E3 2016 Wishlist


New member
Feb 9, 2016
So my friends, last year E3 was surprisingly good infact best E3 in last 5 years (because last 5 E3 prior to 2015 suck) but lets talk about this year E3. what are you expecting and want to see this year at E3?

heres mine

-A proper Squadron 42 demo footage. since last year they show just glimpse this year they may show a proper footage at PC gaming show and will blow everything away.

-4A games Next game: as we all know they are working of sandbox type shooter. either its new metro or new ip whatever it is. looking forward to what they are doing. they are very talented developers

-Dishonored 2 Footage: last year we only saw a useless CGI trailer. now i want to see gameplay featuring CORVO.

-Some info on System shock 3 or some footage on system shock remake.

-Flying wild hog to announced either new ip or rebooting an old school franchise like blood or hard reset 2 to be like shadow warrior 2 open level design. they are best to do old school shooters.

I also want valve to announce something like Half life 3 or any other game but they dont make games anymore they are digital distribution company.

so what are yours?



New member
May 2, 2011
B-Cell said:
Bilious Green said:
A lot of hype and marketing BS about games that end up not living up to the advertising. The same as every year.
sounds like mass effect andromeda.
I actually laughed at that.....I think I'm becoming desensitised.

OT - E3 is becoming less relevant every year. My Wishlist would include less circle jerk, more gameplay, but I'm fairly certain those will go unfulfilled.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
don't really care at this point after the garbage showing that was E3 2015.

fuck you Nintendo and fuck your Skylanders.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I want a pony. Doesn't mean I expect hoofbeats.

Problem about E3 wishlists is that usually the best stuff is in the reveals, and wishing for other material doesn't preclude that material from being shown elsewhere. What also doesn't help is how few games are actually confirmed. But fine, I'll play. Here's what I hope for, and feel there's a reasonable chance of being shown:

-Mass Effect: Andromeda: Well, this has the benefit of actually being confirmed to be shown. But yes, I'd like to see some footage. Also a peak at BioWare's new IP would be nice.

-Untitled Call of Duty Game: Huh. I never thought the day would come where I'd list a CoD game on an anticipated list. But a CoD set in space? Sci-fi stuff? I never really got on the CoD bandwagon, but sci-fi is my jam, so I'm game.

-Gears of War 4: Mixed feelings about GoW 4 for various reasons. That said, E3 would be a good place to either confirm or allay those fears, so yes, hoping for this to show up.

-ReCore: This game piqued my interest awhile back. Still barely know anything about it, but love the aesthetic, and remember what I said about sci-fi being my jam? Well, ReCore more or less fits that.

-The Legend of Zelda WiiU: Or The Legend of Zelda NX - I wouldn't be surprised if that happens. But yes, I'd love more info. It's a Legend of Zelda game. 'Nuff said.

-Metroid Prime: Federation Force: This is iffy. Thing is, I'm not sure what E3 could show us that we don't know already. That said, I'm actually onboard for Federation Force for a variety of reasons, so I wouldn't object to an E3 showing.

-Horizon: Zero Dawn: This is in similar territory as ReCore - new IP, know little about it, E3 would be a good place to show it, sci-fi. 'Nuff said.

-Telltale Games: I'm grouping these together, because Telltale's games fall into the realm of stuff I watch rather than play (yes, I'm a terrible person like that). That said, Walking Dead Season 3, Game of Thrones Season 2, and even their Batman game (because, y'know, they couldn't have chosen a different DC character for once) are in my realm of interest.

-Titanfall 2: Titanfall looked like a blast to play, but due to the lack of a proper singleplayer mode I never picked it up. If Titanfall 2 is shown and solves that hassle, then yeah, I'm down for it.

So, those are entries that I'm interested in, and ones I feel have a strong chance of being shown. Now for the ones I feel have little chance, but can still hope for regardless:

-Advance Wars 5/Golden Sun 4: Come on Nintendo, you revived Star Fox, would it hurt to return to these games? You DID leave Dark Dawn on a Cliffhanger after all. And Advance Wars...well, y'know...Fire Emblem got a revival of sorts, so why not its counterpart franchise?

