Dumbest thing you've read online


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Pokenator said:
This website called "fundies say the darndest things" has a top 100 collection of very dumbest things people have said / posted on religious forums.


I can't believe some of these people remember to breathe...
lol heres one that made me lol
that website Quote# 72561 said:
How do Atheists explain the Solar System?
why do all the planets revolve around the Sun? is that just an accident or do all the planets have their own minds and know they must do it for us people on Earth. i mean, theirs no other explanation. Scientists cannot explain this at all. it is cleary designed for all the planets to revolve the light. if not then your saying one day the Earth can decide to stop and not revolve. if nothing controlling it whats stopping it from doing whatever else it feels like.
My god did that guy ever learn anything in physics at all? What makes the planets orbit is Gravity or Centralpedal force to be precise. The best way i think i can explain orbits is think of yourself ontop of a VERY tall mountain with a strong gun, when you fire it the bullet should fall to the ground, if the gun is powerful and the mountain is high enough then the bullet should fall parallel to the earths curviture thus we have an orbit!

Funkiest Monkey

New member
Jul 10, 2010
A feminist's hate-blog on the great show Firefly.

It's called A Rapist's View Of The World: Joss Whedon And Firefly [http://users.livejournal.com/_allecto_/34718.html]. It has to be the most stupid, ill-informed, hate-mongering speech I've seen all year. She says the show is racist, and demeaning to women. She also claims that Joss Whedon beats his wife.

"The first scene opens in a war with Mal and Zoe. Zoe runs around calling Mal ?sir? and taking orders off him. I roll my eyes. Not a good start." - BECAUSE HE'S THE CAPTAIN YOU DUMB *****.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Ice Storm said:
Usually poor thought out fanboy or hate threads. They just hurt my head whenever I try to read or understand it. Actually, wait, YouTube. Any comment on Youtube. I might say 4chan, but I've never been there so I've never actually read anything there, and I never will!
4chan is 1,000 times more intelligent than YouTube, and I speak from experience.

Tourette said:
WoW Forums has some really dumb posters.
True that. All the better to call 'em out. :D

OT: Anything this person says.



New member
Jun 15, 2010
judas prick said:
facebook, reading all the comments from the single mothers i went to school with who crapped out a kid at the age of 16. it fuels my cynicism.
Indeed,I hate that and I also hate of those shows on TV about teen mothers,just leave them alone,it's their own damn fault,if they can't sustain the child without the show's incomings then too bad,what would the kid be like growing up on TV with a mother 16 years older than him/her?

the Dept of Science

New member
Nov 9, 2009
A Facebook advert: "You are in a video with 50 Cent. Watch it now"

Ok, not necessarily stupid, but damn surreal and the fact that it was an advert means that its not just some random guy venting his braincell on a forum somewhere, but it probably got created by someone that gets money for this, got it checked by someone else, then it got approved and put on Facebook.


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Aug 9, 2009
TheNamlessGuy said:
Woodsey said:
No, Zelda is an action adventure game.
It would be if you couldn't change armor, name Link, and in the later games, name Epona.
So your definition of an RPG is game where you can name a couple of things and change your clothes?

*Head explodes*

Blue-State said:
Woodsey said:
TheNamlessGuy said:
Jedamethis said:
Oh I say!
[Slaps with glove]
[Slaps with boxing glove]
What do you say now, *****?

Woodsey said:
That's better then people thinking Zelda (or some such game) = RPG.
Zelda is an Action RPG, so shush.
No, Zelda is an action adventure game.
I'd have to say pointless bickering.
Not that it isn't hilarious!


New member
Aug 9, 2009
TheNamlessGuy said:
Woodsey said:
So your definition of an RPG is game where you can name a couple of things and change your clothes?

*Head explodes*
No, I'm saying if you can change something about the main character, it's an RPG.
Because that's roleplaying.
Ah, so you're applying the definition RPG to almost every game ever then?

Kind of makes you wonder why we bother with genres if we're just going to apply them to everything anyway.


New member
May 12, 2010
The guy who wrote a four page "marriage expectations" piece for his wife. There was something seriously wrong with this man >_>;;;


New member
Jan 11, 2008
I know it's a big bandwagon now, but...

THIS. This this this this.


*- Talking about the video mocked in that entry, not the blog itself (the blog is pretty funny, actually, one of the only ones I've been interested in).

There's tons of stupid stuff you can find on the 'net. It's everywhere, but most of it is from someone deliberately trying to be stupid. This person, Aileen Santos, honestly means every word of it. HOW.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
TheNamlessGuy said:
Woodsey said:
Ah, so you're applying the definition RPG to almost every game ever then?

Kind of makes you wonder why we bother with genres if we're just going to apply them to everything anyway.
I haven't played one non-RPG where you could do something like that.
That wasn't online.

Online games doesn't count.
Yes you have, Zelda!

Alright, an example: GTA. You can change the character's clothes (armour) and customise their car (horse).

In Assassin's Creed 2 you can change the clothes, armour, weapons and horse of Ezio.

There are 100s of games where you can change something about the main character, even if it's just down to what weapon they're using.

"I'm saying if you can change something about the main character, it's an RPG."