DOOM: ETERNAL's Unapologetic Western Masculinity

Mar 30, 2010
"This was making fun of how the West continually welcomes and caters to migrants who are raping our women, murdering our fellow citizens and setting our world on fire."

Well that came out of nowhere.

"How many of you have lived in a 3rd world country? Worked with people with an IQ of 70 or below?"

Ok, I see where this is going. Basically this guy is a prejudiced asshole reaching for every little thing he can find to justify his world-view.

BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
This guy sure is reaching, what a moron.

Basically, OP, I'd say you can go ahead and safely ignore anything said in that vid - 'cause it's garbage.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Grouchy Imp said:
Basically this guy is a prejudiced asshole reaching for every little thing he can find to justify his world-view.

Mate, you've got no idea. :(
Mar 30, 2010
Hawki said:
Grouchy Imp said:
Basically this guy is a prejudiced asshole reaching for every little thing he can find to justify his world-view.

Mate, you've got no idea. :(
I like his cherry-picking of irrelevant facts as an excuse for his wild (and unexplained) leaps of logic. And by 'like' I mean 'am stunned and appalled by'.

Bad Jim

New member
Nov 1, 2010
Hawki said:
B-Cell said:
Wolfenstein 2 is pro SJW/feminist. it loose money
Source needed.

Judging by the fact that Old Blood also has less owners than New Order, it might be fair to say that people have just lost interest in the franchise rather than any "SJW bullshit". It's hard to believe that New Colossus is doing well though.

Adam Jensen said:
B-Cell said:
Wolfenstein 2 is pro SJW/feminist. it loose money
What the fuck are you talking about? The game was a commercial success. Just on PC is sold 57% more in one month than the first one did in almost a year.
See above. I assume you have a source for what you're saying yes?


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Bad Jim said:

Judging by the fact that Old Blood also has less owners than New Order, it might be fair to say that people have just lost interest in the franchise rather than any "SJW bullshit". It's hard to believe that New Colossus is doing well though.
So, since The New Order, each subsequent installment has had fewer buyers?

That...isn't really unexpected. Certainly not when the gameplay is roughly the same, and New Colossus is shown in those charts to be much more expensive.

But be that as it may, saying New Order "lost money" means that Bethesda would have had to have spent more money on the game than what was returned. Not sure how that can be proven either way.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Bad Jim said:
I assume you have a source for what you're saying yes?
It's a number that I remember from a while ago. I can't be arsed to go look for it now.

Overall sales aren't as important as initial sales in this case, because of the nature of the argument. People wouldn't have pre-ordered the game if they thought that it was somehow pro-SJW or if they gave a fuck about that. The game wasn't exactly controversial in that sense. Some Nazis may have been upset that they're being murdered in the game, but that didn't seem to matter before and it doesn't seem to matter in other games that feature Nazis. Besides, the first game was released in 2014. It's been the subject of multiple Steam sales over the years. You could get it for $10, maybe even less, so it's no wonder that after four years the number of owners is greater than that of a newer title.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Bad Jim said:
Hawki said:
B-Cell said:
Wolfenstein 2 is pro SJW/feminist. it loose money
Source needed.

Judging by the fact that Old Blood also has less owners than New Order, it might be fair to say that people have just lost interest in the franchise rather than any "SJW bullshit". It's hard to believe that New Colossus is doing well though.

Adam Jensen said:
B-Cell said:
Wolfenstein 2 is pro SJW/feminist. it loose money
What the fuck are you talking about? The game was a commercial success. Just on PC is sold 57% more in one month than the first one did in almost a year.
See above. I assume you have a source for what you're saying yes?
What he says checks out.

Sorry man, SJWs win.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Xsjadoblayde said:
Hm, it sure looks to be a lucrative business whinging on YouTube about obscure twitter comments. And it's not like you'd ever run out of material either! Am going to have to keep that in mind for when I'm desperate enough to sell out what little standards I'm still clinging on to.
Even more so, because you don't even need to find any outrage. "I didn't like this game" becomes triggered sjw cuck lashes out at developer, calls for boycott of game


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Seth Carter said:
I mostly throw out the idea (in which I specifically noted he'd still be an antagonist, most certainly not a saint) because in its own incredibly heavily handed way, Doom16 was trying to throw down (or at least invoke) the "People are the real monsters" trope for most of the game. If the Doomslayer subverts it (which there brief flickers of like saving VEGA), it makes sense for Hayden to uphold it as a villain or even the final villain by not being demon-affiliated, but just a trashbag of a human-turned-robo-being. The humanist thing also partially becomes because he clearly sees the Doomslayer as a tool to be kept in a box rather then some sort of actual being, and he's outright contemptuous about Pierce's allegiance to the demons, calling her weak for doing so.