-Command & Conquer: Hah hah...hah hah...yeah, one can dream. :(

-Marathon Remake: Okay, full admission, I'm skeptical as to whether this even exists. All we know is that supposedly, Bungie is allowed to devote 5% of its resources to a Marathon remake while it's also working on Destiny. And as someone who enjoyed Marathon immensely and is invested in the setting, I wouldn't object to it actually existing. Heck, Doom has a remake, so why not Marathon?

-Mistborn: The Adventure Game: Another game that I'm skeptical as to whether it even exists or is in development, but it's Mistborn, so...gimme. Gimme now.

-Perfect Dark: Well, Microsoft has allowed Rare to move on from the Kinect, so...please? Yeah, I'm not sure what could be done for Perfect Dark as a series, and I'm in a weird position where setting wise, Greg Rucka's novels are the definitive version of the setting for me, even though they stayed clear of the more esoteric elements. But near future corporate-dominated dystopia? I'm game.

-Resident Evil 7: Yeah, the last RE game I played was RE5. Not sure why I'm listing this. That said, if Umbrella Corps is the swansong of Resident Evil...well, come on, at least make that swansong a numbered title. It's more nostalgia than anything else right now, but hey, if Capcom wants to bring the series back into my good graces, I'm all for it.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Ezekiel said:
I expect more of the same from everyone. I haven't been pleased by E3 for a long time.
If you saw my Lists, then you know I am NOT like everyone else.
I wish more not well-known games appear in E3, but yeah, the spotlight will be for the big guys after all...
But my ultimate wish I want to see in E3 is this one:

VA-11 Hall-A

MY GOD!!!! I want to see this game in E3 so bad!!!!!


New member
Jun 8, 2010
More juicy NieR 2 goodness.
A proper release date for Persona 5 would also be nice, but I doubt they'll announce that at E3.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
My list:

Ghost Recon: Wild Lands - Definitely another Ubisoft game that's going to be downgraded, but the idea of four buds fucking around in an open world sounds fun. I also enjoyed the last few Ghost Recon games well enough.

Splinter Cell - Yet another Tom Clancy game! I doubt there will be anything, but I like my casual stealth games.

Last of Us 2 - I never played Last of Us actually, though I hear its the shit. It just might change my mind on the soft cover mechanic.

Horizon: Zero Dawn - Looks like a Monster Hunter with (more) guns. And a casual Monster Hunter at that.

Anything Star Wars - Hopefully 1313's spiritual successor?

For Honor - I have yet to play a game with swords where I really enjoyed the combat. Maybe this could change that.

BTW, while Battlefield 5 is on my list, EA isnt gonna be in E3 apparently, so BF5 and Mass Effect and Mirror's Edge might not be in E3.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Hawki said:
-Mistborn: The Adventure Game: Another game that I'm skeptical as to whether it even exists or is in development, but it's Mistborn, so...gimme. Gimme now.
There's gonna be a Mistborn game? That actually sounds great! I always thought that the Allomancy shtick would fit perfectly into a game. But the "The Adventure Game" part doesn't sound so interesting...


Master of Lancer
Jan 25, 2012
United States
Like many, I've long since lost faith in anything outside the norm happening at E3.

That said, I do extend hope that we'll get official release dates for Final Fantasy XV, Persona 5, and The last guardian. If only because two of those have been in development hell for so long that if they don't release this year, I've resolved to officially give up on them.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
I want to see Cyberpunk 2077, The Elder Scrolls VI and Darksiders 3. Yes, I know it's an insanely long shot but damn it, I want Darksiders 3 announcement!


Plushy wrangler, die-curious
Sep 9, 2009
"Hello, my name is -name- from -company-. Here is a game that looks like a hoot. Here's a satisfactory introduction as to what it is and how it works. There's an honest demo on the show floor right now. It will be out before the end of this year. No kickstarter, early access, beta or predictable pushbacks. Actually out. There will be no pre-order, season pass or microtransaction shenanigans. We hope you'll enjoy it, have a nice day."

In short: less spindoctoring.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Arnoxthe1 said:

But besides that, honestly nothing.
Damn, comepletely forgot about that. I hope its not in Elsweyr or in the Black Marsh like people have been saying.

I mean it could be cool, but swamps and deserts for an entire game? I dunno. Not to mention constant Khajiit accents, or Argonian hissing.

Matthew Jeffs

New member
Aug 19, 2014
Hoping to finally get release date for 'Fractured But Whole' loved 'Stick of Truth' but I have this sinking feeling it'll never resurface.