Do bicyclists belong on the roads or on the sidewalks?


New member
Aug 1, 2008
Ideally, in a bike lane.

Unfortunatley, they are scarce around my area because people are idiots.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
They should be on the sidewalk, and so should joggers. Seriously, why the fuck are there joggers jogging on the side of the road when there is a perfectly good sidewalk right there? But anyway, bikes. They don't want to get hit by me and I don't want to be hit by them. So get them off my road and on the sidewalk where they belong please.

Of course, this is based off all the cyclists I've seen, which were idiots who kept weaving in and out of the lane I'm driving in instead of staying off to the side. This is regardless of whether or not there is a bike lane (usually there is and they don't use it despite it being clear because vehicle parking is on the opposite side of the road).


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
SomethingAmazing said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
They belong in the bike lane. You know, the designated lane for bikes?
I agree. The problem is that there aren't nearly enough of them. And the ones that do exist are always occupied by cars.
It really depends where you are, but I agree, there could be less clutter from parked cars.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Riding in the street is fine when it's not a very busy street, but otherwise should be kept to either bicycle lanes or sidewalks.

Why? Well, I live in an area with high speed limits, high vehicle traffic, and medium pedestrian traffic. ON top of that, those that do ride bicycles during the day ride them very slowly. Riding at 5mph with a line of cars behind you that want to go 40... doesn't work.


Oh for...
Aug 4, 2010
SL33TBL1ND said:
They belong in the bike lane. You know, the designated lane for bikes?
I agree. Save, in twenty four years, I saw my first actual bike lane, today. The solution, it has yet to be working...


New member
Feb 14, 2009
Neither; we should be like the Danes and have cycle paths everywhere.

Bikes are generally too slow on the road, and it can be quite frustrating for drivers having to piddle along behind one when there's no way to pull around it. This alone can cause accidents.

They shouldn't be on pavements, either. Cyclists (and especially kids) will go down the street at full pelt not caring who has to jump quickly out of the way. So yeah, I say cycle paths ftw.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
Get off the highways. Get off the roads. Bicyclists and pedestrians, learn to ride or walk with your heads up and your brain functioning.

Actually, this goes for anyone on foot. I know you have the "right of way" but at the end of the day, you're a squishy little fleshbag and I have a metal death machine. It would behoove you to stay out of my way. Stop walking out into the road without looking and stop thinking you own the pavement just because you're going green. Smugness won't fix your twisted body after you step out into traffic just because it *should* be stopping for you.

Anyways, bicyclists are a hazard on the road. I would be happy to share the road with them but ultimately they are in the way and just asking to get pwned by a car. It's safer for everyone if you get on the sidewalk and adopt rules to share those sidewalks with pedestrians (who also should not be on the road for their own safety).


New member
Apr 12, 2009
As much as I agree with you, it doesn't take much for a bicyclist to get destroyed by a car but the amount of times I've almost been destroyed by a bicyclist on the sidewalk is too high to be allowed and think of it this way, theres a lower chance of hitting any old people while on the road.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
If the road is nice and quiet ride on the road. If the footpath isn't to crowded, use the footpath. But be VERY careful around pedestrians. Especially small children. Use bike paths whenever possible. Treat other road users with respect.
The advantage of a bike is it is a multi-terrain vehicle.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
I would say the sidewalks. As the OP said biking along the road scares the shit out me too. I just pray to whatever higher power that is in charge that they are aware of me.

And fuck impatient motorists. And here in Sweden atleast where I live everybody bikes on the sidewalk.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Yeah, I've never driven a car, but I ride my bike practically everywhere. When I was younger, I used to ride it all about the sidewalks, (jeez, you Americans are confusing me, here in Australia, you walk on the street, and drive on the road) and never once did I come close to hitting someone, or ever experiencing injury of myself, though I do recall that anytime I came close to pedestrians, I would shift my path and cycle down the nature strip to the side, so as to avoid them. Then, some kindly fellow informed me that it's illegal to ride on the sidewalk, and that I should do so on the street.

