any many takes were required, but it's excellent cinematography.

So, yeah. Pretty neat.
Miyagi-do Karate is focused on giving you the self confidence to walk your own path. You won’t look for fights but those that like to pick them do so with you at their peril. It is more of whole of life philosophy than just fighting. But as demonstrated by Daniel’s fight with Chozen, it IS effective as self defence.

Cobra Kai by contrast is taught more like a close combat system - appropriate given Kreese’s background - that is closer in principle to Krav Maga but is by no means any kind of lesser or corrupted Karate. The problem is Kreese is a raving asshole and he’s teaching it to teenagers: infamous for poor impulse control at the best of times. Johnny getting some humble pie in Karate Kid 1 actually makes him the sort of person I’d trust to teach that kind of Karate. Maybe not to teenagers, but certainly to adults.

Its such a fascinating show.
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At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
First 3 episodes of Ozark on Netflix.

I'm very bad at watching shows, but I'd heard so much good about this from a friend that I decided to check it out. It's very good so far. I'd heard it compared to Breaking Bad, but that's not really a fair comparison. True, it does share some base level similarities, but it's taking a very different angle. Whereas Walter White starts out as a complete outsider, Marty Byrde is already neck deep in the drug business at the outset. This makes him a very compelling character, and Jason Bateman is a great lead. He is able to convey a lot with very little, and there's a sinister quality to him that WW only gains over time. The "man behind the mask" trope is quite common for this kind of story, but here it's more like the mask has become the man. You don't really know what's going on inside his head, how much he's doing out of genuine desperation, how competent he really is, how much of it is for show etc.

For such a restrained show the pacing feels almost relentless in the first 3 episodes. There's already quite a lot of characters and subplots going on and I'm interested to see where they're all going, but it is teetering on the edge of too much at once. It occasionally slips into rather lurid territory with its characters. The sociopath fed getting a blowjob from a prostitute felt a bit gratuitous considering we've seen this character for like 10 minutes total at this point. A final bit of criticism is that at times the show feels a bit too much in love with its own writing by having Marty deliver these flawless, eloquent monologues that nobody ever interrupts. It makes sense, he is a silver tongued businessman and a huckster after all, but even some of the rednecks speak a touch too flowerily every now and then, which takes me out of it for a bit.

Definitely gonna keep watching.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Bloodlands season 1

Irish (that is, Northen Irish, which they could have specified right at the beginning) police drama. Starring James Nesbitt, and one woman from Derry Girls and one man from Hornblower and one man from Derry Girls and Hornblower, cause there aren't many shows about Ireland that go international I guess. Pretty decent.

Scottish police drama about a single mum detective and her teenage daughter. Pretty good.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010

TV series co-created by Val McDermid, so it's about drugs and murders in Scotland. This time, about an unsolved mystery from way, way back in 2001 (I feel old), and the daughter of the victim investigating it. Not too wisely, as she's like 4 foot tall and skinny.

Quite decent, lot of coincidences though. Also, second Scottish murder thing I've seen recently, and they don't say "Mah-ded" like they used to do in Taggart.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Man, if you wanna get death threats the quick way just go on a Star Wars Subreddit and lightly criticize Obiwan for questionable dialog and writing choices.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Man, if you wanna get death threats the quick way just go on a Star Wars Subreddit and lightly criticize Obiwan for questionable dialog and writing choices.
Funny, I'd have thought the folks on there would all have rage boners over how badly literally everyone (except maybe Leia?) comes off in that show.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Funny, I'd have thought the folks on there would all have rage boners over how badly literally everyone (except maybe Leia?) comes off in that show.
Naw, go look for yourself. I will say the criticism on r/television is a little more at the forefront, but on actual Starwars subreddit its just cumming sounds because Darth Vader is on screen.

I watched Episode 5 this morning and I could feel my veins popping out on my forehead over how bad the writing is, especially in this episode. Its painfully corny. Like bad Fanfic corny.

I'll be honest I kind glazed over the last couple episodes of Bobba Fett. Like I watched it, but more out of the corner of my eye as I'm playing switch.

I had some genuine interest in this because I had it in my mind that Ewan McGregor would demand to be in a show with better writing this time around, but while he's alright, it still feels like hes just collecting a paycheck here.

