Do you watch TV? all?


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Burn Notice, Castle, The Mentalist, Chuck, The Middle, Mythbusters, The Walking Dead, Psyche (sort of), The Smoking Gun: world dumbest..., Eureka, AFV, SGU, Chicago Code. Yea I watch TV.


New member
May 8, 2011
Really I usually just watch G4 and Comedy Central. Sometimes I'll watch NBC comedies such as Community or 30 Rock, but everything else is pretty much shit nowadays.


New member
Nov 18, 2008
I don't have a TV at uni and my TV at home is used almost exclusively for my Xbox360. I do however make a good use of online sources for TV shows like BBC iplayer...


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I hardly ever watch the television, but I do watch a number of TV shows on my PC. Notably Castle, Community, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Batman Beyond, Batman the animated series, Robot Chicken, Chuck, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother and Top Gear.


New member
Aug 23, 2010
I don´t watch tv at all, I prefer getting my series and movies without commercials and stupidly long breaks between episodes, so of course I buy it all on dvd *coughs*

I mean, even the music channels is nothing but trashy drama these days.


New member
May 27, 2011
Burn notice, Breaking Bad, Glee, Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones, Law and Order, Justified, Rescue Me, just to name a few.

And I like commercials too, gives me a time to go to the bathroom/ refill my drink


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Vault101 said:
Shymer said:
Snipped the aerial three year's ago, cancelled the TV license and have never looked back. Highly recommended.
oh have to have a liscence to have a TV in briton right?

if youll excuse my language....thats sooo...fucking....stupid, like are you going to abuse it by making your children watch terrible shows or somthing?

really Im just...amazed at the very Idea
It's not a license to prove that your are competent to own and operate a TV. It's a mechanism to fund the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), a public body that is meant to produce quality public service programmes on TV, radio and elsewhere. Which it has done; by and large. The license gives you the right to receive broadcast television in the UK, whether you watch/gain benefit from BBC programmes, or not. The BBC can then take the money and make good quality, interesting programmes that, perhaps, would not otherwise be made by commercial television producers.

Like good quality educational programmes for children, for example, or innovative new delivery mechanisms - like the BBC iPlayer. Or a decent, global news network with local language support, like the World Service.

I am certain that it seems strange in a country where national provision of public services like healthcare and television is an alien concept. Different strokes... and all that.

To be honest, many in the UK are questioning how the BBC can balance public funding with commercial pressures in a global market. They don't always get it right - but I like the BBC and I have no problem with the concept of a license that most people in the UK contribute to.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Spencer Petersen said:
If you look into it, I find theres some great shows on nowadays. I mostly watch American stuff though.

Breaking Bad
Always Sunny
Daily Show
Colbert Report
Men of a Certain Age
Parks and Rec
30 Rock

All fun to watch, most are comedies though.
Yea, pretty much this. Would also throw in "Sons of Anarchy" and "Castle". Really though, I think people should give TV a second chance. Yea, there's a lot of crap, but there's still an awful lot of awesome out there, too, just gotta find it.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
I've been using netflix to watch tv, and I tell ya, I miss commercials. And tv shows that I don't want to watch. My parents refuse to pay for tv service now. Apparently they think Netflix is a perfect replacement for everyday television.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
I have Netflix and I stream certain shows when I feel like watching something. But I don't have cable and didn't even bother trying to pick up local channels. Haven't watched TV regularly in years anyway, so the monthly cable cost was just wasted money to me.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Ever since i got netflix's watch instantly about 3 years ago i have stopped watching TV all together. I still watch shows but not on regular tv. I either own them on dvd or watch them on netflix. There's no commericals and i can watch as many episodes in a row as i want as many times as i want. So i have no need for regular tv anymore.


New member
May 10, 2011
No, I stopped watching TV years ago...

- All movies that I want to see, I have already seen at the cinema's or I own the movies on DVD.
- All entertainment shows are either lame or all the same. Those few exceptions I find on YouTube.
- I only follow a few TV series (as 90% are crap), but I will NOT wait a whole year before it's on TV here. Instead I just download it and then after 2 years I can finally buy the DVD release.
- I like anime which isn't on even TV or on DVD. So what am I suppose to do? Indeed, also downloading that stuff and if it's interesting, I'll order it online.*

Now the only thing I can imagine watching on the TV is the Discovery Channel.

* Oh wait... I can't, because the releases I want are licensed only for US and Canada so I am not allowed to import it, *officially*. /facepalm No wonder why pirates are...wait, lets not go off topic here. ^^


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I have stopped watching TV ever since I got a computer,which is like 10 years ago.

So,no.Who would wanna watch TV anyway,when during important key moments it cuts to commercials.This is one of the reasons I have stopped watching.I'd rather watch any series/news on my computer rather than to bother with the TV.

So,in short,no.

Nigh Invulnerable

New member
Jan 5, 2009
Despite the fact I work for Comcast, and thus get a massive cable package for free, I pretty much stick to Netflix because I can pick what I want and avoid commercials. However, there are a few shows I'll watch when I notice they're on: Mythbusters, NCIS, Psych, Conan, and Burn Notice.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
In UK. I don't like our TV. I don't like BBC, I have, but never watch Sky, it's just back ground noise to me. I very rarely watch a good series on TV and mainly use DVD's for them anyway (like The Walking Dead and The Pacific)

It's just full of Celebrity and reality shows. Boring.


New member
Jan 6, 2009
I don't have a TV personally, but I live in a house with one. However, I do not watch TV. When I do decide to take a gander, it's always at someone's house and, 90% of the time, it's viewed via DVD/Blu-ray.

I was turned off of TV prior to High School. I absolutely hate commercials. Mainly for two reasons:

1. I hate stories being interrupted. It kills the momentum of the plot completely.

2. It infuriates me that I know for a fact the person who wrote the dumbass commercial I am sitting through is making more money than me by a significant factor.

I also don't get how people can just become "couch potatoes" and be willing to sit through this shit. Most of these commercials try to be edgy, clever or sophisticated and yet they miss all three marks. Meanwhile, someone still somehow has a job. It is fucking ridiculous. I am baffled by people who can sit for hours at a time and just take this crap in. Willingly.

There is also a lot of terrible, dull, boring, unimaginative and unoriginal programming on TV. The fact that the History Channel and Syfy (<- another terrible marketing decision that somehow got no one fired) both have an extensive list of "reality" shows is indicative of the level of intellect going into creating material and the level of intellect of majority viewers. Shit, Syfy even has WWE or WCW or whatever the fuck the fake wrestling base is called. SYFY HAS WRESTLING. WHAT?! There are so many reality shows out there that it's as if the network executives collectively decided to phone it in and cash out. The fact that they've been actually successful at this shows us just how dumb and base the majority of viewers are.

I can't sit through it all. Every TV show/series that I've seen for the past six years has been from recommendations from friends who loan me the DVDs. I never sit through commercials and I don't pay ninety bucks a month for 600 channels of bullshit. I would, and have, rather do nothing than sit through any of it.