Do you base your opinions on reviews?


New member
Aug 25, 2010
I'm guilty for this - really guilty. I base my opinions on a lot of things on reviews. I do want to be a film critic and am working towards it so maybe this is a good thing.

But I especially do this was games. If I'm going to spend money on a game I want to know if it's going to be worth it or not.

Also I sometimes go by word of mouth if a lot of people say a game is good then I'm more likely to give it a chance.

What about you?


New member
Apr 11, 2009
For games? Sure, it's nice being able to read about what's possible in games I'm interested in, what features are available. The actual opinion of the reviewer really depends on what reviewer it is, after all, he/she is just another person like you and me and have their own opinion.

As for movies, I very rarely listen to them. The above points still stands, I just disagree with a lot of film critics. Something doesn't have to be high-brow and intellectual to be entertaining.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Before I play it, yes, a small amount. But it has led me down the wrong path more than once.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
No, not really. An absolutely glowing review of a game that previously wasn't even on my radar might compel me to go pick up (or at least rent) said game, but I won't suddenly hate a game I used to really enjoy because it has a low score on metacritic. That kind of thing is just stupid.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
No. I don't look at reviews of games I haven't played (except ZP's reviews). I might check Metacritic's congregate score before I consider, but that is it.


New member
Oct 4, 2010
Not really, afterall reviews are always just some guy or girl's opinion anyway. It annoys me when people enjoy something initially then hear bad reviews and change their opinion. An example of this would be FFXIII, a game, not perfect, but I still liked it and my friends claimed to as well, after the release day I remember talking to my friends on skype about how we were enjoying the story and pace of battles etc. Then when ZP "reviewed" it (more of a rant about JRPGS for comic effect than a review of the gameplay mechanics or battle system compared to other JRPGS) and all my friends started claiming it was "garbage"

That was kind of long winded but anyway, but no I like to form my own opinion, but I still enjoy reading reviews to compare my opinions to other people's.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I do get irritated if somone really bashes a game I like, thats why Im avoiding Yahtzees reveiw of Dead Space 2, I know he probably dosnt have anyhting nce to say about it and I dont want him to ruin it for me

I know I should be fine with my own opionion but I cant help it, it just bothers me

I look at general reviews if Im going to buy somthing


Apr 17, 2008
Certainly, as often as I can. Of course, the reviews usually lag behind the release dates, but that's to be expected. The magazine I read only puts out eleven issues every year, after all. Of course, I don't pretend to know all there is to know about a game based on a single review, or more likely two or three single-page previews, followed by a multi-page review. On the other hand, I do tend to base purchases on that sort of information. Why wouldn't I? I have been listening to these reviewers for years on end, far longer than Yahtzee or anyone else on the internet. Well, not all of them, but there are plenty enough game journalists working for my favorite gaming magazine that have been doing it for more than a decade. So, I think, I got a pretty good idea where they are coming from when they write something. I honestly don't always agree with them, but I have a good idea why they wrote what they wrote.


New member
Feb 6, 2011
kinda, but i prefer watching gameplay.
Its mostly based on the amount of money i have for rentals.


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
I pay attention to them, but they aren't the sole influence on my decision. Most of the games I buy are always rated well so it comes down to personal taste for me. If I'm undecided I'll probably rent it first (this is how I acquired the amazing Just Cause 2).


New member
Mar 4, 2009
There are a lot of details that factor into it.

1. There needs to be enough criticism to show that it's not an ad
2. It needs to be long enough to feel like it discusses everything about the game
3. I don't trust any user reviews that come out for the first 2 weeks after a game is released. (I've seen them mostly turn out to be either "This sucks!" or "Greatest game evar!")
4. I don't trust a single review, but I'm not going to lie that one can influence me.
5. My opinion will always overshadow my influenced one after the 2nd or 3rd playthrough, especially if I took a break away from the game.
6. If a game is just not for me, or I just consider it bad, it doesn't matter how glowing the reviews are.
7. A friend whose opinion I trust will always overshadow a review.

And now I've hit 1000 post.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
I base my decision on whether to buy a game or not partly on reviews (there's a lot of games, I need a filter). I base my opinion of the game on my personal experience with it.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
Not as such, but sometimes it's hard to unsee a fault pointed out by a reviewer... even if you may not have noticed it on your own. And a general positive or negative buzz can affect your perception. Sometimes you go in expecting to like something, so you overlook obvious flaws. Sometimes your expectations are too high and you feel disappointed. Other times poor reviews can set you up for a guilty pleasure.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I tend to buy games based on reviews, though more often than not I'll just buy a game as a spur of the moment "Ooooh this looks good!". Quite often I'm right and the game is good and every so often I buy Two Worlds and wish I was dead.

The only thing I don't tend to look at reviews of is music, mainly because I have a particular taste that doesn't tend to get reviewed so much...


New member
Nov 3, 2010
a review might affect my decision whether to purchase a game. but my actual opinion? what am i, a sheep? my opinion, is my opinion. no one else is going to tell me how to feel about something.

Scout Tactical

New member
Jun 23, 2010
"Reviewers do not exist to give you your opinions. They exist to guide you: to save you time and money to pick what's right for you. If you disagree with a reviewer, that's fine, and perhaps even to be expected, since you are by definition showing lack of faith in their review process by going to see something they recommend you don't." -Very roughly paraphrased from Roger Ebert

I think if you form an opinion of something you have seen based on a review of it, you misunderstand what reviews are for.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
I listen to Mark (From Classic Game Room) and Famitsu Weekly's reviewers. They usually do a good job.
Feb 9, 2011
I rarely read reviews on any game I buy. By now, I know myself pretty well and can make a pretty good judgment call before deciding if I should buy a game or not.