Dragon Age 2 DLC Will Keep the Focus on Hawke


New member
Jun 24, 2008
Marq said:
Actual said:
Sabrestar said:
Thanks, looks like they're keeping that pretty quiet, a Google search only found one magazine which had actually covered the female Hawke release. I'd have thought Bioware would be shouting from the rooftops about the option to play female just so people know they're not going to be completely railroaded into playing the one character.

DVS Storm

New member
Jul 13, 2009
Well now I just hope that DA2's DLC will be better than in Origins. Shale was awesome and I haven't played Leliana's song but rest of them were pretty simple and dull.

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
Pugiron said:
Marq said:
Actual said:
Sabrestar said:
Why do they call this guy Layhawke? He looks more manly than Sad Keanu from the other screenshot.
at least it's not LADYHAWKE...

hey they still doing DLC stuff even if most gamers find it uncool... and on top of it they'll be doing more for the same character... i thought expansions and extras like these were about bringing new inedit things to the table.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I really liked the chance to play as other characters in the first game, but I think it's appropriate for this game to have an entirely Hawk focused feel, especially with the story they'r going for


New member
Jun 9, 2008
People seem to forget how long the first game was. I thought it was a complete experience without Awakening or any of the other DLCs.
squid5580 said:
Did they learn that we don't want paid DLC on launch day. DLC that is pretty much vital. DLC like a STORAGE CHEST????
A storage chest was released for free, for the PC at least.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
It's funny how a broad majority (something like just over 90%) of people do not even buy DLC, and yet "we've devised a genius way to nickel and dime you" is still the company line these days.

It's cool, BioWare. I learned my lesson after buying the collector's edition ME2. I still got your DLC on sale, but that was still nearly $80. If I wan't I can simply wait a couple of months when the game's relevancy is diminished, purchase it used on the cheap, buy your wallet milking DLC, and still come out having spent less than I would have for just the game brand new. You go right ahead and have extraneous content withheld or manufactured interdependently from the game all you like, and watch as I and others buy used, just to make a point, or to save some freaking money.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
HankMan said:
If that's Hawke in the screen shot, I'll be happy to play as him through the entire game.
I know. I'll actually be tempted to play through the game with the default face.

Mr. Doe

New member
Aug 15, 2009
Actual said:
Players of Dragon Age 1 wanted to continue their character. As they are now playing as Hawke, rather than someone they made them self I'm sure a few would be eager for a change.

Is Hawke always male or will there be a fem-Hawke? I'm pretty sure there will be as I can't see them taking a step backward from the Mass Effect system but I just realised I've never seen an image of fem-Hawke.
I know right, wasnt there a big discussion a while back on Bioware forums about wanting more races for DA2? But on the Hawke issue; Hawke is a fully customizable Human IE: Gender, skin tone terrible hair-cut and (wo)manliness are all changeable, the Hawke that we see in the screenshots is like the Shepard thats on the box art of ME so yes you can be Ladyhawke. But still Im excited for the sequel even though the fact that we're probably gonna get railroaded around the terminus sys- I mean the Freemashes and have to sit through what was it like 130 minutes of cutscenes? DRAGON EFFECT HO!


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
ksn0va said:
People seem to forget how long the first game was. I thought it was a complete experience without Awakening or any of the other DLCs.
squid5580 said:
Did they learn that we don't want paid DLC on launch day. DLC that is pretty much vital. DLC like a STORAGE CHEST????
A storage chest was released for free, for the PC at least.
That quest (Warden's Keep) cost us 560 ms points on launch day


New member
Dec 6, 2009
I still don't understand why they had to go with talking character. DAO had so much depth and so many dialogue options. I just know DA2 wont be as good and as immersive as DAO because of that. So it doesn't matter if they made Hawke DLC or some other character because Hawke is another character. In DAO you were the character and it's natural for people to want to play more with their own creation. It just doesn't matter anymore.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
That female Hawke's armor looks a bit like Isaac Clarke's armor doesn't it? Under her chin that is *hint hint*

OT: Even though they decided that the Dlc's should involve only the main character,I really hope they won't ruin the story by breaking it up in pieces as someone has stated above.

No wonder why Mass Effect 2 had better results on the players/critics.They involved Shepard in every dlc.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
It's understandable there going to make the DA DLC focus around Hawke after the positive response ME2 got.

I liked the DLC for Dragon Age anyway - All of them except for Darkspawn Chronicles anyway.

I'm just happy in the knowledge that Bioware are making DLC for their games, after many companies don't. They also don't charge extortionate amounts (COD:BO) for thier DLC. Good for them, I say! :)


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Legion said:
What are people talking about?

Apart from 'Leliana's Song' and The 'DarkSpawn Chronicles' I used my Grey Warden from DA:O in all of the DLC.

theonlyblaze2 said:
Why are they already announcing DLC? We don't even know if the game is any good and worth buying the DLC.
All games have DLC now.

Hell, Dead Space 2 had three weapon/armour packs that were released on the games release day in the US and three days before the UK's.
For a reason.

Most release-DLC is small content for a reason, it's made in the intervening period between finished product and going on Sale, which is several months.

Tom Phoenix

New member
Mar 28, 2009
Am I the only one who thinks this would have been more useful in the original Dragon Age, where you actually had more customisation available? Now that there is a somewhat determined character (Hawke), it doesn't feel nearly as relevant. :p