I'm a sometimes hardcore star wars fan. Like I'm sitting here staring at a CIB copy of Empires Strikes Back for Atari 2600 I just bought out of nostalgia. I have posters, I've read a lot of the EU books, but there's a line with me where I'm not gonna drag myself through anything and everything labeled Star Wars.

I'll be honest even the Luke Skywalker reveal in Mando gave me pause. Like "Hey are we doing this because it makes sense in the story, or we just selling toys". I'm actually all for shows about selling merch, but good writing and selling toys are not mutually exclusive.

Between the end of Mando S2, Bobba Fett and this I think they're about to lose me.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I'll be honest even the Luke Skywalker reveal in Mando gave me pause. Like "Hey are we doing this because it makes sense in the story, or we just selling toys". I'm actually all for shows about selling merch, but good writing and selling toys are not mutually exclusive.

Between the end of Mando S2, Bobba Fett and this I think they're about to lose me.
What about Luke did you have a problem with? I mean yeah it was deus ex machina as fuck, but I thought it was logical that he would be involved with Grogu at some point.

But yeah. They're about to lose me as well. Back when they chucked out the EU, even as a huge fan of all the books and comics, I was okay with it. With Disney at the helm, at the very least we'll be getting more Star Wars, I said. Live action SW shows sounded like a damn good idea, and with Mando it was for a while. After Boba and the disappointment of Kenobi, I'm finding myself wanting less Star Wars content for the first time in my life.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
What about Luke did you have a problem with? I mean yeah it was deus ex machina as fuck, but I thought it was logical that he would be involved with Grogu at some point.

But yeah. They're about to lose me as well. Back when they chucked out the EU, even as a huge fan of all the books and comics, I was okay with it. With Disney at the helm, at the very least we'll be getting more Star Wars, I said. Live action SW shows sounded like a damn good idea, and with Mando it was for a while. After Boba and the disappointment of Kenobi, I'm finding myself wanting less Star Wars content for the first time in my life.
I didn't hate it in concept, but the amount of ..."majesty" it was presented with just felt over the top and corny. Like they were threw out story for fan service. Im weird, like the whole hood thing. Why the fuck is he fighting with his hood down? Oh right because we have to drag out the reveal. The whole scene was just a little on the nose for me.

I just want them to dial it back and wait for people who actually "want" to do Star Wars rather than scheduled. Obiwan really felt like a scheduled delivery than a passion project. This morning I couldn't stop thinking about the old "Droid" cartoon. This felt like that. Like just some product someone was made to do.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Cobra Kai: Season 3 (4/5)

If I did digits, this could have ended up a 4.5/5, but in this case, I rounded down. Still, this might well be the strongest season so far. It's better than season 2, probably better than season 1, but really, all of them are solid at the end of the day. It's kind of impressive as to how consistent the quality is.

Anyway, I won't waste your time with a recap, so just random thoughts:

-This would have to be the darkest, most violent season so far, and I'm pretty sure that's intentional. We see it in the way Dimiti gets his arm broken, we see it with Sam's PTSD, and we see it at the brawl in Daniel's house at the end. The brawl kind of mirrors the school brawl at the end of season 2, even down to the cinematography (there's another long-running single shot), but while the school brawl was outright bonkers, this is much more sober, with real consequences.

-So, um, Hawk's 180 kind of comes out of nowhere. I mean, yes, technically there's a buildup when he finds himself hanging out with Kyler, but not nearly enough. I assume he has to earn his redemption in season 4.

-Tory's still an absolute *****. I assume that this is the show subverting expectations, but it shows her homelife near the start, but by the end? No. She's even worse than how she started out. Also, she has to work two jobs to take care of her mum, but she still has the money to take regular karate lessons?

-Eagle Fang Karate? Oh Johnny, never change...

-So, obvious theme is obvious, but, y'know, cycle of violence, sins of the parents inflicted on the next generation, etc. I mean, obvious, but y'know, brownie points.

-Japan stuff is nice. I've never seen Karate Kid II (I've seen the first, some of the third, and Next Karate Kid), so I don't have the nostalgia factor, but hey, it's well done.

Overall, pretty neat.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Cobra Kai: Season 3 (4/5)

If I did digits, this could have ended up a 4.5/5, but in this case, I rounded down. Still, this might well be the strongest season so far. It's better than season 2, probably better than season 1, but really, all of them are solid at the end of the day. It's kind of impressive as to how consistent the quality is.

