EDIT: A preface, I didn't read that article. I've read a similar article and yours seemed to be simply a more in depth version. So from what I've read:Raiyan 1.0 said:And when the inevitable Duke Nukem sequel comes out, they're going to own up all their faults and say that they've improved upon them.Fasckira said:I really dislike this growing trend amongst companies that they refuse to see any faults within their titles and instead blame the players.
Also, does anyone know that 2K has been blacklisting sites that gave them negative reviews?
Uh... I wouldn't call that blacklisting. I'd call that selective marketing, you market to people that you know will like the game. You wouldn't give someone who hates FPS games an FPS to review and expect an unbiased opinion. When that person has weighting on how many units you can sell of your game, you definitely don't go giving them a promotional, advance copy and ask them to review it for everyone. Unless of course you don't want to sell your game.