Greg Tito said:
mikev7.0 said:
Would anyone here say that this game would be a good means to re-familiarize yourself with Magic: the Gathering if you haven't played since Ice Age or the old Microprose Duels of the Planeswalkers?
Also does Magic the Gathering still have IRL cash tournaments?
Yes and Yes.
I was like you, stopped playing after Ice Age way back when and got hooked again with the first Duels a few years ago. Duels isn't exactly Magic in that you can't construct your own deck, but it's a gateway drug to buying boosters each time you go into to Target - Damn you Wizards! *shakes fist*
I'm headed to Gen Con this weekend, and there will be tons of cash tournaments there. The Magic World Tour is still going strong, with champions and pro players competing all over the world.
Well you were very honest with your review and it was great to know exactly what I was and wasn't getting into. The lack of deck construction options (mainly the way it affects the ratio of land to stuff) may have been upsetting, as well as not being able to select specific land cards, but I knew about it. Also the game was only $10.00 how much can I really complain? I can't. I think it's great!
I'm not worried about the "Gateway" drug. I know why starter decks are shaped like packs of cigarettes.... Also I competed in VS. tournaments for about four years so I know how it goes and I still have a lot of VS. stuff left and Magic players are usually willing to trade some doubles for a couple VS. decks so I should be able to start at least playing white again. I really like Weilding Steel and the many equip triggers to be found in 2012!
It also bears mentioning that the online communtiy for this game is very good! Not just good at cards and DotP deckbuilding but very good people in general thus far. I'm starting to giggle at how many of us left during the dreaded Ice Age. What a prophetic name....
Do well at Gen Con Mr. Tito! (Yes I would say good luck but that offends some mathy types, understandably, and especially ones that repeatedly deal with non-linear equations.) What do you play? The most effective deck I ever played was of the dreaded "freezer" type but I lost a Force of Nature to learn the Time Elemental/Obelisk of undoing/Stasis trick. It also had a plan B. named Shahrazade. It's value justified the cost. I still miss Skip though. *sniffle*
So thanks for getting me back into Magic! Since VS. died I have been missing the tournament scene. Seriously I've resorted to Blackjack and that's just plain boring!
Kick butt at Gen Con Sir! God willing and if I can find a place that still only uses a three deck shoe, you may be kicking mine some day.... What kind of purses are we talking?