DOTA2 or LoL?


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Mar 14, 2011
Uszi said:
Now, a team that stacks AoE CC might be able to do 10 seconds of disable. Magnus blinks in, reverse polarity, Enigma times his black hole perfectly, and then ES comes in for the coup de grace. Mmmmm, That's a lot of CC, and totally impossible by design in LoL.
Not entirely true, it won't last quite as long, but you can cc the enemy till they die, though the champs involved will likely be banned in a draft match. Let's see... Amumu jungle, Ashe carry, Leona support, Zyra/Orianna/Annie/other mage I've forgotten for mid, and Wukong or Cho'gath top


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Oct 25, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Are you more interested in winning games by means of tactics, adapting to new situations quickly and knowledge, or do you prefer skillshots and "fun"?

If it's the first, DOTA. If it's the second, LoL.
Do you have any idea what you have done?! This can't end well...

Anyway, in my personal experience, I prefer League of Legends over DOTA. As mentioned by others League's meta is a lot more rigid, but I think its a far easier game to break into. DOTA has a lot of really odd and advanced tactics you don't see in other MOBA's which make the laning phase of the game a lot more challenging to learn. League on the other hand is more straight forward, but it's also more punishing when you make mistakes in my experience.

League is a lot more team and laning oriented, it excels at rewarding you for good plays, and its a lot harder for one champion to completely carry a team if the rest of the team are complete idiots. DOTA is a bit faster paced, focusing a lot more on ganking (people coming from other lanes to kill you) and has a lot harder crowd control abilities. Its one of the smaller differences, but having my champion locked down for four to five seconds and dieing because of it really pisses me off. The CC isn't nearly as strong in League, with the longest form of CC being Fiddlesticks Fear (Five seconds), and the second longest Rammus's taunt at three seconds. (Everything else is generally 2 seconds at max. And tenacity lowers that duration. And Cleanse as your summoner spell removes it all.)


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Oct 25, 2010
JaceArveduin said:
Uszi said:
Now, a team that stacks AoE CC might be able to do 10 seconds of disable. Magnus blinks in, reverse polarity, Enigma times his black hole perfectly, and then ES comes in for the coup de grace. Mmmmm, That's a lot of CC, and totally impossible by design in LoL.
Not entirely true, it won't last quite as long, but you can cc the enemy till they die, though the champs involved will likely be banned in a draft match. Let's see... Amumu jungle, Ashe carry, Leona support, Zyra/Orianna/Annie/other mage I've forgotten for mid, and Wukong or Cho'gath top
The difference there is three champions vs an entire team timing everything perfectly. (And Varus over ashe in my opinion.)


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Mar 14, 2011
zama174 said:
JaceArveduin said:
Uszi said:
Now, a team that stacks AoE CC might be able to do 10 seconds of disable. Magnus blinks in, reverse polarity, Enigma times his black hole perfectly, and then ES comes in for the coup de grace. Mmmmm, That's a lot of CC, and totally impossible by design in LoL.
Not entirely true, it won't last quite as long, but you can cc the enemy till they die, though the champs involved will likely be banned in a draft match. Let's see... Amumu jungle, Ashe carry, Leona support, Zyra/Orianna/Annie/other mage I've forgotten for mid, and Wukong or Cho'gath top
The difference there is three champions vs an entire team timing everything perfectly. (And Varus over ashe in my opinion.)
Varus is nice, I just picked Ashe cause she was the first carry that came to mind with a stun. That, and her's is better for a extra initiate.

Ed James

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Apr 2, 2010
VMK, Don't know if this has already been offered, but I'd happily give you a DOTA2 beta key. For that matter, I have about 16; FREE KEYS FOAR ERVERYONE!


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Feb 10, 2008
Devoneaux said:
Uszi said:
...One of Riot's design philosophies was that if you see a character or see a skill, you should know what it's doing immediately. This isn't really the case for DotA. Their famous example is Blood Seeker rupture, but there's plenty of other good ones (Ancient Apparition Cold Feet, for example).
While I don't disagree with this in concept, I still feel that it's a limiting factor put in place on account of perceived player incompetence.
Oh, yeah. Of course, by definition it is a limiting factor. "Only that which is obvious/easily discernible shall be in the game."

