This has turned into a such a big deal. DA:O was crappy compared to most other Bioware games anyway, tedious battles that made me feel more like an accountant than a character in a vast world. Who cares if they have origins or not, all of them were the same; "My ties to the community have been severed, I am forced to join the Grey Wardens!"
Honestly we've already been over the "YOU'RE PUTTING OUT A GAME 1 YEAR AFTER THE FIRST ONE, BOYCOTT!"
The writing in BioWare games is always good but who really cares when the game is 40+ hours of boring ass combat that pigeonholes you into specific classes whilst the more unusual options are unplayable unless points and armor are chosen extraordinarily carefully.
Really, BioWare has been moving towards a more theatrical type of storytelling that tends towards the MW2 theory of "If it's dramatic, and if it's scripted, that means it makes more of an impact on the character." Games like Deus Ex, System Shock 2, and Morrowind were much more challenging, much more rewarding, and made you actually feel like the character, whereas the new Mass Effect/Dragon Age games are just not really in the same league.
So go out and buy it if you're into that sort of thing. Or you can wait for an RPG that actually puts you in the role of the character, instead of a game that sets you on a tram, moving through scripted set pieces and pre-determined plot-lines that you have very little control over.