I was thinking to do a review about this game to. For the actual fact, I posses bot this game and is predecessor, and it annoy me in a strange way.
For sake of truth, Magic: Duels of the Planeswalkers is a good game. Completely oriented to console players, and annoying to play without an XBLA controller onto a PC, but a good game overall.
The first MDoP presented interesting deck build and interesting one-turn challenge, for a card game oriented game. But, the degree of deck personalization is incredibly low, the interface sucked, and the game was incredibly short.
Screw that, the important bit is the absence of deck personalization, the other bit are forgivable. The personalization of a magic deck can reach incredible peak, and it maybe the most interesting aspect of MtG. This game series is completely lacking that, falling behind a pair of YuGiOh game, Duel Master game, and even the historical Pokémon TGC game [another Wizard of the coast game]. And this only against the Game Boy console.
Incredibly to say, MDotP2012 is still a huge improvement over is predecessor: as Greg empathized, it have better UI, better opponent AI, more playable deck, a major degree of personalization over the deck, more game mode [the Archenemy and two head giant]. Still this doesn't excuse the lack of possibility to build our own deck.
Side note: Wizard of the Coast
proved once again to have no skill at all with 3D graphic: aside from forgettable game like M:Battleground and M:Tactic, the 3D background of MDotP is still sucky. And I wish so much that they could cross bred this game with Magic the Gathering Online, this game is the opposite of MDotP, shitty graphic and good deck personalization.
Recommendation: Console Casual gamer. If you are a PC Casual gamer, sorry bro, this game is made for a XBLA/PS controller, and not for your mouse. But if pressing Tab/Space everytime you want to either say Oky Docky or stop the timer don't annoy you, go for it!
Greg Tito said:
I played Magic before and well after it was cool
You, sir, love to start flame war.