I don't know that it's perceived player incompetence, as a lot of people have cited all the crazy stuff that happens in DotA games as a reason they don't like---even friends of mine who have tried both games. I think it's a perfectly valid reason to like or dislike LoL, but I don't know that it definitively indicates how bad or good the game is.

JaceArveduin said:
Varus is nice, I just picked Ashe cause she was the first carry that came to mind with a stun. That, and her's is better for a extra initiate.
So I haven't played Ashe in a while, and I forgot what a chore last hitting becomes when your crit passive is down. Home girl must have some of the poorest starting attack damage for an ADC. I feel like if I was going to be a dedicated Ashe player I'd swap my ArP runes for flat attack damage so she doesn't just tickle targets at level 1.


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Apr 22, 2011
dmv said:
You're right that a blind pick game snow balls hard and quickly. You're wrong in believing this means the game is over and everyone should go home and surrender. The problem really isn't the snowball, it's how players react to it. /ff top is 3/0 and ours has 50 cs at minute 20. Their top laner has a massive advantage in team fights, and you'll probably lose 9/10 of them. But this is a blind pick game like you said, and people throw leads like they're practicing for the shot put event at the olympics.
Buying a couple wards(no matter what your position was)and warding up your jungle will likely net you a couple kills on over extenders. Also I sincerely do not understand the hate that the brutalizer is recieving even after being over nerfed.
Seeing as how I'm playing AD Carry I'm not one with the mindset of a game being over because our team is behind. I will farm and go for objectives while staying positive and keeping the team's spirit up should they lose it and say something along the lines of "this game is over". I'm not sure if it is I who have been unclear in my previous posts or if it is you who misread, but I should've stated that I think snowballing is worse in DotA than LoL, not the opposite (which it seems you think I wrote), the only time snowballing was really bad was back when Rengar could build full tank and still deal the most damage on his team.

People should generally just scratch the whole mindset of a game being over, we've turned games around countless time by farming a Vayne, Kog or Caitlyn enough for them to finish off key players in the enemy team. This comes down to your carries' positioning in teamfights but well, that is one of the things you learn by playing game (especially games where you're behind and a single mistake will lose you the game). Learn the game the hard way, don't surrender just because your AD carry is a few kills behind. This will stay true in every MOBA (except DotA that doesn't have a surrender option that is).

Edit: And the broken item isn't Brutalizer, it's Warmog. League of Warmogs.

Uszi said:
So I haven't played Ashe in a while, and I forgot what a chore last hitting becomes when your crit passive is down. Home girl must have some of the poorest starting attack damage for an ADC. I feel like if I was going to be a dedicated Ashe player I'd swap my ArP runes for flat attack damage so she doesn't just tickle targets at level 1.
If you go for the Season 2 10/10 split with runes (now it gives 7.7 ArPen and 9.6 AD): AD Quints, 3 AD marks and 6 ArPen marks, as well as either 21/9/0, 21/5/4 or 17/13/0 in masteries (I usually prefer either 21/5/4 or 17/13/0) you will start with 62 AD. If you then start with Longsword and 2 pots (or if a sustain lane, Doran's Blade) you will have 72 AD and life should be pretty easy.

Also, Ashe has the hands down best AD Carry ultimate in the game. Doesn't get closer to DotA quality abilities than that.


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Feb 10, 2008
Larcenist said:
If you go for the Season 2 10/10 split with runes (now it gives 7.7 ArPen and 9.6 AD): AD Quints, 3 AD marks and 6 ArPen marks, as well as either 21/9/0, 21/5/4 or 17/13/0 in masteries (I usually prefer either 21/5/4 or 17/13/0) you will start with 62 AD. If you then start with Longsword and 2 pots (or if a sustain lane, Doran's Blade) you will have 72 AD and life should be pretty easy.

Also, Ashe has the hands down best AD Carry ultimate in the game. Doesn't get closer to DotA quality abilities than that.
No, I like Ashe, but I don't normally play ADC at all, and when I do I usually like playing Graves since he has his boomstick and all. But because I don't normally carry and because I'm cheap and don't like buying runes, I only have one "ADC" rune page, and its ArP marks. My Seals/Glyphs never ever change, I always roll Armor and Magic Resist because they are cheap and because it doesn't seem bad on anyone. I have 2 Armor Quints and 1 MR Quint. And those are the only runes I've had since forever.

