Do bicyclists belong on the roads or on the sidewalks?


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
Bikes are a nuisance to everyone around them, too fast for the sidewalk and too slow for the road. I personally think that people should get rid of their stupid Victorian era novelties and take part in our modern society. If you want to get some exercise great, you can always walk or run. If you need to get somewhere fast take a car, bus, train or something efficient that doesn't get in the way of other people.

Remember, pedestrians hate drivers, and drivers hate pedestrians, but everyone hates cyclists.


New member
Jan 28, 2011
I think the bikers are in a lose lose here, people in cars hate them because they either try to weave between traffic or just get in the way, on the same note they shouldent be on the sidewalk because they can go fast enough to hurt pedestrians, but I say keep to the rode as if you know what your doing it is safer


New member
Nov 28, 2010
Lightnr said:
Exactly - following those laws would be perfectly safe! But who obeys those on a bike?? No one, at least here in the US. Would you really stop every block??? No. I got hit by a car when I was in High school and I thought biking on sidewalks is better. Since then I bike on the street.
I don't think it'll make a difference, motorists are fucking stupid these days. I lost count of the amount of times I have been almost hit by someone talking on their cellphone when I was on the sidewalk and nowhere near a crossing area. Hell I was almost hit in the back streets of the school zone where my parents live and the guy blew through a stop sign way over the speed limit about 10 seconds before narrowly missing me as I was crossing the street.several houses away. And then he had the nerve to blow his horn at me angrily.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Hashime said:
FoRtMinor44 said:
I have two different views on this. First back to the days of being 15 and using my bike to get everywhere, i was always in fear riding my bike on the road because one mistake by you or someone else puts you six feet under. Then there is me now who can drive and thinks it is annoying to have to slow down because someone thought it would be a great idea to ride their bike really close to the lane traffic is coming from. Overall get them the fuck on the sidewalks!
So you think it is better for someone riding at 50 Km/h hour to be in the same space as pedestrians?
Not all people ride that fast, but in general a serious cyclist will average 25 at least.
Bikes are vehicles, drivers must treat us as vehicles. If you are nice to us, we will be nice to you.
Serious cyclists will have all the proper gear, a lot of experience/training, and will know where the cycle paths/lanes are. Most people aren't serious though, and definitely won't be reaching those sorts of speeds. The number of cyclists I see riding too far from the kerb or not making any effort to ride safely or be visible to cars is just ridiculous. It's those cyclists that are part of the problem (because drivers are idiots too, that's the other part of the problem).

I HAVE A SOLUTION! (I think :p)

To drive a vehicle on the road, you need to get a license for whatever you're driving, car, motorbike, truck, bus, whatever. That way, you KNOW what to do (apparently), what the road rules are and what your obligations are to other road users. If cyclists have to go on the road, why aren't they subject to any kind of testing? Any idiot can take a bike on a road regardless of what, if ANY, license(s) they have. They've got no idea of the road rules, what their obligations as a cyclist are, all that sort of thing. If cyclists underwent some sort of training or at least education as to what they need to be doing, that would solve a lot of the problem, I reckon. Of course, one could argue that drivers have undergone training and still drive like morons, but at least cyclists would have a better idea where they stand and I think that would help a lot.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
DarthFennec said:
Bicyclists are too fast to be on the sidewalks and too slow to be in the streets. Bikes belong in bike lanes.
And those are a blessing, if you can find them. My city has essentially none. The campus has a few bike paths, but they are limited to campus property and only cover the main buildings, so I usually have to deviate to the sidewalks anyway.

maddawg IAJI said:
Matt_LRR said:
manaman said:
Matt_LRR said:
Remember motorists: in most places, Bicycles are entitled to the use of a full lane when necessary.

You know you posted twice in this thread with only a few replies between them, and pretty much summed up your first post? Just wondering.
and I am, for some reason, not allowed to express multiple similar (but not the same) opinions on the subject?

I think all he is trying to say is that you made your point in your first post.
Now now boys, please! I have no qualms with multiple posts. And at this point his posts, no matter how many in number, have contributed more to the topic at hand than this silly argument has. So just take a deep breath and watch this cute video of kittens or something.



Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
Matt_LRR said:
A bicycle is a vehicle, and should be ridden on the road.

Riding a bike on a sidewalk you are a danger to pedestrians, and actually increase your chances of being in a crash with a vehicle as they do not expect you to be on sidewalks.

