[sub]This post is coming after i've just done a ton of revision on the Vietnam War, so you can tell[/sub]
As the sub-note says, the whole messy DRM situation is just like the Vietnam War; the developers (army) are trying to root out and defeat the pirates, but the pirates look identical to normal, legit customers.
These new steps in DRM are the equivilant of Operation Rolling Thunder; bombing the hell out of everything. Problem is that the pirates have already got Hazmat suits and have bolted. Leaving the normal customers to take the fire.
As the sub-note says, the whole messy DRM situation is just like the Vietnam War; the developers (army) are trying to root out and defeat the pirates, but the pirates look identical to normal, legit customers.
These new steps in DRM are the equivilant of Operation Rolling Thunder; bombing the hell out of everything. Problem is that the pirates have already got Hazmat suits and have bolted. Leaving the normal customers to take the fire.