I used to only ever have MP marks for APC and then more Armor/MR marks for Tanking, but someone convinced me that I should at least have increased attack speed marks for some characters (played a lot of Udyr, back in the day, and phoenix jungling is better with attack speed then with ArP or MP).

Getting to a point where I might consider flat AD runes for some characters.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Uszi said:
No, I like Ashe, but I don't normally play ADC at all, and when I do I usually like playing Graves since he has his boomstick and all. But because I don't normally carry and because I'm cheap and don't like buying runes, I only have one "ADC" rune page, and its ArP marks. My Seals/Glyphs never ever change, I always roll Armor and Magic Resist because they are cheap and because it doesn't seem bad on anyone. I have 2 Armor Quints and 1 MR Quint. And those are the only runes I've had since forever.

I used to only ever have MP marks for APC and then more Armor/MR marks for Tanking, but someone convinced me that I should at least have increased attack speed marks for some characters (played a lot of Udyr, back in the day, and phoenix jungling is better with attack speed then with ArP or MP).

Getting to a point where I might consider flat AD runes for some characters.
Yeah Ashe is amazing (mostly because of the God tier ultimate, but kiting capability is God tier as well), you should land at 62 AD with only masteries and a Doran/Longsword so that is pretty much Season 2 standard. There's always Draven (who is also beyond awesome) if you like rocking those ArPen runes. The most generic rune pickups ever would probably be Flat Armor and MR/level, I use them in pretty much any role I play (AD, jungle, top). I guess flat MR would be a good pick as well but I'm too lazy to grab that.

There's also the option of running Janna support if you feel your AD lacking (comes with a free amazing passive as well).


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Uszi said:
Larcenist said:
If you go for the Season 2 10/10 split with runes (now it gives 7.7 ArPen and 9.6 AD): AD Quints, 3 AD marks and 6 ArPen marks, as well as either 21/9/0, 21/5/4 or 17/13/0 in masteries (I usually prefer either 21/5/4 or 17/13/0) you will start with 62 AD. If you then start with Longsword and 2 pots (or if a sustain lane, Doran's Blade) you will have 72 AD and life should be pretty easy.

Also, Ashe has the hands down best AD Carry ultimate in the game. Doesn't get closer to DotA quality abilities than that.
No, I like Ashe, but I don't normally play ADC at all, and when I do I usually like playing Graves since he has his boomstick and all. But because I don't normally carry and because I'm cheap and don't like buying runes, I only have one "ADC" rune page, and its ArP marks. My Seals/Glyphs never ever change, I always roll Armor and Magic Resist because they are cheap and because it doesn't seem bad on anyone. I have 2 Armor Quints and 1 MR Quint. And those are the only runes I've had since forever.

I used to only ever have MP marks for APC and then more Armor/MR marks for Tanking, but someone convinced me that I should at least have increased attack speed marks for some characters (played a lot of Udyr, back in the day, and phoenix jungling is better with attack speed then with ArP or MP).

Getting to a point where I might consider flat AD runes for some characters.
Movement speed quints man, they're epic on everyone


New member
Jan 19, 2013
JaceArveduin said:
Uszi said:
Larcenist said:
If you go for the Season 2 10/10 split with runes (now it gives 7.7 ArPen and 9.6 AD): AD Quints, 3 AD marks and 6 ArPen marks, as well as either 21/9/0, 21/5/4 or 17/13/0 in masteries (I usually prefer either 21/5/4 or 17/13/0) you will start with 62 AD. If you then start with Longsword and 2 pots (or if a sustain lane, Doran's Blade) you will have 72 AD and life should be pretty easy.

Also, Ashe has the hands down best AD Carry ultimate in the game. Doesn't get closer to DotA quality abilities than that.
No, I like Ashe, but I don't normally play ADC at all, and when I do I usually like playing Graves since he has his boomstick and all. But because I don't normally carry and because I'm cheap and don't like buying runes, I only have one "ADC" rune page, and its ArP marks. My Seals/Glyphs never ever change, I always roll Armor and Magic Resist because they are cheap and because it doesn't seem bad on anyone. I have 2 Armor Quints and 1 MR Quint. And those are the only runes I've had since forever.

