Does Anyone Here Remember The 80s


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
I was born in 1982. My memories of the 80s are mainly my first years of pre-school/kindergarten/school and occasionally playing with/spending time with friends, or specific incidents such as the first time I saw a disabled person, laughed, and was swiftly reprimanded by my mother; the time I accidentally broke my stepmother's nose; having photos taken for my first day of school. All of my distinct memories are from the 90s onwards.

I can remember things like the car my mother drove and and the house we lived in until I was 7. I remember long summers at my grandmother's house while my mother was working.

Looking back now, at 80s fashion and music, it's amazing I'm as well adjusted as I am. The 80s is like everyone forgot the 70s and tried to recreate it based on fossil records, then covered everything in flourescent colours and hairspray.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
I was born in 1982, and little of what I remember of the 80s is all that relevant. Mostly just personal and family memories, and some bad fashion.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
I'm 22 so I don't really know what the 80s were like out of personal experience. I haven't really looked into the culture of the 80s either.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
SilentCom said:
I'm 22 so I don't really know what the 80s were like out of personal experience. I haven't really looked into the culture of the 80s either.
Go find Heathers on Netflix or something, now.

Stop reading and start looking.

I mean it!


New member
Oct 1, 2009
I was born in 1975, so I remember the eighties well. There were some great parts to it, and some parts of I still can't bear to remember. Eighties hair was particularly unfortunate.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Born in 1978. Grew up in the 80s. Good times. Transformers, GI Joe, Thundercats, Voltron, Smurfs, you know.. all the stuff they're remaking. Except the originals were a thousand percent better.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
born in '87, so anything I do remember, I probably don't remember correctly or is just a stereotype from the 80's.

Now... The 90's I remember


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Eh, born 86, and can't remember much of it. What was better? The animations are just "better" because of nostalgia, we had no internet, ugly clothes, ugly hair and some pretty stupid television (though we still have that now).
The music was awesome, though.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
nikki191 said:
as someone who was a teenager during the 80's .. (yes im that old) id like to invite you all back for a tribute :D

but seriously for all the colour blind fashion desingers and rubicks cubes we all remember from then it did have a darkside, it was the last decade of the cold war. no one growing up now can really understand what it was like knowing at any moment someone somewhere would press a red button and world war 3 started.

so yes i still remember the 80's, the last decade of the cold war, and the decade the berlin wall came down. still to this day 21 years later there has not been a single moment of global hope as that
Amen... I was born in 1975 and was convinced I wouldn't live to see my 25th birthday. Threads, The Day After, Miracle Mile and Sting's "Russians" convinced me of that. Oh, and I was a full on pre-teen spud, to this day Devo are one of my all time favorite bands. So of course I loved the eighties to the fullest while living under the cloud of doom.
Twilight_guy said:
I never said the 90's were better or had good fashion sense, but at least it wasn't the 80's. Ugghhgh... devo.
You don't really understand what Devo was about do you?


New member
Jul 26, 2008
Born in I remember the 80s very well. There was a lot of neon, but it was a pretty dark time. I was absolutely certain that I'd die in a nuclear war, for example. The good thing about being from San Francisco is that I'd die immediately and not have to live through radiation poisoning and nuclear winter like the films The Day After and Threads.

AIDS his the scene and no one knew what was up. Everybody was freaking out.

There was a hole in the o-zone layer, acid rain, and it looked like if we weren't going to destroy the world with nukes, then we'd destroy it environmentally.

There was anxiety about growing mega-corporations and big brother.

De-industrialization meant that blue collar families and farmers were in a really, really bad way.

The war on drugs and Reagan's legislation made it bad for labor, homeless, minorities, etc...all the while Dynasty and Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous was on TV.

A lot of the music, on the surface, seemed to be peppy and happy...but if you listen deeper you notice that a lot of it was pretty bleak. One of the best examples? Prince's 1999..."Two-thousand-zero-zreo party over, oops!, out of time. So tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999"
But there are a thousand examples of just that sort of thing.

That said. I'm not bothered by the clothes or the hair...becomes that was just the style. I'm sure people will look back at what people are wearing now and laugh just as much. And anyway, I miss a hot person with tall 80s hair and shoulder pads.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
I was born 8 days after the 80s were over. It's all the same to me really. The only thing I regret is not having the chance to see a select group of 80s punk bands live, like Black Flag with Henry Rollins, Minor Threat or Descendents.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
I was born in 1991, so I don't have any clear idea of what growing up in the 80's was like. But what I've seen from a few movies, people had very questionable fashion sense. Although some of the movies from back then were pretty good, such as Nightmare on Elm Street.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I remember when Reagan got elected (both times).

I remember watching the Challenger explode live on TV (from principle's office).

I remember the 80's. I'm not nostalgic though. Most of the 80's were shite.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Born in `79, grew up west of Sydney throughout the 80s. It was mullets, flannies (flannelette shirts), acid wash jeans, and white sneakers with flouro-yellow strips everywhere.

On TV after school, I remember watching "It's A Knockout!", "Secret Valley", "Mysterious Cities of Gold", and "Monkey Magic".

My first video game system was the Dick Smith Wizzard, with a great game called Mouse Puzzle (a very cool sliding block puzzle - I'm surprised it's not on iPhone yet!); my first computer was an Apple ][c with Karateka and Temple of Apshai.

I grew up reading the Steve Jackson & Ian Livingstone's "Fighting Fantasy" books.

I remember when rugby was still called the Winfield Cup; I remember getting Star Wars ice blocks that were coloured according to whichever jedi lightsabre you wanted.

LOL I remember those big clunky white plastic headphones we had in NSW public schools - you and the other kids would all plug them into a central jack to listen to ... something. I honestly don't remember what we listened to on them. Probably some kind of social conditioning.

Random Memories:

Paper straws ... Shrinky Dinkies (!!) ... Spokey-Dokes (^o^) ... Red Rooster's Space Shuttle styrofoam burger holders (omg they rocked) ... hell, styrofoam containers for all fast food joints (remember the squeak-squeak noise they made?) ... Rub-A-Dub-Doggie ... GI Joe (Lt Falcon FTW) ... Pound Puppies ... Machine Men (!) ... and Monster-In-My-Pocket ...

There. Sufficiently nostalgified, guise?