Take it from a long-time cyclist - if you ride your bike like you were driving a car, you'll be VASTLY safer than if you ride like you're a pedestrian.

That's the key to it, learning to move like a car. Really, it's a matter of learning the lanes, hand signals, and so on. There's always the chance that you'll be riding next to some idiot that doesn't know what you're doing, even if you are acting correctly, but I'd like to think that's less prominent than we think.

Unless you have issues where you have to move across fast-moving roads, you'll generally be moving as fast as the cars. That being said, you're socially (and legally, I believe) bound to be able to match the speed of traffic, so make sure that you're fit enough to ride.

Really, if you ride on the sidewalk around campus then you're bound to be moving faster than the cars, which is not good for any pedestrians that you might be near.

Oh, and you will get an unfortunate amount of crap for riding on the road from people that don't understand the rules, just ignore them.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
maddawg IAJI said:
Saelune said:
I dont care what happens, if someone hits me with a bike while im walking, its their fault. (Unless I jump in front of them on purpose obviously)
Actually it would still be the cyclists fault, as it would be the drivers fault if you jumped in front of a car. A pedestrian, no matter what they're doing, always have the right of way over a vehicle. Even if they're jay-walking across a busy street.
Well...I would prefer to be in the right because I actually am, not because of faulty laws.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
fordneagles said:
Hashime said:
FoRtMinor44 said:
I have two different views on this. First back to the days of being 15 and using my bike to get everywhere, i was always in fear riding my bike on the road because one mistake by you or someone else puts you six feet under. Then there is me now who can drive and thinks it is annoying to have to slow down because someone thought it would be a great idea to ride their bike really close to the lane traffic is coming from. Overall get them the fuck on the sidewalks!
So you think it is better for someone riding at 50 Km/h hour to be in the same space as pedestrians?
Not all people ride that fast, but in general a serious cyclist will average 25 at least.
Bikes are vehicles, drivers must treat us as vehicles. If you are nice to us, we will be nice to you.
Serious cyclists will have all the proper gear, a lot of experience/training, and will know where the cycle paths/lanes are. Most people aren't serious though, and definitely won't be reaching those sorts of speeds. The number of cyclists I see riding too far from the kerb or not making any effort to ride safely or be visible to cars is just ridiculous. It's those cyclists that are part of the problem (because drivers are idiots too, that's the other part of the problem).

I HAVE A SOLUTION! (I think :p)

To drive a vehicle on the road, you need to get a license for whatever you're driving, car, motorbike, truck, bus, whatever. That way, you KNOW what to do (apparently), what the road rules are and what your obligations are to other road users. If cyclists have to go on the road, why aren't they subject to any kind of testing? Any idiot can take a bike on a road regardless of what, if ANY, license(s) they have. They've got no idea of the road rules, what their obligations as a cyclist are, all that sort of thing. If cyclists underwent some sort of training or at least education as to what they need to be doing, that would solve a lot of the problem, I reckon. Of course, one could argue that drivers have undergone training and still drive like morons, but at least cyclists would have a better idea where they stand and I think that would help a lot.
I fully agree with your solution. Cyclists who use the road should have to be licensed. Most schools do give training to kids in about grade 5 where I live.
Unlicensed cyclists would use the sidewalk and be limited in speed...except them many, many people would not cycle.
There is not easy solution, but ticketing idiots is a great idea.

Jeff Loper

New member
Feb 15, 2010
In my city bicyclist are allowed to use ether. I prefer sidewalks or bike lanes where possible. Drivers always pass me @ 40mph, so I say off the road.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
On roads. We should have multiple bike lanes. I can't find the picture of it though.

But while cars are on the road, please gtfo. I don't care how sporty and professional you look clad in sponsor emblazoned fluro jumpsuits riding side by side hunched over those handlebars. When there is a bike lane, please don't ride as close to the line as possible to make me scared I'll hit you.

As for hitting people on the footpath, do they not have eyes and functioning brakes and bells? Are people really that impatient and judgment impaired that they need to ride past someone at a speed that disables them from turning a corner safely or reacting in time if someone, say, changed direction suddenly? I know accidents happen and all, but it's not as bad as being hit by a car.

