Do I need to watch Firefly before watching Serenity?


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
Bob_McMillan said:
Baffle said:
You're too lazy to watch TV? How does that work?! But watch the series first.
As I have no Netflix, it would require me to buy the DVD, which I would have to hunt for like crazy. Serenity would be much easier to find.

OT: Thanks for the advice guys, I guess I should start hunting.
Stream it on Amazon. It's free if you have a Prime account, otherwise it's $30. Which is a bit steep for streaming a season of TV, but at least it's HD.

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
I didn't, the movie does stand on it's own enough to give you an impression of what's going on in the wider Verse without having to have the full details of the characters back stories, of course having those back stories does lend some additional weight to some of the stuff that happens to certain characters but the most jarring thing between watching the movie first and the TV show second is Rivers abilities (her fighting abilities.) I won't go in to too much detail but seeing the movie and then seeing the TV show I was a little dis-appointed in that aspect.