Duke Still Has Plenty of Fight Left in Him, Says Take-Two Boss


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Those who are critical of the character of Duke Nukem are generally those who just don't really "get" it. To be honest I'm not a big shooter fan, but Duke is one of the few franchises that isn't afraid to go against political correctness and in my mind that's actually a very good thing.

That said DNF was one of those games I decided to wait on, and while I'll probably play it, I'm going to do it when it goes down in price, especially given the rather mixed reviews. I'm sort of hoping we'll wind up seeing a decent STEAM sale on on it and "Bulletstorm" come christmas or something like that.


New member
May 31, 2011
This article would somewhat support the theory that they bought the Duke Nuk'em brand more for the actual brand itself rather then just to get DNF out the door - given how poorly Duke Nuk'em meshes its old and new shooter conventions (I expected better from Gearbox of all studios) - it seems possible that the Duke brand is actually more valuable than completing a 14 year old game could ever be...


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
GeorgW said:
This is great news. If a good dev actually took the time to make a Duke Nukem game, it could be great. I think they should get the guys making the Serious Sam remake, it would seem that, oddly, they're the only ones that get it. >.<
That said, and as I've said in every thread about the topic, the game isn't that bad. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/326.291283-Hypnotic-reviews-Duke-Nukem-Forever#11581992]
The game isn't bad. It's mediocre. And after waiting for 12 years. Mediocre is actually a worse result than a properly bad game.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
Busdriver580 said:
DNF sucking wasn't take-two or gearbox's fault, it was 3Drealms. I'm convinced if Gearbox actually wrote a whole duke game it could be pretty funny, since gearbox's writing has been some of the better writing in the industry.
I really don't understand this argument. Gearbox had an entire year and half at least to work on this game: given how there are now AAA releases with shorter development cycles than that (Assassin's Creed), that should have been more than enough time to fix up most of the rubbish brought over from 3D realms. Anything that is in the game is in the game because Gearbox approved of it. Let's not forget they got very excited about this game, they hyped it up insanely. I don't understand how people can turn around and say 'Oh, it's not their fault the game is shit. They knew it was a shit game, that's why they put their name and by extension their reputation on it.'

Sean Strife

New member
Jan 29, 2010
If there is a Duke Nukem sequel... PLEASE play a little more like Borderlands where we can wield more than two fucking guns at a time? I got a chuckle out of the jabs at Halo and CoD and I cracked a smile at it's self-depricating humor... but the two gun shit's gotta go.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Works for me. I don't think I've played a Duke game yet I disliked, so I'd love to see it continue in some way.

And yes, that includes the original side-scrollers.

CarrionRoc said:
EDIT #2: And hell, Gearbox is backing a fan made remake of Duke Nukem 3D.http://www.dukenukemreloaded.com/
Oh, sweet!


New member
Apr 6, 2010
This pleases me. I enjoy Duke Nukem's character, along with the universe he lives in. I liked the atmosphere in DNF, but the gameplay was sort of uneventful.
With a developer that can pull it off, the next Duke game could please older fans and newcomers alike.
And at the beginning of this new game, Duke should spit out some gum that he'd been chewing all throughout DNF.
Feb 13, 2008
Logan Westbrook said:
if people had a problem with the game's content, then they shouldn't play it.
It wasn't so much the content. It was the complete antithesis of all you had marketed. "There's never been a game like it. It's a return to Duke's roots."

Nope. It was a GoW/Halo clone with crappy vehicles and a penis drawing set.

The content was really quite good. The toilets especially looked like proper toilets.

CarrionRoc said:
EDIT #2: And hell, Gearbox is backing a fan made remake of Duke Nukem 3D.http://www.dukenukemreloaded.com/