Dragon Age Inquisition - Your choices


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Title says it all. What major choices did you make in the latest DA game? Who did you romance, if any? Did you exile the Grey Wardens or let them stay? Did you side with the mages or templars? Etc.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Alright, time to break the trend of smartarses. You're impressing nobody, guys.

I had a lot of fun siding with the Templars as a mage, since it gave me a role-playing opportunity that felt a bit deeper than the standard "free the mages/oppress the mages" dynamic that is very easy to take from that sub-plot. Most of that came from Vivienne, who ended up being a major influence on my character - almost a mentor, if you will. We were both privileged, black, upper class, human female mages, and my thoughts on the issue were locked in when she asked me how I'd found life in the circle. I chose to say I had no problem with it, and the Templars never bothered me; of course they wouldn't, I was from a well-off family and had every benefit going my way. Of course my character wouldn't fully sympathise with the rebels.

On the romance side, I went in expecting to fall for the Bull, but was won over quicker by Blackwall's northern charm. There's something about hearing "I admire you, my lady" in that accent that was very alluring. I broke it off when I found out about his past, and spent the rest of the game single.

I kept the Grey Wardens on, because why not. I left Hawke behind at the Fade; never played DAII, but her sacrifice felt like a tragic cap on a hard life, plus the other Grey Warden sounded like he could do a good job reforming the others. I let the Orlesian Empress die and had the usurper taking over under the influence of the rebel leader. To be honest, I lost track of the politics going on there and just went by what my advisors told me.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Kingjackl said:
I let the Orlesian Empress die and had the usurper taking over under the influence of the rebel leader. To be honest, I lost track of the politics going on there and just went by what my advisors told me.
Does that even have any sigificant impact on the rest of the game? I just kept the status quo, because I figured 'Why upset the order even more in these times', but I can't recall my siding with the empress actually amounting to much.

Also, is siding with the Templars as opposed to the mages just a palette swap?


New member
Aug 29, 2012
More or less, you get different enemy faction and of course Dorian/Cole switch order of joining gameplay-wise. I believe it's one of the Divine decisions though.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Kingjackl said:
Alright, time to break the trend of smartarses. You're impressing nobody, guys.
Speaking for yourself! I was grinning the entire time until I read your post.

Anyway to add my two cents to this amazing thread, I too chose to stop playing.

Basically after the nightmare fade bit where you have to choose between Alistair and Hawke dying. And I was super in to Dragon Age 1&2 and replayed a bunch to get the romance finality I wanted. Alistair went off with Mahariel to be a Chapter Master or whatever and Hawke bonded with Merrill.
And then this game comes along and takes a piss all over it! And in a stupidly lazy fucking way! I have my Inquisitor with all dragon bone equipment, my entire heavy hitter team all in dragon bone equipment, Hawke the one man meat-grinder himself and Alistair the Arch-Daemon slayer! We could beat a daemon-Primarch for fucks sake! And here we have to leave behind someone to die because of...reasons.
It was a very lazy and stupid way to raise the stakes and make us have "the feels man"

So after that I just put the game down. Wasn't interested with whatever bullshit story they were trying to tell afterwards.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
I chose Templars, and made a bunch of other choices later on that I'm hard pressed to remember because the game was such a tedious, underwhelming slog.

Oh right, I romanced that beard guy. Worst romance in Bioware yet. Worse than ANOMEN for fuck's sake.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Danbo Jambo said:
I chose to stop playing it because it bored the bejesus out of me.
Same choice.

But before that i sided with the mages, Flirted with everyone and forgot the rest.


New member
Jul 27, 2014
Thread responses like the ones above are why we can't have nice things.

I romanced Josephine, kept the Grey Wardens, recruited the mages, and Alistair was sacrificed (though I intend to import a different game where Loghain will be the Warden there instead).


