DmC looks great, what's with all the hate?


New member
Jun 16, 2010
In my days of traveling around this horrid wasteland called the internet, I have witnessed the only reliable constant in the world. "If it exists, someone hates it." I've honestly stopped worrying about it.

As for DmC, iunno. Probably something about his hair not being the same.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
meh, its the attitude of all of the characters. Dante was always sauve. Even the demons had honor and were more than just the culmination of all things that are eeeevvviiiilll.

Now it seems that the new DmC is full of people yelling FU a lot.

stay classy.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
lithiumvocals said:
As for DmC, iunno. Probably something about his hair not being the same.
No, that's what Ninja Theory keep assuming people dislike about it. It's weird how all of the preview reviewers have been sucking them off so much like that, literally every review I've seen has assumed the only reason people don't like this is because of brown hair.

Here's the latest trailer -
It's shit. Jumping puzzles, maybe 3-4 enemies in the whole thing, the word Obesity flashing on the wall for no reason other than pointless social commentary. The only good thing you can say about that is it looks nice but even then, Devil May Cry 4 had some of the best graphics of this generation so that's not really enough to earn it any points.

Also the music in that just isn't even close to The Time Has Come.



New member
Mar 24, 2010
lithiumvocals said:
I was kidding about the hair.
I know but it's seriously in every single press release I can find about the game and Ninja Theory and the people sucking them off in previews are being serious about it. It's ridiculous. Even a huge part of the advertising was "he has white hair when he devil triggers!"... ok, I guess that means the game is suddenly good then?

Anyway I wasn't posting the trailer in response to you, I came into this thread because I just saw the trailer and thought it was worth sharing.


New member
Jan 27, 2012
I haven't kept up too much with the game, but I'm excited for it. I don't really care if Dante curses more, or if he looks different, as long as it's the same cheesy action-packed fun I've enjoyed before, I'll love it. Some of the complaints that I've heard range from "HIS COAT IS BURGUNDY NOT RED" to more valid complaints like it running at 30 fps. Some of it comes down to fanboys refusing change as always, but I can see where some of the complaints are coming from.

KuriousGalileo said:
Mostly dealing with how Nero relates to Dante and Vergil. If they had finished the old series first or at least promised us a conclusion sometime in the future, most of us wouldn't give a rat's arse about this game, hell some of would probably even like it.
I was under the impression that one of the DMC novels strongly implied that Nero was the result of Virgil having sex with a prostitute. Is that not true?


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Simple. Because it's a good game but with a used name. The game looks really great, but it's a step away from what the series used to be. Had it not had that IP's name it would have flurished and people would be hyped for it.
Not it's getting hated upon.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Draech said:
Yeah.... he is still half-demon.... son of Sparda.... did you see the video?

He is just half demon half angel in this interpretation. His supposed to be the son of Sparda (demon) and Eva (angel). Unless they rewrote the lore Sparda is still a demon. Is there some piece of info I havn't gotten?
Eva was mortal. The whole thing is about Dante being half-demon half-human and valuing his humanity greatly.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
DmC sucks because of "They Changed It, Now It Sucks".

Of course, if they didn't change anything it would've been "Its The Same, Now It Sucks".


New member
Nov 18, 2009
change is good but too much change and it become unrecognizable as a part of the series and could just as well have been something new and not part of a series we already have.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Royta said:
Simple. Because it's a good game but with a used name. The game looks really great, but it's a step away from what the series used to be. Had it not had that IP's name it would have flurished and people would be hyped for it.
Not it's getting hated upon.
The sad thing is that creating new IP is risky, so many great new games have come out this gen and havn't sold. Atleast with DMC stuck on the box ppl know what they are buying and are more likley to buy it. Most DMC fans will buy it too.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I like how people keep thinking it's just the character design, and not the gameplay, the dialogue, or the gigantic shift in tone from campy and fun to this weird gritty "fight Big Brother" thing.

On the gameplay side, they ditched the MT Framework engine(used for just about everything at capcom) because having an engine that comes with a great variety of colors, handles at 60 frames all day every day and enables fast, fluid combat just doesn't make sense I guess. They chose unreal, which caps at 30 frames and dips below that should you have more than four on screen characters doing anything more complicated than pulling a trigger, and has the wonderful color palette of brown, slightly darker brown, and grey. Though I think they've upgraded to include neon lights in recent games.

Aside from that, general feel has moved from, well, Devil May Cry, to Castlevania Lords of Shadow but sped up. In fact, just about everything with this game resembles the latest Castlevania or even God of War than it does the Devil May Cry series. So now the only people making fun, over the top fluid combat left is Platinum with Metal Gear Rising and it's a pretty sad day when Metal Gear of all things resembles Devil May Cry more than the latest Devil May Cry entry does.

Dialogue, why have witty banter with the (more than) occasionally outright silly when you could have, "Fuck you Son of Sparda, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yoooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu." Hell, the phrase constitutes about 90% of the discussions, someone give that writer an award.

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Cybylt said:
I like how people keep thinking it's just the character design, and not the gameplay, the dialogue, or the gigantic shift in tone from campy and fun to this weird gritty "fight Big Brother" thing.