(Another perhaps more useful example of the sort of character would be the Illusive Man in Mass Effect, at least before his becoming an absolute caricature in ME3. And if the aliens in Mass Effect were apocalyptically dangerous hostiles and a barely known race whose only surviving member is also an incredibly dangerous and violent individual and not mostly neutral-friendly. Who also funnily enough keeps the hero locked away in a lab until deploying them as a last ditch solution against the threat, and tries to backstab them and acquire the tech at the end)
There is that sort of bent of nihilistc Bethamite utilitarianism. That being said I will point out it's still pretty fucking absurdist. However important Hell Energy is (I forget the exact term they use) somehow it's worth losing entire Martian colonies and recognizing that events will happen again just like it given the Doom Slayer was ultimately spared, so much as to put the Doom Slayer on ice just for such occasion again...

The thing is that it merely flat out tells you that humanity needs Hell Energy. Despite the fact that clearly humanity was capable of flinging entire cadres of humanity out into space to find it. I mean, sure ... we're never given any concrete background to just how bad things are getting on Earth ... but when it gets to the point that you need energy so bad that you're willing to lose entire armadas of space faring ships and their crew complements to Mars just to syphon off energy you have to assume that the tone is always going to be absurdist.

Just the sheer volume of automated 'anti-matter factories' you could build on the focal space of Earth's magnetosphere as charged solar wind particulates crash against Earth ... So the idea that you need to go to Mars to get energy is trumped by thefact that our Sun is still there and it's hard to imagine the Sun is going someplace else. So I agree that in such an absurdist world it is quite literally a discussion of humanity's self-destructiveness and basically; "If a capitalist could mine Hell and make a buck, they would."

In the same way groups like Royal Dutch Petroleum willingly prop up a military junta in Nigeria and are willing to poison tens of millions of people who will ultimately likely die in part from complications from their operations in places like the Niger Delta is comparable to what Samuel Hayden does...

So I concede the idea that they might just 'run with that', and it would be sufficient for the plot. But at the same time a part of me feels like it's still even mney they might be going with demonic manipulation... if that makes sense? Why telegraph it otherwise if not the case of making a yet another black and white morality frameworks?

Windknight said:
I've seen it be described as satirising corporate culture co-opting progressive language, and I agree that's probably the intent, but without context, its unclear.

I remember a few 'left wing' folks (and i'll include myself) being uncomfortable with the jokes, and there's absolutely been right wingers taking it straight and salivating over it.

And also about 18 or so videos by 'youtube rationalists' calling out the the 'SJW's' for 'crying rivers of tears' over the jokes.
Hrm, well as I was saying before I tend to occupy an anarcho-syndicalist bent so that might have coloured my perceptions somewhat of id Software making a joke how corporate entities will do just that if they can get away with it. In the same way Gina Rineheart occupies buzzterms like 'personal liberty' all while she and other miners blows holes in the sandstone bedding of the the Great Artesian Basin that is the lifeblood of the biomass of much of Australia.

I can see how people are a bit annoyed by the jokes or more so how they were handled, and yeah ... I think there were better ways of handling it if you wanted that discussion of corporations manipulating progressive talking pointsfor all-together conservative reasons ...

But I suppose the real dilemma I have is whether how much literalism are we going to assume id Software actually meant. Because the truth is I could see corporations doing such a thing in order to downplay how much they've fucked up humanity. I suppose it comes down to an argument of how much of a joke it is when in comparison to how much of it makes sense from a first person perspective of how corporations act.

hanselthecaretaker said:
Are you saying that the vast majority of refugees in Europe and England have demonstrated a willingness to assimilate and abide by their established customs, laws and culture? I mean, I?d like to think that was the case, but it might be considered a wee bit too wishful given the host of transgressions running contrary that have been plastered all over Youtube the past few years.

