Disney says they're not going to do any more 2d animation.


New member
Aug 9, 2012
They're going to stick exclusively to 3d animation and CGI stuff. Link here [http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2013/mar/07/disney-hand-drawn-animation]

They say it's because the hand drawn stuff doesn't make enough money but considering how well paperman did which seemed like hand drawn 2d I think that's a pretty weak argument.

Captcha: numa numa Am I the only one who misses recaptcha? Y'know the one that helped make books available for everyone?


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
To be honest, I can see where they're coming from.

The two 'traditional' films that are mentioned in that article? I didn't see either of them. I didn't see Bolt either, but Tangled was pretty darn good.

I imagine hand-drawn animation takes a lot more work. Probably costs a lot more to keep the artists on staff, too, though I don't know how much CGI and all cost these days. And while the style of animations doesn't make a film good or bad, I honestly can't even remember the last new traditional hand-drawn film I saw. Whether that's because it's just been so long, or it was simply unmemorable, I don't know.

I do think there's still a place for the style, though. Every niche should be filled. Should've been obvious Disney weren't going to fill it when they stopped making Mickey Mouse cartoons.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
The Princess and the Frog was x10 better than I expected when I saw it. I'll always prefer hand drawn animations to CGI. This is a sad day.

Good thing The Venture Bros. is still keeping it real.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Err they did use some CGI in Paperman (I think it the heads and some of the objects like the cars and paperplanes).

Either way it's a shame since while there are now variation of CGI but I still prefer some 2D animation! Beside Studio Ghibli are still making 2D animation (with abit of CGI) but in saying so Eastern animation is different to animation including their way of producing it.


New member
Aug 29, 2011

I'm serious, though. I grew up with all the hand-drawn animated Disney classics and I still watch my favorites to this day. Even then, the reason those films were so great was the story, the characters, and the music/musical sections, not so much animation. Though there have been a definitive 'Disney-style' animation, there are a lot of films that went in different art styles that make them appealing (Mulan, Lilo & Stitch, etc.).

The last two films that dealt with 2D animation were Enchanted (in some sections of the film, mind you) and The Princess & The Frog. I haven't seen either of them, though I plan to, and I feel that these films were lacking critical components that made the classics great in favor for some 3D films, which are nearly flawless in delivering narrative and memorable characters.

I also saw Paperman and I was completely amazed at how well it was. I want a film using the same style and I can see where budget constraints might prevent that from happening, but if they have a great story, characters, and music, I'm certain that it could end up as a classic film.

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
That's too bad. I will always prefer hand-drawn over CG, but sadly that's dying. I'd seriously KILL to see a good 2D animated movie made here in the states.

Not that I hate CG films, as I've seen some great ones, and I'm a big Pixars fan, but seriously, somebody bring back the 2D stuff.


New member
May 17, 2010
Paperman was made in CGI, and then they applied filter effects to make it appear to be hand-drawn.
I'm a bit disappointed, but not too much. After all, 3D is amazing too.


New member
Oct 17, 2012
maskedferret said:
If you read what the chief executive says, it's:
"To my knowledge we're not developing a 2D or hand-drawn feature animated film right now," said Iger. "There is a fair amount of activity going on in hand-drawn animation but it's largely for television at this point. We're not necessarily ruling out the possibility [of] a feature but there isn't any in development at the company at the moment."
So, it's not necessarily completely over for hand drawn animation with Disney.

That being said, Paperman was actually CGI [http://www.itsartmag.com/features/paperman-breakdown/#.UT9MQBy7N8F], believe it or not.


You have to understand that hand-drawn cel animation takes a long time and a lot of work, most of which has been sent overseas for decades now. It was a great boon for studios after the days of the Great Depression and a great way to employ a lot of people which led to the classic cartoon golden age. That doesn't mean that companies no longer need people who can draw. You have character designers, background artists, etc. You can still only do so much with motion capture, which is fine if your characters are always anthropomorphic. However, films like Finding Nemo or Cars required a true understanding of nature and materials, so raw talent is still a key requirement, not just understanding 3D tools in a production pipeline.


New member
Aug 9, 2012
*Nods* I did know paperman was entirely CGI. Part of the reason I liked it so much was because it mimicked the traditional style so closely.

I can understand why they want to go away from hand drawn since it is so much work but I still found it a bit sad to hear they were doing it. I kind of got the impression the article was trying to imply that the reason they were focusing more on CGI was because they were more successful simply because they were CGI as opposed to it perhaps being due to the plot and characters etc.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Awww =( I'm sad now. One of my favourite things about Princess and the Frog was the 2D hand-drawn style of it. Not to say all 3D things they make are crap but I'm gonna miss it.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Even though I'm a 3d artist now, this makes me sad. When I was a kid it was my dream for years to go be an animator and work for Disney, and Disney was one of the major things that drove me to learn drawing when I was little.

That said, Paperman was pretty great looking and had a traditional feel, so if the workflow is just easier for animating in 3d, then I guess that's best for Disney.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
ChemicalAlia said:
That said, Paperman was pretty great looking and had a traditional feel, so if the workflow is just easier for animating in 3d, then I guess that's best for Disney.
It's kind of funny how much effort they put into making the 3D animation look traditional, instead of just simply animating it traditionally. As a matter of fact, CGI movies in general took a long time to catch up with the more expressive nature of traditional animation. I think The Incredibles was the first movie to really pull it off.

Anyway, it's not like this came out of the clear blue sky. Traditional animation is basically dead in the west. Maybe Sylvain Chomet will be nice enough to make another movie, but I'm not holding my breath. We still have Hayao Miyazaki, but he's not getting any younger either.

It won't be long before all the big names in traditional animation are either dead or have fallen into obscurity.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
This is old news very very old news. Animation has been moving towards 3d animation more and more as time progresses which I always hated because 2d looks sooooooooooo much better and just offers many more stylistic options. I could go on for hours about this I am kinda biased 2d animation is my passion in life.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
This may just be false.

First off, why would Disney tell The Guardian? They're fucking awful. Second, they are a UK newspaper, Disney is an American based company. Third, they wouldn't get rid of one method of Animation, the thing that Disney is damn well known for. Yes, it may not make as much money as 3D, but considering how successful Studio Ghibli stuff is, it's safe to say that 2D animation will not be gone for a while.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
I still prefer 2D films to be honest. Each one had its own distinct look and feel, the 3D cgi movies all seems to blend into one with me and I'm not sure what I've seen and what I havn't.

I guess I'll stick with more anime then, maybe even more than I do now. Yes theres some 3D in newer anime's, but it blends in so bloody well that its hard to be awed. (see Fate/Zero, gorgeous animation).

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
Well, that just comes off as immeasurably stupid. They're spitting on their own foundation right there. Hell, when I think Disney, 2D animation is exactly what my mind goes to. And they're getting rid of it? Fuck. That's actually depressing.