Do we need "easy mode" any more?


New member
May 18, 2011
poiumty said:
k-ossuburb said:
...a testament to the games design and mechanics if you're capable of making a game that doesn't require a difficulty setting at all because it simply holds to a specific oeuvre...
Um, no. You give examples of some very specific games then saying "if it works in these, it should work everywhere".
Yeah it's like saying that we should just scrap the visual representation of anything because that worked well for Zork.

Rather silly.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I've been playing games forever but sometimes I like to re-play a game on easy mode just to experience all the flashy cinematic stuff that happens during the game without being too distracted trying to stay alive.


New member
May 2, 2012
I think in the easiest answer: Yes. It makes it a hell of a lot more easier to go back in games and pick-up things you missed out to gain achievements and it's good for "N00bz".

It also makes CoD playable for my 10 year-old sister! :D


New member
Jul 21, 2012
I feel that easy mode gives you no real reward or satisfaction in completing the game. In light of this opinion, however, I do not think it should be taken out. Not everyone is good at playing games, not even on normal, so it's kind of good to have easy mode to fall back on in the off chance your not as good as you thought you were. That's just my opinion though.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
I don't have a lot of time to spend on games so I like having easy mode so I can still go through the game but more quickly


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
k-ossuburb said:
I suppose it's good for first-time gamers who are new to the medium and need things to go at a more manageable pace to help people get used to things and feel like they're achieving something which will push them to maybe try out the harder modes later on when they feel comfortable.
You sort of answered your question right there. The fastest way to shrink the audience of your game, and thus shrink your total net sales, is to make it inhospitable to newcomers or those unfamiliar with games. Or perhaps the game simply has a very unique an intricate play style which is unfamiliar to everyone. Different people learn at different rates, and starting out on easy mode is a good way to make yourself familiar with how a game works before jumping into the frustrations of normal play.

Every day new gamers are being born. Every gamer has a first game, and knowledge of how games work isn't transmitted by genetic memory. Everybody who plays games today had to learn from some game or another, and so will every gamer in the future. Which means there will always be a demand for easy games and easy modes.


Assume That I Hate You.
Aug 13, 2008
I play easy mode first, generally speaking, if only to get a good idea of how the game plays throughout it, and for the sake of enjoying the story and whatnot. If I really like a game, I replay it on the harder difficulties, like I did for DMC3 and whatnot. Other than that, I don't enjoy challenge for the sake of challenge. Especially not when the game's mechanics aren't really built for it.


New member
May 18, 2011
Dresos said:
Easy mode is an excellent option if you're just playing for the story.
"But that's not how you are supposed to play it man!"

One of these days....ONE OF THESE DAYS. I'm going to post a wall of text about just how nonsensical the talk about difficulty, challenge, skill and reward can get ^^


New member
Apr 10, 2010
I've always felt the holy grail of difficulty is a dynamic system with a challenge setting.

The game should adjust behind the scene to keep it at a certain difficulty relative to your skill. You chose this, from easy to virtually impossible. This is very hard to do, especially without the player noticing.


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
I play lot of video games... but i'm not into it as much as other, easy mode is usually the mode i play that's just the way i play it is required


New member
Oct 12, 2010
I would be quite upset if there was no such thing as easy mode any more. Certain games that I'm not used to require me to start on easy mode, to get used to controls, enemies, etc.

To give an example, I recently played my first Metal Gear game ever, Metal Gear Solid 2 (I watched a let's play of the first one, so I wasn't entirely lost plot-wise). I started on Normal because I was trying to act tough. Unfortunately, the Metal Gear Solid games' controls are so different from any other games that I had to stop that playthrough and switch to easy because I was getting my ass handed to me due to my lack of knowledge of just about everything.

So no, I don't think the easy difficulty should be removed. Because you can never know when somebody new will start up the game and get destroyed due to lack of knowledge.

That being said, I have no problem with games that lack difficulty levels at all. Usually those games are designed in such a way as to be easy to pick up but difficult to master. That's fine.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
"I suppose it's good for first-time gamers who are new to the medium and need things to go at a more manageable pace to help people get used to things and feel like they're achieving something which will push them to maybe try out the harder modes later on when they feel comfortable."

You answered your own question. First time i tried a PC game i sucked at it, i tried playing CS 1.5 with arrow keys, so basically this mode is for newbies or people who just want to breeze through the game with minimum effort without sitting behind cover for 5 minutes or searching every corner of the map for health potions.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
Yes. It's worth noting that not all gamers are as skilled as you or I. To newcomers, even normal can be intimidating.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
I don't see any good reason to remove the easy difficulty setting.

I play on the highest difficulty setting and turn it down if needed, in case anyones wondering.
This, but I'm not quite this cool. I tend to play games on the second hardest difficulty, unless there are only three, in which case I play on hard. The "nightmare" settings are always just a hair into frustrating territory, though I do play them if I go for a second playthrough.

As for easy, yes, there needs to be easy and there also needs to be a level below easy titled "for retards," because there are people out there that genuinely stink at games.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
k-ossuburb said:
Surely if you're new to gaming then a fair difficulty curve alongside a decent demonstration of core mechanics (see: EgoRaptor's "Megaman X VS Classic Megaman Sequalitis" for how this can be accomplished) would mean that we don't need the "easy" mode even for people new to gaming.
I think even EgoRaptor would agree that such games are not exactly a normal occurrence. As such, it's kind of ridiculous to say that this negates the need for easy mode for newbs.

But mostly, I'm just wondering what's so bad about a completely optional mode aimed at groups who are not you?


New member
Mar 5, 2009
You need an easy mode for people that have fun by feeling like a god and plowing through enemies without a challenge and to see the story. It's also needed for people that are new to games that still look down at their controller to see where the buttons are.

I think there needs to be a new difficulty beyond hard or very hard. I haven't bought any console games in a while besides KoA because even on the hardest difficulty, I usually beat them in less than 12 hours.

I have no problem with people playing on the easiest difficulty. But I remember back when I used to play on easy and use cheat codes, it pretty much ruined the experience for me.


New member
Sep 30, 2011
Of course easy mode serves a purpose. Plenty of gamers aren't interested in the challenge. Try not thinking only of yourself for once.