But then again, I suppose it?s not real news unless the big agenda-setting corporate media conglomerates are peddling it, which they aren?t.

Wow, that hits all the dogwhistles.

You know what? My mother comes from the Philippines, and she came out to Australia in the 70s... and much of one half of my entire family was blacklisted by the Marcos government after my uncle's actions in the EDSA Revolution movement. My uncle didn't do a whole lot ... he helped commandeer radio towers and helped broadcast revolutionary news to people across the country ... broadcasted the movement of government troops and Marcos so that civil demonstrations could choke the streets wherever they went.

Nonetheless, he was eventually captured and tortured, and spared death only because the regime fell shortly after. But much of my family still suffered as a result of him being identified to government branches.

Now my mother left all that, regardless, because her family did not want the inevitable of their actions to fight the Marcos regime coming to light to inflict upon her. So they sent her abroad at the time. She ran into this sort of commentary even while I was a kid.

But then you know what is the funniest (not funniest) part of it all is?

The Marcos government was a U.S. puppet regime. No less a eurocentric construct of ideas concerning imperialism.

Even if the absolute worst projections of people like my mother were true from alt-right shitstains as you seem to subscribe to, it's still infinitely better than how 'whitey' 'assimilated' into the global scene wherever they went.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
OT: I wonder where Bethesda will take their political satire next. I hope they don't end up scrapping the bottom of the barrel (or worse, their jokes become lazy).

OoT: I'm looking forward for the game.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
Are you saying that the vast majority of refugees in Europe and England have demonstrated a willingness to assimilate and abide by their established customs, laws and culture? I mean, I?d like to think that was the case, but it might be considered a wee bit too wishful given the host of transgressions running contrary that have been plastered all over Youtube the past few years.
That makes the comparison to them being bloodthirsty demons out to kill eveyone (which is what the moron in this video, and others like him, is suggesting) valid how?

He didn?t. He?s actually inferring that that?s what Bethesda (possibly) did. He?s being snarky for idk, dramatic effect?

lionsprey said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
Are you saying that the vast majority of refugees in Europe and England have demonstrated a willingness to assimilate and abide by their established customs, laws and culture? I mean, I?d like to think that was the case, but it might be considered a wee bit too wishful given the host of transgressions running contrary that have been plastered all over Youtube the past few years.

But then again, I suppose it?s not real news unless the big agenda-setting corporate media conglomerates are peddling it, which they aren?t.

yes because the only things refuges can be are perfect model citizens or rape demons. there is no in-between so if you are not a perfect citizen you are a literal rape demon.
Again, it was meant to be taken metaphorically, no matter how extreme of an example it might be.

Addendum_Forthcoming said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
Are you saying that the vast majority of refugees in Europe and England have demonstrated a willingness to assimilate and abide by their established customs, laws and culture? I mean, I?d like to think that was the case, but it might be considered a wee bit too wishful given the host of transgressions running contrary that have been plastered all over Youtube the past few years.

But then again, I suppose it?s not real news unless the big agenda-setting corporate media conglomerates are peddling it, which they aren?t.

Wow, that hits all the dogwhistles.

You know what? My mother comes from the Philippines, and she came out to Australia in the 70s... and much of one half of my entire family was blacklisted by the Marcos government after my uncle's actions in the EDSA Revolution movement. My uncle didn't do a whole lot ... he helped commandeer radio towers and helped broadcast revolutionary news to people across the country ... broadcasted the movement of government troops and Marcos so that civil demonstrations could choke the streets wherever they went.

Nonetheless, he was eventually captured and tortured, and spared death only because the regime fell shortly after. But much of my family still suffered as a result of him being identified to government branches.

Now my mother left all that, regardless, because her family did not want the inevitable of their actions to fight the Marcos regime coming to light to inflict upon her. So they sent her abroad at the time. She ran into this sort of commentary even while I was a kid.

But then you know what is the funniest (not funniest) part of it all is?

The Marcos government was a U.S. puppet regime. No less a eurocentric construct of ideas concerning imperialism.