Since then, I've been hit by a car, and had 2 near misses. The hit did some damage to my knee (difficulty walking for at least a few days afterwards) but the brunt of the damage was done to my poor bike, which was pretty trashed (front wheel bent to all fuck).

Still, I see the point to be made about riding on the streets, and I'm lucky to bike in an area with few pedestrians, which is probably why I never ran into any sidewalk incidents.

The only thing was really pisses me off is that, there are spaces on the roads around my home, where, I can clearly see used to be bike lanes, with faded paint in the shape of a little bicycle and stuff. However, some bright spark up in the Council stuck a bunch of trees RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LANE. GEE, THANKS. I HAVE NO PROBLEMS RIDING STRAIGHT THROUGH TREES, IT'S ALL OKAY I GUESS.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
maddawg IAJI said:
robingthehood said:
maddawg IAJI said:
Saelune said:
I dont care what happens, if someone hits me with a bike while im walking, its their fault. (Unless I jump in front of them on purpose obviously)
Actually it would still be the cyclists fault, as it would be the drivers fault if you jumped in front of a car. A pedestrian, no matter what they're doing, always have the right of way over a vehicle. Even if they're jay-walking across a busy street.
I think you will find that no one has "right of way". There are only circumstances in which you must give way to someone else. In Australia at least.
In America, we call it the right of way. Vehicles must yield to other drivers in certain situations (Like turning left at an intersection or when going on an on ramp). In the case with Pedestrians, no matter the situation, all vehicles must yield for pedestrians.
In Australia it depends on the situation. In general the vehicle must yield, but if the pedestrian is jay walking or otherwise proven to be in the wrong then they cop the punishment/fine/whatever.


New member
May 7, 2008
When I ride, I try to keep my speed at around an average of 25 km/h. That speed does not belong on the sidewalk. Let's not pretend that the sidewalk is safer for cyclists, there have been too many cases of people getting hit and severely injured or killed. Yes, accidents involving bicycles happen all the time on the road, but accidents happen all the time no matter what's involved. You don't like it? WALK. On the sidewalk.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Bicycles should be allowed to chose to ride on the sidewalk or road. Like others have pointed out, a bike hitting a pedestrian probably wouldn't hurt them too much but a car hitting a bike can be lethal. Most sidewalks (here in Adelaide anyway) aren't all that busy and bikes could easily pass those people who are using them.


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
SomethingAmazing said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
They belong in the bike lane. You know, the designated lane for bikes?
I agree. The problem is that there aren't nearly enough of them. And the ones that do exist are always occupied by cars.
I'll back this up. Yes, I live in Michigan, the "motor state". Yea, I live in the suburbs, where everything is spaced far apart. Ja, everyone (myself included) can and does own a car. But would making the roads two feet wider really screw up the planning?

PixiePrincess said:
Get off the highways. Get off the roads. Bicyclists and pedestrians, learn to ride or walk with your heads up and your brain functioning.

Actually, this goes for anyone on foot. I know you have the "right of way" but at the end of the day, you're a squishy little fleshbag and I have a metal death machine. It would behoove you to stay out of my way. Stop walking out into the road without looking and stop thinking you own the pavement just because you're going green. Smugness won't fix your twisted body after you step out into traffic just because it *should* be stopping for you.

Anyways, bicyclists are a hazard on the road. I would be happy to share the road with them but ultimately they are in the way and just asking to get pwned by a car. It's safer for everyone if you get on the sidewalk and adopt rules to share those sidewalks with pedestrians (who also should not be on the road for their own safety).
We're assuming for this thought exercise that the pedestrians aren't complete idiots that will wander off across traffic at the slightest second.

Although your argument confuses me. Bicycles don't belong on the road because a car could kill them? That's assuming that the car has no idea what it's doing and has a reckless disregard for the safety of everyone around. In that case, the solution would be to step up education about bicycles on the road and actually increase the number of cyclists out in order to get people used to them.

We can fix the problem of jackass drivers when it comes to cycling in time, but we can't do so if we're terrified of stepping onto the street.

Hell, if I *really* wanted to delve into some logical fallacies then I could say that compact cars like the Mini Cooper and Smart shouldn't drive on highways because a semi could take them out.