Does gay as a derogatory term offend you?


Walking Mass Effect Codex
Jun 11, 2010
No, not at all. It doesn't offend any of my gay friends as well. Hell, they even use it and "******" to insult each other.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I first thought it meant lame, that's what I learnt originally. Now it means every frigging curse, and homosexuality to some people. I found that out when my friend kept using it in class and the teacher told him off because he believed it's insult towards homosexuals, only to find out my friend was homosexual.

Frankly, I reckon no one should take it seriously, and making assumptions about the people who use it is a whole lot worse. Intelligence or beliefs.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Bi-sexual. Use it a fair bit, I do try avoid ****** though seeing as that tends to be pretty hateful most of the time. It doesn't bother me in the slightest, a word is a word and I don't care until you're directing hate at me for my orientation, which is not what passive use of the word "gay" as a slur is.

EDIT: When directed at me in an unpleasant way I find the best reaction is to blow them a kiss and ask if they're looking for a good time.


New member
Nov 24, 2011
No, it doesn't offend me it a ll. It does annoy me though. However I think Louis CK sums it up best....
Jun 7, 2010
I think it can be used as a derogatory term both with and without homophobic intent.

I'm bisexual and I use "******" like most people use a comma.

Really, I think the terms have lost all meaning as far as insulting goes at this point.


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Well I'm gay, but I use it with some frequency so I can't really find it offensive.

I do wish it wasn't used in such a way though? I mean sure the term has lost most of it's meaning but regardless of the intent of those who use, it IS linking "gay" with "bad" as long as it is in use. So it'd be handy to change one of it's meanings, at least.

Also, context is important. It's not really a bad thing to say it but it depends on who is saying it and when. Sometimes it's just a meaningless expletive. Other times, you are being a dick about it, and likely a homophobic one.

Amazon warrior

New member
Jul 7, 2009
TKIR said:
The etymology of gay as a negative adjective:

Homosexuals are called gay
Homosexuals are considered by immature teens as bad/lame
Therefore they labeled anything bad/lame as gay

That's it. If you want to use the word gay casually for bad/lame than that's your prerogative, you are buying your way into a system that is disparaging a sexuality/minority. A system that causes many homosexuals great pain. Sure your contribution to the system is kinda small but personally I don't like helping the anti-gay side in anyway.

What really offends me is when people say it's meaning has changed or there was no intent. No. The etymology is there and clear and unchanged. Don't be a coward and accept your actions.
Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel about it. It doesn't personally offend me (being straight and all, not that it should matter), but I don't see why it's a good thing to potentially contribute to the idea that "homosexuality = bad/wrong". (Not to mention, can you *really* not find an alternative word to describe something? Bah.)

I see a lot of people saying they use offensive language around their friends with no problem - well, of course and that's entirely up to you and your friends. They wouldn't be your friends if you didn't share things like a certain sense of humour or private jokes. That doesn't mean the same language is acceptable to everyone else.
Jan 11, 2009
As a member of the LGBT community, I don't give a flying fuck and call people faggots on a regular basis, if it's not directly insulted someone personally, it's fine with me.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I'm not offended. I am greatly irritated by it, though. Is your vocabulary that small that you have to rely on the most general negative term available?


New member
Jan 17, 2011
It's not worth the effort to try and combat its use anymore. There are kids that use the term without even knowing that it's old definition refers to homosexuals, in much the same way that saying "that's a Gyp" does not have any meaning in reference to the Roma people to the vast majority of people that say it.

Trying to fight it is just a waste of resources. I, too, have a gay friend that uses that and "******" fairly frequently, because he understands that context is extremely important. Making fun of inanimate objects using slurs, though? There's no reason to attach extra weight to whatever slur ends up being used.

It would be polite to not use it in front of someone that has expressed disapproval, but I see no problem with its general use in today's culture.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Thing is "Gay" used to mean "happy", and then homosexuals took the word to mean their sexuality. Now others are using it to mean "lame". You cant complain that the words usage has been changed, you already changed its original meaning already.

Either way, i dont think its needed, you dont need to use remarks pertaining to a persons sexuality, religion or race just because you think something sucks or that you got beaten by someone in a game.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Yes, it does bother me that people use "gay" as an insult. For starters, it should be more of a compliment; it means you're comfortable with who you are as a person. Plus, all my gay friends are awesome! I love how some people are all for same-sex marriage and still use gay as an insult. Hypocrite much?


New member
Sep 24, 2010
As with any word it entirely depends on the context.

It's sad that people still have the mindset that being gay is somehow horrible.
This has especially been reinforced in Diablo 3 chat channels recently.
It doesn't actually offend me though.

As early as 10 years ago I used to always use the term gay for something I didn't like. I never used it as an insult towards someone though. I've since avoided/stopped using the term altogether as it comes across as ignorant IMO.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
I'm straight, and can understand why some people would be offended by it due to the stigma the word has developed. But I personally use the word gay to just as a quick way for saying homosexual, and don't mean any offense by it. I've never heard anyone once in conversation say their a heterosexual, they just say straight. Their shorter easier words to use in conversation.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Yes because it contributes to the notion that homosexuals are somehow lesser whether you mean to or not.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
No offense ever taken from me, I find that shit hilarious usually. Gotta disparage someone, ya know...