Duke Still Has Plenty of Fight Left in Him, Says Take-Two Boss

Aesthetical Quietus

New member
Mar 4, 2009
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Fasckira said:
I really dislike this growing trend amongst companies that they refuse to see any faults within their titles and instead blame the players.
And when the inevitable Duke Nukem sequel comes out, they're going to own up all their faults and say that they've improved upon them.

Also, does anyone know that 2K has been blacklisting sites that gave them negative reviews?
EDIT: A preface, I didn't read that article. I've read a similar article and yours seemed to be simply a more in depth version. So from what I've read:

Uh... I wouldn't call that blacklisting. I'd call that selective marketing, you market to people that you know will like the game. You wouldn't give someone who hates FPS games an FPS to review and expect an unbiased opinion. When that person has weighting on how many units you can sell of your game, you definitely don't go giving them a promotional, advance copy and ask them to review it for everyone. Unless of course you don't want to sell your game.

Pedro The Hutt

New member
Apr 1, 2009
I only want another Duke Nukem game if we go back to the pink shirt wearing, soda drinking, Oprah watching Duke from the original. Otherwise, just put him on another 14 year hiatus.

Sizzle Montyjing

Pronouns - Slam/Slammed/Slammin'
Apr 5, 2011
Ch4llen said:
Something tells me its only a matter of time before Duke Nukem The Movie will be in development
That will be a porno.
But can't they just leave that franchise and focus on new and exciting concepts?
Like striving for something original?
It's not that difficult...
Crazy tramp, in a wheeliebin carted by hamsters, with a shotgun, shooting crazed squirrells.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
"We don't want to ever be in the position of dumping something down just to make another buck," he said. "If we can take some of our intellectual property and bring it to another medium in an extraordinary high quality way, that delights consumers and represents an interesting commercial opportunity for us, we will."
......this is duke nukem. You couldn't dumb it down if you used crayons.... Which would make it a better game now I think about it. Can't wait for the duke nukem sitcom set in a crack house. Just think of all those gags about desperate junkie hookers.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
"We don't want to ever be in the position of dumping something down just to make another buck,"
I thought that was the only purpose of Duke Nukem Forever. This game was never going to work.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
not my video but basically this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAUY1J8KizU


Aug 27, 2010
This is great news. If a good dev actually took the time to make a Duke Nukem game, it could be great. I think they should get the guys making the Serious Sam remake, it would seem that, oddly, they're the only ones that get it. >.<
That said, and as I've said in every thread about the topic, the game isn't that bad. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/326.291283-Hypnotic-reviews-Duke-Nukem-Forever#11581992]


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Hmm... still plenty of fight left in him? No, sorry. After 'Duke Nukem Forever' he's pretty much dead.

Let's face it: As funny as the jokes were in the 15 years of waiting, DNF turned out to be a horrible game. The fans that played Duke Nukem 3D were disappointed and remember Duke's good old days of plain fun, the younger gamer generation heared about the Duke but because of the graphics only few numbers of them have played DN3D. And the chance to impress them with DNF was utterly destroyed by a complete borefest.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Adzma said:
The problem is the people who don't like Duke the character weren't introduced to him in the 90s. DNF is far from perfect but if you're actually a fan of the franchise it's a fun experience. Not every game has to be an artistic masterpiece to be good.

There are certainly worse games than DNF.
I can't speak for anybody else, but I played and loved the original Duke Nukem games in the 90s. There is absolutely zero part of me that wants to play DNF. Why? Aside from the fact that DNF has NOTHING in common with the original Duke games other than glasses and a red shirt, a game about a sanctimonious jackass who touts his own awesomeness in audio clips EVERY FIVE SECONDS is the opposite of fun.

Not all games have to be artistic masterpieces, but they need to be technically competent at being games, regardless of whether the material is a night at the opera or a night at a greasy burger joint.

To beat a dead horse... some people like Mozart, and some people prefer R&B. Others like Rock. I challenge you to find me any people who enjoy "man wailing on a banjo and screeching in a way that causes your ears to bleed." (adequate substitutions include New Kids on the Block, Britney Spears, or Justin Bieber)

I readily admit that, no, I have not played DNF. And I never will. I've watched the first 15 minutes, read several reviews, talked to a friend silly enough to buy it, and I can safely say I do not want it.

I'm all for another Duke game, though... provided the whole game is one long torture porn scene of Future Duke (who grew out of being a giant d-bag) coming back in time and doing blood-inducing things to Current Duke, who will do nothing but whine like a baby every 5 seconds about what a big candyass he is. I might even pay for it.

Hungry Donner

Mar 19, 2009
I see nothing wrong with making a fresh Duke Nukem game, and with a reasonable developement cycle and single game design it may be great.

I also see nothing wrong with letting the franchise die. Fun gameplay is fun gameplay, and the elements that made Duke Nukem 3D a fun game to play can be replicated without Duke.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
If they make another one, and it stays in the hands of one good developer and has a short development cycle it will be a good game.

I expect the next Duke to remedy all the crap from Forever and give us a fun experience. Although I feel Serious Sam 3 is going to make Duke redundant, which is fairly ironic.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
It looks Duke Nukem, it sounds like Duke Nukem, it plays a bit like a crappy Call of Duty knockoff... I think I've Identified the problem. Anyways hopefully next time they'll remember what actually made 3D fun. It pretty obviously wasn't the humour that bit them in the ass, Saints Row after all is all set for a THIRD game.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
Akalabeth said:
Given that he's talking specifically in reference to the mature content, you don't really have an argument. The adult content is a stylistic choice, if people don't like it play something else. Simple as that.
Please see the post I made since:

Fasckira said:
Jordi said:
I think he's talking about the themes in the game, not the gameplay and other aspects.
WolfLordAndy said:
I think he more means the content rather then the gameplay. That is what most of the non-gaming media concentraited on, about how abhorrent the game and its content is, despite the fact its 18 rated.
Ahhh ok, fair enough - I misunderstood the original point. :)


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
"We don't want to ever be in the position of dumping something down just to make another buck," he said.
Really? Because that's pretty much exactly what it looks like you did with Duke Nukem Forever. Well, in this case it's more like trying to get some money back rather than make money because there's probably no profit in sight to be had with that game, but still.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
DNF sucking wasn't take-two or gearbox's fault, it was 3Drealms. I'm convinced if Gearbox actually wrote a whole duke game it could be pretty funny, since gearbox's writing has been some of the better writing in the industry.