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
inu-kun said:
So after that I just put the game down. Wasn't interested with whatever bullshit story they were trying to tell afterwards.
To be fair, There's no chance in hell of Hawke dying and probably someone rescued him/her offscreen, Alistair most likely dies if you do it, though.[/quote]

Much as I wish it were so, it is not. Alistair with his rune encrusted armor and his sword made from literal space metal, or Hawke the one man meat grinder with an axe like something from an anime, has to die. To what is basically an boss level Terror daemon. When the Inquisitor can take on 5 or 6 of the bastards by him/her self, let alone the entire cast of the Justice League they have with them.

Like I said, it was really dumb and lazy.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
I couldn't make it past unlocking the skyfort or whatever it was called, the game was too boring and I couldn't force myself to keep playing despite trying for months. The one decision I do remember making was to join the Templars. I tried both and the mages were pretty terrible, I feel they handled the once interesting conflict really badly in this game.

Imre Csete

Original Character, Do Not Steal
Jul 8, 2010
Silentpony said:
So after that I just put the game down. Wasn't interested with whatever bullshit story they were trying to tell afterwards.
I had a Loghain alive import, wasn't really a hard choice. >:)

About the choices, you get more consequences on the War Table than in the actual narrative (sans the usual clipshow at the end), like locking yourself out of "questlines", seriously, usually I forget that I played this game until somebody mentions it. -.-

DA 2 is a game with wasted potential that got shot in the foot by executives, but DA3 is just well polished mediocrity.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
Also, is siding with the Templars as opposed to the mages just a palette swap?
In my opinion, yes. Sure, there are a few differences at the start--each side has their own quest to play through to recruit them, and a few things happen at Skyhold--but on the whole, it really is just swapping enemies. If you pick the Templars, you still fight them in certain areas of the map, they still having their mining operations going, they still have everything except Samson's quest. The quest they replace Samson with is actually kind of a letdown, but what they do with Ser Barris is good.
It really does feel like they just didn't want to put the effort into making this big choice as...impacting and world (and game) changing as it should have been.

On to the topic!
I sided with the mages first. Yes, Vivi raises very good points, and yes magic unchecked is not a good thing, but I've just seen too many Templars abusing their positions and too many mages being stepped on for simply being alive. If more Templars throughout all three games had been kind and what they were supposed to be, then maybe.
Of course, on my second playthrough, I sided with the Templars just because.

Romanced Cassandra once, and then romanced Sara another time. Sara's romance was more fun, but honestly, none of these romances will really stick in my head, unlike every other Dragon Age and Mass Effect ones I've played through, They all felt kind of lackluster.

Left Alistar to die both times. He has nothing left in my world, except the Grey Wardens. Hawke still has Merrill and her sister waiting for her, so she gets to go on. I know that Alistar would have wanted to go out in a blaze of glory though, so I don't feel too terrible about it. I do suspect he may still be alive though, as the wheel says "Probably" instead of "will". DLC maybe? Or another game?

Let the Wardens stay. I will always let the Wardens stay, because until the Blight and the Darkspawn are fully understood and destroyed/stopped, Wardens will always be needed. Besides, the crazy ones all died.

Saved the Empress and reunited her with her elf lover. This seemed to be the best outcome for the country. Sad that the Duke had to die, but if you start a civil war, best be prepared if you don't win.

Let Morrigan drink for the well because hell no, I'm not touching that. I do feel bad for her now that I know that she has to serve her mother, but then again, Morrigan craves this stuff, this lost magic. Once she finally trusts her mother completely, I'm sure she'll be very happy.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Let's see if I can remember the major choices...

-Played a female warrior inquisitor.

-Sided with the Mages because why not.

-Romanced the templar assistant guy, though the fact I can't even remember his name shows how little of an impression that left on me.

-Let the Wardens live because I'm still not even sure why they suddenly turned evil to begin with.

-Hawke lived and some random other guy died instead. I assume if Alistair weren't king he'd have been there in my playthrough, but he wasn't so his place was taken by some random npc I didn't care about who then died.

-Empress lived because why not.

-And finally Cassandra became the new pope because for some reason Leliana turned all emotionless and bloodthirsty on be.