I used to only ever have MP marks for APC and then more Armor/MR marks for Tanking, but someone convinced me that I should at least have increased attack speed marks for some characters (played a lot of Udyr, back in the day, and phoenix jungling is better with attack speed then with ArP or MP).

Getting to a point where I might consider flat AD runes for some characters.
Movement speed quints man, they're epic on everyone
I'd say movement quints are underrated on certain champions.But I wouldn't want my ap carry rocking them unless the other team has an incredibly aggressive jungler(i.e. shaco, lee sin, maokai.) and their only escape is flash. Same for toplane, it wouldn't be good for bruisers with gap closers or assassins as they would have a difficult time snowballing the way they need to. Oh, and the AD carry seeing as it would nerf their starting ad/apen and give a decent advantage to the enemy lane.
As for your ad's quints, you want flat ad. If you're going to run apen it should be your reds.

Free Thinker

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Apr 23, 2010
All right, time for me to chime in. If it was 1 to 2 years ago, I'd say League, but that'd be a little naive of me cause that's all I knew back then. Been playing DotA 2 little more than a year now, and I'm proud to say, I've never looked back. Granted I still play League with friends, but a majority of my game time is spent on DotA 2.

Yes, League is simpler, lower-skillcap, and generally more accessible and forgiving. For the people spouting the sheer amount of people playing League makes it good are sadly mistaken. Plenty of people believe evolution is a lie, and they're still wrong. Back on point, League will drain your wallet, or your vastly. To fill out a single rune page with Tier 3 Runes will set you back 10,000 or so IP while all the new champions will cost 6,300 or 7,800 IP. If that isn't the case, you'll be shelling out $10 per champion.

Mechanic wise, League is very, very dull. They have strict 'guide-lines' as to not make things, 'anti-fun'. That sudden burst of creativity you see in champions is a plateau. Beyond that, balance is horrid. One cycle, a few champs are OP and a few unplayable. It's a veritable roller coaster of rage.

I will admit, DotA 2 is less forgiving on deaths, mistakes, but very satisfying when you do well. The whole 'learning cliff' term is correct. There are skills to memorize, item builds to keep in mind, item and hero counters. But my favorite part of DotA 2 is the few heroes, with high-skillcaps that when played at the highest level is like watching a quadruple rainbow appear in the sky while Gandalf shouts, "You have passed!"

Just look up Pudge or Invoker. All-time favorite heroes of mine.

Pedro The Hutt

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Apr 1, 2009
Well, I'm a newbie to both games, started playing both less than 14 days ago as suddenly friends came along and asked me if I wanted to play with them, so I said why not.

Both have their merits, and I enjoy both, but while it definitely is harder for newbies, I think I enjoy Dota 2 more. For one, it's full of that typical Valve character (and quality), so I empathise with the heroes more than the ones in LoL, as the Dota ones are (as far as I can tell) far more chatty. But it also is more straightforward in a way, you start with all heroes, don't need to unlock additional spells to take into battle, and it provides a level playing field free of runes and passive boosts that give you hard increases to your stats before the first creep has even been killed.

That said, LoL gives you more to worry about BEFORE a game starts (which champions do I want to unlock, what runes do I want to slot, what traits do I build?), during the game it's definitely easier as you don't have to worry about denies and you'll never find your lane without creeps as instead of a barracks where your creeps come from that can be destroyed, like in Dota, you instead have an inhibitor in the enemy base to destroy that'll send tougher creeps coming out of your base.

So both definitely have their merits and I could easily see myself playing both (as if said friends invite me to play either game I'll gladly join), the up front availability of all heroes, no stat building to worry about and added personality makes me prefer Dota 2 more so far. But this is me saying it as a complete newbie to the MOBA genre.