Even if the absolute worst projections of people like my mother were true from alt-right shitstains as you seem to subscribe to, it's still infinitely better than how 'whitey' 'assimilated' into the global scene wherever they went.
As horrible as that sounds, what does your family?s plight as activists have to with what?s happening in Europe? Do you somehow approve of the disorder and unrest as a result of what?s been happening there? Furthermore, what are these countries supposed to do with up to millions of people from a third world background? How does anyone think that burden is sustainable let alone manageable, and why do their people deserve it beyond what, an inheritance of past crimes that most are only guilty of by distant association?

People can ignore it all they want, but it doesn?t mean it isn?t a problem []. That?s just one example from one affected country. I know it?s cool these days to hate on whitey (especially Germans), but chipping away at the established population?s well being out of bitterness or revenge is only perpetuating and exacerbating the problem.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
hanselthecaretaker said:
You do know that the consensus by the majority is that the demons aren't supposed to represent refugees and immigrants right?

Id Software made games where Nazis where their race policies were front and center and worked with the KKK. Hate to burst your bubble, they weren't the type to talk about how foreigners come into nice countries and ruin it. You can stop projecting now. The only parody going on is the UEC being so greedy that it lets literal demons onto Earth to make money while spewing out corporate mouthspeak to try and BS people. You know. The same thing that happened in the last game.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
hanselthecaretaker said:
As horrible as that sounds, what does your family?s plight as activists have to with what?s happening in Europe? Do you somehow approve of the disorder and unrest as a result of what?s been happening there?
What fucking disorder? You do understand that terrorism was a bigger threat in the 60 and 70s do you not?

Furthermore, what are these countries supposed to do with up to millions of people from a third world background?
Because the Filipinos by capita have the largest rate of diaspora in the world due to cyclical, persistent foreign interference. You will find Filipinos across the world for millions of reasons like those my mother's family faced. And all of them have entirely reasonable dimensions for having to suffer that diaspora. They are not being 'impolite' or a 'burden' simply being elsewhere than they are ... because the world put them in the place that would see that happen. And only racist fuckwits could pretend otherwise.

How does anyone think that burden is sustainable let alone manageable, and why do their people deserve it beyond what, an inheritance of past crimes that most are only guilty of by distant association?
Past associations? Fuck off. EDSA is in living memory. It happened when I was alive. Things like NATO carpet bombing Libya out of existence even when Gaddafi de-militarized is only a decade ago. What, you think such things do not have repercussions? Suddenly you had Salafist slave markets by Saudi-backed militia in the streets, and for some odd reason people want to escape that. Can't imagine why.

You don't get to create a problem, and wash your hands of it. Own up to it. Get rid of the politicians that cause it. Then and only then can you pretend as if the discussion of refugees is somehow 'unsustainable'.

People can ignore it all they want, but it doesn?t mean it isn?t a problem []. That?s just one example from one affected country. I know it?s cool these days to hate on whitey (especially Germans), but chipping away at the established population?s well being out of bitterness or revenge is only perpetuating and exacerbating the problem.
People have more reasons than not to hate on 'whitey'. They keep causing problems. How about you start overthrowing politicians that cause mass Yemeni starvation through blockading their ports and throwing guns at Saudis before pretending that people might not appreciate the political dimensions at the 'homefront' for good reasons?

After all ... the Irish and Basques had pretty good reason to 'hate on whitey' as well.

May it also be pointed out, that people like my mother? We're not the ones committing all the crimes. Infact my mother wasmore often than not subjected to illegal treatment than she had ever have the occasion to cause. Oh, I'm sorry ... inconvenient much? Clearly it was her fault simply being there in the first place.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
erttheking said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
You do know that the consensus by the majority is that the demons aren't supposed to represent refugees and immigrants right?

Id Software made games where Nazis where their race policies were front and center and worked with the KKK. Hate to burst your bubble, they weren't the type to talk about how foreigners come into nice countries and ruin it. You can stop projecting now. The only parody going on is the UEC being so greedy that it lets literal demons onto Earth to make money while spewing out corporate mouthspeak to try and BS people. You know. The same thing that happened in the last game.
Yeah, this was obviously a riff on corporations using "progressive" style speech to try and get away with bullshit. A handful of people thought it was in poor taste and a much larger group of people missed it entirely, called the former group a bunch of cucks. Then they made dozens of hours of videos about SJWs trying to destroy videogames (and western civilization), and seem to genuinely believe that "immigrants are demons" is the allegory Bethesda is going with here.