Anyway, I won't waste your time with a recap, so just random thoughts:

-This would have to be the darkest, most violent season so far, and I'm pretty sure that's intentional. We see it in the way Dimiti gets his arm broken, we see it with Sam's PTSD, and we see it at the brawl in Daniel's house at the end. The brawl kind of mirrors the school brawl at the end of season 2, even down to the cinematography (there's another long-running single shot), but while the school brawl was outright bonkers, this is much more sober, with real consequences.

-So, um, Hawk's 180 kind of comes out of nowhere. I mean, yes, technically there's a buildup when he finds himself hanging out with Kyler, but not nearly enough. I assume he has to earn his redemption in season 4.

-Tory's still an absolute *****. I assume that this is the show subverting expectations, but it shows her homelife near the start, but by the end? No. She's even worse than how she started out. Also, she has to work two jobs to take care of her mum, but she still has the money to take regular karate lessons?

-Eagle Fang Karate? Oh Johnny, never change...

-So, obvious theme is obvious, but, y'know, cycle of violence, sins of the parents inflicted on the next generation, etc. I mean, obvious, but y'know, brownie points.

-Japan stuff is nice. I've never seen Karate Kid II (I've seen the first, some of the third, and Next Karate Kid), so I don't have the nostalgia factor, but hey, it's well done.

Overall, pretty neat.
You really should watch Karate Kid II, so much of Daniel’s scenes in Japan are much more affecting because of it. Not that you can’t infer it all, but the emotional weight comes from knowing what happened in part II.

Helps that it’s a really good movie too.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Don't you just hate it when some racist/sexist manchildren make a big stink about a casting or a character? Then you think, oh shut the fuck up you nerds, touch some grass.

And of course, said casting or character turns out to be shit and now anytime you criticize the character you need to preface it with the fact that you're not a racist/sexist manchild. And even if you do, the studios or the actors get to hide behind all the racism/sexism to shield them from valid criticism.

Anyway, that's my review of Kenobi episode 5.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Don't you just hate it when some racist/sexist manchildren make a big stink about a casting or a character? Then you think, oh shut the fuck up you nerds, touch some grass.

And of course, said casting or character turns out to be shit and now anytime you criticize the character you need to preface it with the fact that you're not a racist/sexist manchild. And even if you do, the studios or the actors get to hide behind all the racism/sexism to shield them from valid criticism.

Anyway, that's my review of Kenobi episode 5.
I'm so happy that Ms. Marvel is actually a pretty good show. Thats an online grave I was not prepared to dig for myself.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Don't you just hate it when some racist/sexist manchildren make a big stink about a casting or a character? Then you think, oh shut the fuck up you nerds, touch some grass.

And of course, said casting or character turns out to be shit and now anytime you criticize the character you need to preface it with the fact that you're not a racist/sexist manchild. And even if you do, the studios or the actors get to hide behind all the racism/sexism to shield them from valid criticism.

Anyway, that's my review of Kenobi episode 5.
Yeah, there was a lot of sexism aimed at the Charlie's Angels reboot, which drowned out the very valid complaints that a lot of it is boring and the main characters are really thick.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
So I'm watching "The Boys" Episode S0305 and this right here is my problem is with this show.

They added a subplot with with A-train trying to alignment with the BLM movement, by having a punisher super hero standin apologize at a community center for disproportionally targeting black neighborhood. *eyeroll* of course it goes south and he starts yelling about how murder is committed disproportionately by black people and *eyeroll* of course he starts beating people up.

My problem isn't the concept or content of the show, this was a great idea, but its so "on the nose", there's no subtlety, they just copy and paste shit from the headlines, like the last episode having a disney like theme park for inclusivity stuff like Lesbian castle or whatever. This show feels like its written by a bot scrolling through r/politics.

I'm sure the defense is that they're doing zany hype realized social commentary. But what are they commenting on? What are they saying? Nothing. It's just noise. Not only is there no depth or thought put into this, it won't go anywhere. Id bet $20 right now this ends with A-train looking bad in press and idk, getting fired and deciding he can only make a difference by joining the The Boys. Please god don't let it be that fucking transparent.
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