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Aug 4, 2009
blazearmoru said:
mrhateful said:
LoL no contest, dota2 is basically just plain old dota with better graphics where LoL made an effect to improve the concept. LoL is currently the most played game in the world and thats for a very good reason.
Because McDonalds serve the highest quality of food? =.=;
Sorry I just had to point that out. Please don't hate me! >-<

Edit : OP. LoL is basically a game about grinding for gold, to buy power, to win fights which results in more gold which translates to more power, to win game. If you like it simple, and fun, LoL is for you. In DotA you can have a team that will NEVER lose any teamfights and can still lose because the game isn't centered around team fights. Depth, LoL is completely devoid of it.
Sigh, gods, i am so sick and tired of Dota2 fanboys bashing Lol, even though they generally don't know what they are talking about. (and i am not just talking about the above poster) I haven't played Dota2, but at least i don't go everywhere to complain about how shit it is and how much better Lol is.

First of all I don't see how having a game be based around team fights is bad. Tons of people are complainign that Lol is less complex, but when a game is built around team fights that thing alone adds to it's complexity, because there is often a lot of complexity in working as a team. While it might not be easy to learn how to play a particular character well, to learn how to play that character as part of a team is almost always harder. The coordonation required to carry out a good team fight does not come easy. I think a large part of the skill in some of the pro-level players comes from knowing how to play as part of a team.

Also, i think a team oriented approach is a natural one for MOBA games. After all, there are 5 players on each side. That's the way the genre has been since it's conception in Dota1. It's not 1v1, as say... in Starcraft (yeah, i know, you can play as a team in Starcraft too, but competitive play is 1v1). Plus, it's very impressive to see a team come from behind in a pro-level match through team play. I can give one example that stuck with me, and that is well know in the Lol pro-scene. The game was in season 2 between Moscow5 (M5) and M5 manage to destroy clg early game, and were basically controlling the map. Still, because clg manage to defend very well (thank also in part to their team comp), they couldn't take their base. Time after time M5 tried to force the base, but they couldn't. Slowly, clg managed to regain lost ground, as the gold difference became meaningless (there comes a time, where you have so much gold, where any more is just useless). After a whole hour had passed, they got a single awesome team fight, wiped their opponents, and just won the game. To be able to come back from behind like that when nobody expected them to required a lot of skill on their part imo.

People also complain sometimes about items just adding stats. I don't know how this compares to Dota, but there are quite a few items in Lol that have passives, auras and activated abilities. And i am talking about the ones being used in high level play. If people in solo-que aren't building or using them, well... that's their fault. Examples:

Reverie - activated ability: 50% speed boost to the chanpion using it and all nearby allies (don't know the exact range, fairly large anyway); passive +10% cdr

QSS - activated ability: removes cc from character using it.

Z. Hourglass - activated ability: in short it puts you into stasis for 2 second, so you can't take damage or be targeted, but you can't do anything either, including moving

Randuin's Omen - activated ability: slows the movement speed of nearby enemies by 35% for 2 seconds; also has a passive that slows movement speed and attack speed of enemies that hit you with basic attacks

Shard of true ice - active ability: surrounds for 4 seconds an ally with an aura that slows enemies; also has a mana regen aura, and a passive that gives gold over time

Crucible - activated ability: removes cc and heals an allied champion; also has a mana regen passive

These are only the ones off the top of my head at this point that have an activated ability, and are in heavy use by pro-players. There are plenty of other with activated abilities and tones of others with passives or auras.

Anyway, i'll stop here for know because this post is getting long as is an it's almost 3 in the morning here, but there is still more i could talk about.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Pedro The Hutt said:
Well, I'm a newbie to both games, started playing both less than 14 days ago as suddenly friends came along and asked me if I wanted to play with them, so I said why not.

Both have their merits, and I enjoy both, but while it definitely is harder for newbies, I think I enjoy Dota 2 more. For one, it's full of that typical Valve character (and quality), so I empathise with the heroes more than the ones in LoL, as the Dota ones are (as far as I can tell) far more chatty. But it also is more straightforward in a way, you start with all heroes, don't need to unlock additional spells to take into battle, and it provides a level playing field free of runes and passive boosts that give you hard increases to your stats before the first creep has even been killed.

