Do bicyclists belong on the roads or on the sidewalks?


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Where I live, it is illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk (as already mentioned, this is common in most places). Like it or not, that is what settles the discussion. For those of you who say bicycles are a pain to go around on the road: really? Its that hard for you to turn the steering wheel one way and then back again? Are you this lazy when you're playing video games too?


New member
Jul 29, 2009
The solution is definitely more bike lanes, only problem is it's a chicken and egg situation... People don't want to bike ride because it's not safe, and they don't build enough bike lanes because there aren't that many cyclists. I can only hope that in the mad dash to get carbon emissions down we will see more paths built. In the meantime, I prefer the road as it's generally smoother anyway. The only exception is when the road is truly too narrow for the bike and car to fit side by side.

For the record, I've been clipped by a car twice while riding in the gutter, never hit a pedestrian.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Seems to me bikes should be illegal. Bikers dont want to be hit by mean drivers, but I dont want to be hit my mean bikers.
Cyclists should atleast go slower then. I dont care what happens, if someone hits me with a bike while im walking, its their fault. (Unless I jump in front of them on purpose obviously)


Unequivocal Fan Favorite
Nov 30, 2009
Remember motorists: in most places, Bicycles are entitled to the use of a full lane when necessary.



New member
Sep 2, 2007
Generic Gamer said:
EDIT: And that pains me to say because I fucking hate being stuck behind some wobbly-ass crunchy doing ten miles an hour and somehow managing to take up a whole lane.
Nice thing about how young most of the population centers are over here is that the roads tend to be built to accommodate all manner of traffic. Bike lanes and wide shoulders are more comment then not. Makes it easier on everyone.

Also, I can't really believe that news story actually happened. Yeah the death was an accident, but it doesn't seems like the crash was entirely an accident, which says manslaughter to me.


Travelling Mushishi
Apr 22, 2009
Oh hell yes they belong on the sidewalks!

First off, I hate running across bikers on the road. I have to dodge them in such a way as to make sure I've given them enough room, not just so that I don't hit them, but so that I don't risk making them lose control, and in doing so I risk squeezing too close to any cars in the lanes on the other side of my car... that or slow down until I have an opportunity to pass them, often holding up an entire fucking line of cars all stuck behind a bike which moves much slower than we want to be moving. And now that I've heard the harrowing tale of what it's like to be the one on the bike, I'm even more opposed. No one should have to feel like they could make one tiny mistake and DIE for the entirety of their trip to work/school EVERY DAY! That's the kind of stress that'll give you like twenty fucking ulcers!

Secondly, bikes on the sidewalks are not a problem at all. I happen to have actually been hit by someone on a bicycle once, and you know what, it really wasn't all that bad. I mean sure, if I were frail it could be a problem, but it really doesn't cause any risk to the vast majority of people. And hell, I only got hit one time, out of the entirety of my twenty one years here on earth, hit once. And I haven't actually talked to a lot of people who have been accidentally hit by someone on a bike while walking, so the statistics are probably really low that you get hit.

Bicycles are infinitely less upsetting to the normal operations of things when they're on sidewalks, and that's where they need to stay!


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Cyclists should have their own "mini"-lane delimited by some kind of yellow paint or other markings on the road. Cars should not be able to drive in those lanes except when doing a "preselection" to turn right.

Cyclists and cars sharing a lane is a recipe for disaster.

But keep in mind, some of us driving cars pay very close attention to cyclists and to places cyclists can "pop" out of, even in the first case. Unfortunately, where I live currently, the roads are really made for cars, not cyclists, because there are no markings.


New member
Dec 9, 2010
manaman said:
It's illegal to ride a bike on the sidewalk most places.

There are rules of the road covering all of this. Something I hare about how easy it can be to get a license in some parts of the US. I can understand not knowing absolutely every facet of every rule, but most people seems to lack even a firm grasp of the major rules of the road. It always surprises me how few people realize that the onramp yields to traffic already in the freeway.
What amazes me is the number of people on the highway that will dive out of the way because people coming on have no idea how to aim for an opening in traffic. Of course, I expect too much considering they are usually eating, talking on the phone, looking at the person beside them, putting on makeup and/or dancing to music. Basically anything but driving.
Yea, I think it is illegal for bikes to be on sidewalks in most places. They are supposed to be on the road with the cars but that is very risky with the attention span of typical drivers and the number of cars on the road. I thought about getting a motorcycle once but decided I kind of liked living. There is no way you will find me in the road on a bike unless I am feeling particularly suicidal. Besides, a bike is not practical when you live in the middle of no where, on curvy country roads and at least 5 miles from anything worth riding to.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Matt_LRR said:
Remember motorists: in most places, Bicycles are entitled to the use of a full lane when necessary.