Havoc Himself

New member
Dec 21, 2010
Bikes should be on the side walk, in my area they have even laid bike paths for them to use. The policy could be a little different here, but I still see bikes riding on the street and I have come very close to hitting them on a couple of occasions. I really don't understand why they laid bike paths if none of the bicyclists use them, it's been pretty frustrating. So yeah, bikes need to be off the street and we should start some sort of movement to try to get the law changed.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Austin (Texas) is apparently a very bike friendly city, hence there are a large number of bike lanes. It's only a shame that they never lead to any place I want to go. So I'm quite frequently faced with the dilemma of biking on a sidewalk or on the street. I've actually brought it down to a simple answer (which ignores legality, cuz I like living): If I am on a one-way street, but want to go in the opposite direction, I go on the sidewalk. If I have to go down a certain street, but absolutely have to be on either side with no way of switching later, I ride on that side's sidewalk. In all other situations, it's street.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Saelune said:
maddawg IAJI said:
Saelune said:
I dont care what happens, if someone hits me with a bike while im walking, its their fault. (Unless I jump in front of them on purpose obviously)
Actually it would still be the cyclists fault, as it would be the drivers fault if you jumped in front of a car. A pedestrian, no matter what they're doing, always have the right of way over a vehicle. Even if they're jay-walking across a busy street.
Well...I would prefer to be in the right because I actually am, not because of faulty laws.
I have hit 2 pedestrians in my cycling career, and I can tell you that no matter what it is your fault. Fortunately no one decided to sue or press charges. The first time a kid (about 4) ran out between 2 parked cars where my front wheel hit her square in the chest sending her flying back and sending me and my bike into the ground hard. I did not have enough time to react. She was alright, but still had to go to the hospital to get checked out. I had relatively sever abrasions and still have scars from that incident. Of course the parents blamed me for "going to fast" even though if I were a car their daughter would be dead.

The second incident was minor. I was riding on a combination cyclist / pedestrian path and he out of nowhere stepped in-front of me. I had been ringing my bell, so it came as a surprise, he had been texting with his iPod in. I learned that day to never trust a pedestrian. I got tossed and he received a bruise on his leg. I ended up getting injured worse that time.

Bike-pedestrian impacts are not fun.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Ambi said:
On roads. We should have multiple bike lanes. I can't find the picture of it though.

But while cars are on the road, please gtfo. I don't care how sporty and professional you look clad in sponsor emblazoned fluro jumpsuits riding side by side hunched over those handlebars. When there is a bike lane, please don't ride as close to the line as possible to make me scared I'll hit you.

As for hitting people on the footpath, do they not have eyes and functioning brakes and bells? Are people really that impatient and judgment impaired that they need to ride past someone at a speed that disables them from turning a corner safely or reacting in time if someone, say, changed direction suddenly? I know accidents happen and all, but it's not as bad as being hit by a car.
The advent of the iPod has made bells useless, trust me.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
maddawg IAJI said:
Saelune said:
I dont care what happens, if someone hits me with a bike while im walking, its their fault. (Unless I jump in front of them on purpose obviously)
Actually it would still be the cyclists fault, as it would be the drivers fault if you jumped in front of a car. A pedestrian, no matter what they're doing, always have the right of way over a vehicle. Even if they're jay-walking across a busy street.
I think you will find that no one has "right of way". There are only circumstances in which you must give way to someone else. In Australia at least.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Strictly speaking, legally in most places bikes should not be ridden on the sidewalk/footpaths; they're supposed to be ridden in bike lanes (or on the road if one is not available) only.

Not that legalities stop many people. If I still rode a bike I'd probably feel a bit uneasy being on the road, too.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
They belong in the bike lanes, which should probably be more clearly delineated and significantly more prolific.


Eats With Her Mouth Full
May 3, 2010
I understand bikers riding on the road, honestly I do.

What gets me is those bikers that ride in packs, often covering the entirety of the lane, slowly and chatting while they ride. Honestly, single-file and at a reasonable pace people!


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
I prefer bikes on sidewalks. It's a lot easier to ride off the sidewalk or walk off the sidewalk to let a bike pass/pass a pedestrian. It's harder to ride your bike over a curb to get out of the way of a car and cars can't pass unless it's clear. Also as the op said a pedestrian getting hit by a bike isn't as serious as a biker getting hit by a car.


Filled with ReLRRgious fervor.
Dec 17, 2009
Sidewalks, I get so fucking nervous driving next to a biker. There was one dipshit that U-turned on a bike into oncoming fucking traffic at 1 in the morning wearing all black. Nearly hit the sumbitch so hard had to swerve to avoid him hitting me.

Also, I'm always worried my mirror'll clip your handlebar.