EDIT: The Page Three reminder that this is a bunch of nonsense cooked up by anti-SJW types looking to be offended:

Bad Jim

New member
Nov 1, 2010
erttheking said:
Bad Jim said:
Adam Jensen said:
B-Cell said:
Wolfenstein 2 is pro SJW/feminist. it loose money
What the fuck are you talking about? The game was a commercial success. Just on PC is sold 57% more in one month than the first one did in almost a year.
See above. I assume you have a source for what you're saying yes?
What he says checks out.

Sorry man, SJWs win.
Its first month sales were 57% of New Orders first ten months, not 57% more. The SJWs don't win quite that hard. That said, I didn't realize you could view the graphs via the Wayback machine, and the graphs from April are just under half a million, so I'd guess it's selling just slightly less than New Order but not significantly so:


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Bad Jim said:
erttheking said:
Bad Jim said:
Adam Jensen said:
B-Cell said:
Wolfenstein 2 is pro SJW/feminist. it loose money
What the fuck are you talking about? The game was a commercial success. Just on PC is sold 57% more in one month than the first one did in almost a year.
See above. I assume you have a source for what you're saying yes?
What he says checks out.

Sorry man, SJWs win.
Its first month sales were 57% of New Orders first ten months, not 57% more. The SJWs don't win quite that hard. That said, I didn't realize you could view the graphs via the Wayback machine, and the graphs from April are just under half a million, so I'd guess it's selling just slightly less than New Order but not significantly so:
Huh, he did say that. My bad.

Keep in mind this is only PC numbers. I checked around on PS4 and New Order is 1.4 mil to Colossus?s 1.1 mil


New member
Nov 19, 2009
hanselthecaretaker said:
As horrible as that sounds, what does your family?s plight as activists have to with what?s happening in Europe? Do you somehow approve of the disorder and unrest as a result of what?s been happening there? Furthermore, what are these countries supposed to do with up to millions of people from a third world background? How does anyone think that burden is sustainable let alone manageable, and why do their people deserve it beyond what, an inheritance of past crimes that most are only guilty of by distant association?

People can ignore it all they want, but it doesn?t mean it isn?t a problem []. That?s just one example from one affected country. I know it?s cool these days to hate on whitey (especially Germans), but chipping away at the established population?s well being out of bitterness or revenge is only perpetuating and exacerbating the problem.
Actually immigrants and refugees tend to be more law abiding than natural born citizens (because, y'know, a natural born citizen is way less likely to get kicked out of the country). Heck, in America the xenophobia towards Mexicans has actually caused problems with police trying to deal with the cartels because in order to deal with them it's imperative that the populace TRUSTS the police. Acting racist towards them and trying to act like all of them are drug dealers has caused serious setbacks. And this is also before getting into the economic troubles of trying to limit immigration


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
hanselthecaretaker said:
Chipping at the established population's well being out of bitterness or revenge
Jeez! Reserve the hateful hot takes for the Religion and Politics forum, please. Like, how resentful one must feel to assume people immigrate just out of spite?


New member
Mar 14, 2011
First: The people getting upset over this should probably lower their soy and avocado intake.

Second: WTF does "Western Masculinity" even mean in this day and age?


The biggest boss
Dec 31, 2009
CoCage said:
Adam Jensen said:
Something Amyss said:
I wonder how people can manage to stay worked up constantly. I find it so exhausting.
Losers tend to have too much energy from all the sex they aren't getting.
Their lives are so shallow and pathetic with few or no accomplishments, that these assholes have nothing better to do. And what you said: hilarious.
Ok guys take it easy, you don't get smarter just because you put your penis in a vagina.

Bad Jim said:
Judging by the fact that Old Blood also has less owners than New Order, it might be fair to say that people have just lost interest in the franchise rather than any "SJW bullshit". It's hard to believe that New Colossus is doing well though.
I mean, Old Blood is ''just'' a 3-4 hour singleplayer DLC to the New Order, I'm pretty sure it's not even canon. That it has less sales than than the full fledged game it's based on just makes sense.