You know you posted twice in this thread with only a few replies between them, and pretty much summed up your first post? Just wondering.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I have two different views on this. First back to the days of being 15 and using my bike to get everywhere, i was always in fear riding my bike on the road because one mistake by you or someone else puts you six feet under. Then there is me now who can drive and thinks it is annoying to have to slow down because someone thought it would be a great idea to ride their bike really close to the lane traffic is coming from. Overall get them the fuck on the sidewalks!


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
I'm fine with cyclists being on the street as long as they stay out of the way. They should at least leave enough room for a car to go past them while staying on its own side of the road.

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Saelune said:
I dont care what happens, if someone hits me with a bike while im walking, its their fault. (Unless I jump in front of them on purpose obviously)
Actually it would still be the cyclists fault, as it would be the drivers fault if you jumped in front of a car. A pedestrian, no matter what they're doing, always have the right of way over a vehicle. Even if they're jay-walking across a busy street.


New member
Nov 28, 2010
Around here I would prefer the cyclists on sidewalks, I have yet to hear of a collision between a cyclist and a pedestrian killing anyone, but there are far too many cyclists around here that get nailed by cars. Also most cyclists don't know the specific traffic laws to bikes and think they are cars and thus screw up the traffic for the actual cars.


Unequivocal Fan Favorite
Nov 30, 2009
manaman said:
Matt_LRR said:
Remember motorists: in most places, Bicycles are entitled to the use of a full lane when necessary.

You know you posted twice in this thread with only a few replies between them, and pretty much summed up your first post? Just wondering.
and I am, for some reason, not allowed to express multiple similar (but not the same) opinions on the subject?



New member
Dec 8, 2010
seeing as a bicycle is a vehicle, it's place is on the road, cyclists are not pedestrians and do not belong on sidewalks where foot traffic is much slower

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Matt_LRR said:
manaman said:
Matt_LRR said:
Remember motorists: in most places, Bicycles are entitled to the use of a full lane when necessary.

You know you posted twice in this thread with only a few replies between them, and pretty much summed up your first post? Just wondering.
and I am, for some reason, not allowed to express multiple similar (but not the same) opinions on the subject?

I think all he is trying to say is that you made your point in your first post.


Unequivocal Fan Favorite
Nov 30, 2009
maddawg IAJI said:
Matt_LRR said:
manaman said:
Matt_LRR said:
Remember motorists: in most places, Bicycles are entitled to the use of a full lane when necessary.

You know you posted twice in this thread with only a few replies between them, and pretty much summed up your first post? Just wondering.
and I am, for some reason, not allowed to express multiple similar (but not the same) opinions on the subject?

I think all he is trying to say is that you made your point in your first post.
And at what point did it become against the rules to revisit a point?




New member
Jan 13, 2010
Bags159 said:
Bikers on the road piss me off so I wish the sidewalk was the place to be.
I as a cyclist would like to point out that in fact there is a conspiracy to piss all drivers off enough for bike lanes to be put in.

To me cars are the piss-off, on my racer I can cruise at 50km/h which is the speed limit in most places I ride. Of course the car, not wanting to be out-paced or matched by a bicycle speeds up and passes. I also hate drivers who do not expect to see cyclists or do not know what to do when they encounter them. It is amazing the number if times I have almost (actually have) been hit sitting at a red light waiting to go. Even though I have a red flasher on the back of my bike many are too retarded to notice.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Lilani said:
If I had to choose between being a pedestrian getting hit by a bicycle, and a bicyclist getting hit by a car, I'd rather get hit by a bike any day.
Pretty much this. I'd rather a little old lady get a broken hip from a cyclist than a cyclist being dead. Sounds harsh to the little old lady but you get what I mean.

maddawg IAJI said:
Are they a vehicle? If so, then they belong on the streets, as the streets purpose is to provide a pathway for vehicles. sideWALKS are meant for walking.
First point: Motorized wheelchairs (or gophers). They don't go on the road.
Second point: In Australia, they're called footpaths. Thus they are for foot traffic. Bicycles don't have an engine, they are literally powered by foot, so I feel they should belong on the footpath (I know that point goes against the first point, but if you're in a motorized wheelchair then presumably there's something wrong like a disability or whatever, and those things generally move about walking pace anyway).

I rode my bicycle when I was in high school, and I ALWAYS stayed on the footpath even though the speed limit around the school zone was 40km/h and 1600 other students were all leaving at the same time. It just WASN'T safe to be on the roads as a cyclist. (And I *never* hit anyone while riding on the footpath).

Now that I ride a motorbike, my thinking has become that if the 'vehicle' doesn't have an engine, it doesn't belong on the roads. If you can't reasonably match the speed of other vehicles then it's too dangerous to be there. In Australia, scooters/mopeds are banned from going on the freeways/highways because they cannot reach the speeds of the other road users because they're not powerful enough, so why on Earth would you let a cyclist share the road?

Also, to whoever said bicycles are silent: I think pedestrians have a better chance of hearing the bike than a car does, particularly if they're ringing the bell.