On the gameplay side, they ditched the MT Framework engine(used for just about everything at capcom) because having an engine that comes with a great variety of colors, handles at 60 frames all day every day and enables fast, fluid combat just doesn't make sense I guess. They chose unreal, which caps at 30 frames and dips below that should you have more than four on screen characters doing anything more complicated than pulling a trigger, and has the wonderful color palette of brown, slightly darker brown, and grey. Though I think they've upgraded to include neon lights in recent games.

Aside from that, general feel has moved from, well, Devil May Cry, to Castlevania Lords of Shadow but sped up. In fact, just about everything with this game resembles the latest Castlevania or even God of War than it does the Devil May Cry series. So now the only people making fun, over the top fluid combat left is Platinum with Metal Gear Rising and it's a pretty sad day when Metal Gear of all things resembles Devil May Cry more than the latest Devil May Cry entry does.

Dialogue, why have witty banter with the (more than) occasionally outright silly when you could have, "Fuck you Son of Sparda, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yoooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu." Hell, the phrase constitutes about 90% of the discussions, someone give that writer an award.
This, pretty much. The only thing I have to add is that the more recent trailers, the ones showing off story elements, have shown that this supposed "dark, gritty tale from experienced storytellers-through-games" is actually significantly dumber than the story of the original series. And the sad thing is, unlike the original, this story actually seems to take itself pretty seriously.


Going back to 4. Need to jump cancel the shit out of some enemies. Now.

Bloody Palace.


Every angle.



New member
Aug 13, 2009
On another note, their level designs are still really nice. I don't see why NT even tries with combat anymore when they could probably simplify it down to jumps and whatnot and make a really good platformer with a new IP.

And for anyone wondering, the story is They Live, but demons instead of aliens and weird demon zone jumping instead of special sunglasses.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Cybylt said:
On another note, their level designs are still really nice. I don't see why NT even tries with combat anymore when they could probably simplify it down to jumps and whatnot and make a really good platformer with a new IP.

And for anyone wondering, the story is They Live, but demons instead of aliens and weird demon zone jumping instead of special sunglasses.
I agree. The platformer parts when Limbo itself is attacking you has great potential. Too bad its connected to a simplified version of DMC's intricate and hard-to-master combat system. Let's just say I hate the added Action Buttom Commands and the GET OVER HERE moves in DMC 4 and they added that in DmC Devil May Cry and Bayonetta.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I only read the first page of comments, so I apologise in advance if I'm repeating, but the problem fans have is simple. We've had our franchise railroaded.

I've never been of the opinion that a game shouldn't be made, if someone has an idea, they should feel free to roll with it, even if it isn't very good, even if I or anyone else doesn't like it. Everyone has a right to their own ideas, and the right to try and make something creative with those ideas.
But one thing I won't abide is a company taking an established franchise, a franchise which has existed for several years, over several products which has an established setting, characters, backstory and fans. And then using that franchise as an excuse to sell copies of their own idea, not the original product.
Let me refine that with an example. Say someone took a game, and decided to do a sequel, or a prequel. And then instead of actually delivering on that promise, to the fans, they instead kept the name and perhaps the very basic premise (like, the hero hits things with swords, and has two guns). Then stripped away every other facet of the game, then proceeded to market the game as part of that original franchise. The game could be great, but it has nothing to do with the games that came before it. It's just a shallow excuse to capitalize on a pre-existing fanbase and a pre-existing brand. It stinks of business strategy and doesn't resemble any kind of faithful and respectful handling of source material. Go ahead and make your video game about some dude with black hair hitting shit with a sword and screaming fuck all the time. But don't use another loved franchise to do it. Because then you prevent a fanbase from enjoying that franchise and being able to see it continue to grow.
There's no reason to prevent someone from enjoying a story and a game, just because you want to make one of your own. There's room enough for both.

That's the problem I and many, many others have with this new "DmC".


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Cybylt said:
I like how people keep thinking it's just the character design, and not the gameplay, the dialogue, or the gigantic shift in tone from campy and fun to this weird gritty "fight Big Brother" thing.

On the gameplay side, they ditched the MT Framework engine(used for just about everything at capcom) because having an engine that comes with a great variety of colors, handles at 60 frames all day every day and enables fast, fluid combat just doesn't make sense I guess. They chose unreal, which caps at 30 frames and dips below that should you have more than four on screen characters doing anything more complicated than pulling a trigger, and has the wonderful color palette of brown, slightly darker brown, and grey. Though I think they've upgraded to include neon lights in recent games.

Aside from that, general feel has moved from, well, Devil May Cry, to Castlevania Lords of Shadow but sped up. In fact, just about everything with this game resembles the latest Castlevania or even God of War than it does the Devil May Cry series. So now the only people making fun, over the top fluid combat left is Platinum with Metal Gear Rising and it's a pretty sad day when Metal Gear of all things resembles Devil May Cry more than the latest Devil May Cry entry does.

Dialogue, why have witty banter with the (more than) occasionally outright silly when you could have, "Fuck you Son of Sparda, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yoooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu." Hell, the phrase constitutes about 90% of the discussions, someone give that writer an award.
Couldn't agree more, the story just isn't Devil May Cry, and it also isn't very good, isn't very believable and just reeks of shitty fanfiction. Feel free to write shit, but don't smear it on a series as good as Devil May Cry.

On a slightly different note, did anyone hear these rumors that Capcom is also working on a "fifth" Devil May Cry? If so, I'd be happy, since I'd guess that one is supposed to be the sequel to 4 and not this.... Piece of crap by Ninja Theory.