Do you include the delivery fee in with the tip?


New member
May 18, 2013
So I usually tip $3 for pizza delivery but once you add in the $1.75 delivery fee, I end up tipping almost $5. That's too much for a $21 dollar order. Today though, I decided to pay $3 including the delivery fee. So $1.25 tip plus $1.75 delivery fee.

How do you guys handle it, if you tip at all?


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Uh oh...a tipping thread!?!

shitstormbrewing.jpg :D

Anyway, the deliver fee does NOT go toward the driver in any way, shape, or form. It's up to you how to count the fee but to the drivers, it's zero.

As for me, I try to be a generous tipper for I'm kind of a sucker that way. I don't eat out very often so when I do, I generally hit between 15-20% for the bill unless they really really really really really really *Breath* screwed the pooch somehow (I've had a waitress dump a thing of Mountain Dew on my lap and still gave her the good tip because it was a total accident), I will tip big.

It makes me feel good to give someone serving me a good tip; not sure why.


New member
May 18, 2013
tippy2k2 said:
Uh oh...a tipping thread!?!

shitstormbrewing.jpg :D

Anyway, the deliver fee does NOT go toward the driver in any way, shape, or form. It's up to you how to count the fee but to the drivers, it's zero.

As for me, I try to be a generous tipper for I'm kind of a sucker that way. I don't eat out very often so when I do, I generally hit between 15-20% for the bill unless they really really really really really really *Breath* screwed the pooch somehow (I've had a waitress dump a thing of Mountain Dew on my lap and still gave her the good tip because it was a total accident), I will tip big.

It makes me feel good to give someone serving me a good tip; not sure why.
Are tipping threads bad or something?

I don't really care how much goes to the cook so why would I care how much goes to the driver? All I know is that I pay an extra fee to have it delivered and that used to be where the tip would come in.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Depends. Are they making minimum wadge? Or less ( like waiters). If they make minimim, i usually just round it up. If it's less it'll tip them 18%. I still to this day don't understand why anyone would decide to work for less than minimum wadge.


New member
May 18, 2013
krazykidd said:
Depends. Are they making minimum wadge? Or less ( like waiters). If they make minimim, i usually just round it up. If it's less it'll tip them 18%. I still to this day don't understand why anyone would decide to work for less than minimum wadge.
How would you know what their hourly wage is?


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
WeepingAngels said:
Are tipping threads bad or something?
This could somehow become the rare acception but tipping threads usually end the same way that mentioning Anita Sarkeesian; two groups (pro-tipping and anti-tipping in this case) will flame each other until a Mod locks the thread up.

Again, I could be wrong....but my over/under is 1.5 pages away before the flames burn the place down :)

EDIT: Who had the under!?!? You can come claim your bet whenever you're ready :)


New member
May 20, 2009
WeepingAngels said:
Are tipping threads bad or something?

I don't really care how much goes to the cook so why would I care how much goes to the driver? All I know is that I pay an extra fee to have it delivered and that used to be where the tip would come in.
Tipping threads usually go alone the lines of: person 1:"I tip generously, someone is relying on this money"

Person 2: "I dont get tips in my job so why should I tip a delivery driver/waiter who earns a minimum wage anyway"

M. Night. Shamalamamamamamaman plot twist. Person 1 is american and person 2 is british

As a brit I tend not to tip unless say the driver shows up and it 9.50 ill just give him a tenner. I get incredibly pissed off when people add a service charge to my bill and i downright refuse to pay it. Its not that im tight but ive worked minimum wage in a warehouse in the past. It was tough work and i didnt see any tips. I dont see why one minimum wage job should get tips and one doesnt

Edit:someone always gets bonus points for posting the reservoir dogs scene and its a real scramble to post it before getting ninja'd


New member
May 18, 2011
tippy2k2 said:
WeepingAngels said:
Are tipping threads bad or something?
This could somehow become the rare acception but tipping threads usually end the same way that mentioning Anita Sarkeesian; two groups (pro-tipping and anti-tipping in this case) will flame each other until a Mod locks the thread up.

Again, I could be wrong....but my over/under is 1.5 pages away before the flames burn the place down :)
It's not really "pro-tipping vs. anti-tipping", it's people who think tipping is just fine and people who think tipping is a concept abused by business so that they get away with underpaying their employees, really.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with tipping, but when it's expected of me because the business isn't paying their employees enough, that's problematic. Why should I subsidize greedy corporate monkey-suits?


New member
May 18, 2013
Vegosiux said:
tippy2k2 said:
WeepingAngels said:
Are tipping threads bad or something?
This could somehow become the rare acception but tipping threads usually end the same way that mentioning Anita Sarkeesian; two groups (pro-tipping and anti-tipping in this case) will flame each other until a Mod locks the thread up.

Again, I could be wrong....but my over/under is 1.5 pages away before the flames burn the place down :)
It's not really "pro-tipping vs. anti-tipping", it's people who think tipping is just fine and people who think tipping is a concept abused by business so that they get away with underpaying their employees, really.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with tipping, but when it's expected of me because the business isn't paying their employees enough, that's problematic. Why should I subsidize greedy corporate monkey-suits?
Tipping has become expected which means it is becoming less voluntary. It seems strange to me that it is expected that we pay a second delivery fee because the employer keeps the first.