That said, LoL gives you more to worry about BEFORE a game starts (which champions do I want to unlock, what runes do I want to slot, what traits do I build?), during the game it's definitely easier as you don't have to worry about denies and you'll never find your lane without creeps as instead of a barracks where your creeps come from that can be destroyed, like in Dota, you instead have an inhibitor in the enemy base to destroy that'll send tougher creeps coming out of your base.

So both definitely have their merits and I could easily see myself playing both (as if said friends invite me to play either game I'll gladly join), the up front availability of all heroes, no stat building to worry about and added personality makes me prefer Dota 2 more so far. But this is me saying it as a complete newbie to the MOBA genre.
Funny how the guy who comes into the thread calling himself a newbie to both games in question manages to, in a single post, be more constructive than most of us have managed to be in several. This should be the one post for OP to read, don't mind the mechanics of the games right now since there's no need at all to know everything about the game before you play it. These things come with experience and that experience will also tell you which game you prefer out of the two.

Uncreation said:
I think a large part of the skill in some of the pro-level players comes from knowing how to play as part of a team.
And this is why High Elo != Outstanding Player.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010

Try both, if possible.

I started with LoL. I enjoyed it. I tried DotA 2. I didn't like it.

It really is as simple as that. :/

If you would like an invite to DotA 2, just message me. I think I still have some invites for it.


New member
Oct 10, 2012
Larcenist said:

- Is still a product of an old engine, so there are a lot of heroes with similar boring abilities (though this will most likely change in the future since IceFrog already in the DotA 1 days made an effort to change this).

+ Every single champion in the game is unique, and later champions are bringing a whole new dimension to the MOBA genre.
100% wrong.

League is the game with completely BORING and UN-unique abilities. Here is a list of extremely cool abilities in Dota that nothing in League comes close to:

- Rubick's spellsteal. Let's you steal whichever spell/ability last used by an enemy. Can use it for a certain amount of time or until you get killed.
- Undying's tombstone. Spawns mothafucking zombies from a tombstone.
- Chen/Enchantress creep control spells. Jungle creeps in Dota have their own skills (Net/stomp stun/tornado). You can mind control them and use them with their abilities.
- Hexes/disables such as Shadow Shamans Hex or Shadow Demons Disruption.
- Naga Siren's song of the siren. Completely stops time for the enemy team.
- Faceless Void Chronosphere.
- Etc..

Not to mention all the freaking cool active items that any hero can get which CONSIDERABLY changes how they play.

In LoL you're stuck with incredibly boring (and spammable) gap closers/nukes/low cooldown non skillshot stuns.

It's not even close. When it comes to abilities/skills, Dota 2 is FAR more interesting.

(And please don't try and counter with that they're overpowered. I don't care if you think they are. My point is just that they are FAR more fun and interesting than anything LoL has to offer)


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Eggimannd said:
Larcenist said:

- Is still a product of an old engine, so there are a lot of heroes with similar boring abilities (though this will most likely change in the future since IceFrog already in the DotA 1 days made an effort to change this).

+ Every single champion in the game is unique, and later champions are bringing a whole new dimension to the MOBA genre.
100% wrong.

League is the game with completely BORING and UN-unique abilities. Here is a list of extremely cool abilities in Dota that nothing in League comes close to:

- Rubick's spellsteal. Let's you steal whichever spell/ability last used by an enemy. Can use it for a certain amount of time or until you get killed.
- Undying's tombstone. Spawns mothafucking zombies from a tombstone.
- Chen/Enchantress creep control spells. Jungle creeps in Dota have their own skills (Net/stomp stun/tornado). You can mind control them and use them with their abilities.
- Hexes/disables such as Shadow Shamans Hex or Shadow Demons Disruption.
- Naga Siren's song of the siren. Completely stops time for the enemy team.
- Faceless Void Chronosphere.
- Etc..

Not to mention all the freaking cool active items that any hero can get which CONSIDERABLY changes how they play.

In LoL you're stuck with incredibly boring (and spammable) gap closers/nukes/low cooldown non skillshot stuns.

It's not even close. When it comes to abilities/skills, Dota 2 is FAR more interesting.

(And please don't try and counter with that they're overpowered. I don't care if you think they are. My point is just that they are FAR more fun and interesting than anything LoL has to offer)
Now read my post you quoted just once and you will realize how your post doesn't have anything to do with mine at all.