New member
Jun 26, 2011
Well there is generally no repercussions. There is no set limits. Tip whatever feels right by comparison to your income, their attitude, and the amount of work they put in.

I personally hate going to restaurants and rarely go to one twice in six months. Outside of being pleasantly surprised I tend to tip under a dollar. If I'm getting food delivered on the other hand I try to give about 2$ or more.

But yeah, don't count delivery fee as your tip.


New member
May 18, 2013
Flutterguy said:
Well there is generally no repercussions. There is no set limits. Tip whatever feels right by comparison to your income, their attitude, and the amount of work they put in.

I personally hate going to restaurants and rarely go to one twice in six months. Outside of being pleasantly surprised I tend to tip under a dollar. If I'm getting food delivered on the other hand I try to give about 2$ or more.

But yeah, don't count delivery fee as your tip.
Why not count the delivery fee as part of the tip? I mean why am I giving a tip to the driver but not the cook? Isn't it because the driver actually delivered my pizza and if that's the case, then isn't the tip really just a second delivery fee? If I had picked up the pizza, should I tip the cook if he or she was friendly?


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2012
I don't usually tip, because to my mind that's what the delivery charge is there for, but once for a game night we ordered so much pizza the delivery guy had to make three trips up to my flat, so I gave them a tenner.


New member
Nov 29, 2012
yeah i tip, delivery fee's not going to them anyways.
considering they probably don't make bank, i'd feel cheap not giving them anything.

Happiness Assassin

New member
Oct 11, 2012
I have never heard of a delivery fee. I still tip around $5 every time, but still... what is that? Is is sort of like shipping and handling for your pizza? If that is the case, then no I do not. Their place of employment should reimburse them.


Let slip the Guinea Pigs of war!
Sep 11, 2008
Delivery guys get whatever is left after rounding up, or nothing in case I order and pay online.

I do tip in restaurants, but nowhere near the % expected in US-restaurants.

EDIT: Oh, and we never order anything delivered if there's an added fee. Free delivery or no sale.
Apr 24, 2008
I'm in the UK.

I don't tend to order in... I already have food at home. On the rare occasion that I do, I just round up and tell 'em to keep it.

When I eat out it kinda depends on what kinda place it is. Small places that charge lots for the food and add a service charge won't get much extra out of me, sorry. I don't pick those kinda places, I get take to those kinds of places. These places tend to not have many tables(at least where I am), and the staff don't have that much to do.

If I go to a busy pub-restaurant I'll leave a couple of quid under my saucer or offer to buy whoever serves me a drink when I order if I have no change. I know full well that tipping is a rarity in such places, and so is appreciated.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
WeepingAngels said:
So I usually tip $3 for pizza delivery but once you add in the $1.75 delivery fee, I end up tipping almost $5. That's too much for a $21 dollar order. Today though, I decided to pay $3 including the delivery fee. So $1.25 tip plus $1.75 delivery fee.

How do you guys handle it, if you tip at all?
Are you sure there's a "delivery fee"? Because, I worked at a deli where I delivered lunch to the nearby office buildings and a $7 sandwich cost $7, regardless of whether they picked it up or had it delivered. The only time there was a "delivery fee" was when the overall bill came out to less than $5, like just getting a cup of chili and PB&J, but even then that fee went to the store and not the deliverer.

And, as for the tipping thread thing, we get many of these threads. And, imo, it's a case of "You had to be there". As in, unless you worked a job that depended on tips, you just aren't going to understand how tipping works. You'd have better luck explaining color to a blind person, or music to a deaf person.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
WeepingAngels said:
So I usually tip $3 for pizza delivery but once you add in the $1.75 delivery fee, I end up tipping almost $5. That's too much for a $21 dollar order. Today though, I decided to pay $3 including the delivery fee. So $1.25 tip plus $1.75 delivery fee.

How do you guys handle it, if you tip at all?
If anything I tip a little better for delivery because of the convenience it provides me.

I mean by your logic it sounds like you would tip better if you drove to the pizza place to pick up the pizza yourself because then there'd be no delivery fee.

The delivery fee isn't just some arbitrary fee its there because it cost the company more to offer delivery and it just doesn't seem cool to slight on the tip just cause the company wanted to cover some of its expenses.


New member
May 20, 2009
Sexual Harassment Panda said:
I'm in the UK.
Also being from the UK I really disagree with the practice. We are fortunate to live in a country where minimum wage laws exist and many people earn minimum wage that dont get tips.

places that charge lots for the food and add a service charge won't get much extra out of me, sorry.
If the restraunt feels that the staff are underpaid then raise the price of the meals dont guilt people into tipping and certainly dont add a service charge to my bill without telling me because you will have all hell to pay for if you decide to use such a shady business tactic

like I said already ive worked minimum wage as a warehouse picker and it was tough work and long days and I didnt receive a penny of tips. There are thousands of people who work minimum wage that do tough jobs and yet society deems it that people who bring us food are the only ones who should receive tips

im not going to stop others from tipping but its just my opinion