E3: Cortana Goes Bonkers in Halo 4


New member
May 5, 2010
Um...what exactly is Cortana saying at the end when she goes all evil-like? I can't decipher it over the overwhelming music crescendo.


New member
Jun 30, 2011
LetalisK said:
Um...what exactly is Cortana saying at the end when she goes all evil-like? I can't decipher it over the overwhelming music crescendo.
"I will not allow you to leave this planet"
Mar 26, 2008
While I'm always one to value gameplay over graphics I have to say I'm really, really impressed with how 343 have got Halo 4 looking so swank. Reach was a clear graphical step-up from H3, but this is a significant leap from Reach. Colour me impressed.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
MrDeckard said:
Oh...... Oh God.......

Referencing the abysmal Forerunner books? Check.
Complete lack of innovation? Check.
Enemies and weapons pulled right out of the Conduit games? Check.
Lack of ANY Halo type music? Check.

I am rather ashamed to call myself a hardcore Halo fan right now...

Though the live action bit wasn't too bad.

NO CAPTCHA!! It is NOT "very nice"!

Abysmal Forerunner books? You must be in the minority of Hardcore Halo fans, most sites with Halo fans love those books.


Can't say... Since I never played Conduit.

You heard like one soundtrack, way to pre-judge.

Seriously, you assumed so freaking much from fucking 5 minutes of gameplay.

No offense but you sure you're a Halo fan?


New member
Jun 8, 2010

Seriously this looks hot. I can't wait to see what happens next between Cortana and the Chief. Plus the emergence of the forerunners is an exciting element that I want to explore. I just love the Halo universe and can't wait to spend more time inside of it.


Aug 25, 2008
Hang on...Elites...working with Jackals? Something tells me these Covanent didn't get the Memo...

I think that maybe The Covanent here crash landed just like the Infinity (Probably after the first Halo game, as the Grunt called the Chief "Demon"), and have been there for quite sometime, during that time they haven't been able to contact the high council etc, therefore, thinking the great journey is still on-going. That's the only plausible thing i can think of.

Cortana is freaking scary! I hope she survives, maybe the new Synthetics help her at the end or something, or Forerunners, if they are in this game.

I love the Ai interacting with the Environment and eachtother, also they seem smarter, which is always nice to see.

All in all, looks fantastic, can't wait!


New member
Mar 9, 2008
Guess somebody showed her a picture of a cow.

Seriously, is it just me or does this premise sound way better on paper than it looks in the video? I guess it's cool that they did a live-action trailer... FMV sure holds up a lot better than it did in the 90's... but when you read the description, your imagination comes up with an implementation, you think "wow, that could actually kinda work! What a bold new direction! I can't wait to see how it will play out!"

Then you watch the video, and you realize they just ripped off Prometheus.

No new ideas. Zero creativity. Huge disappointment.

Fighting Duke Nukem 1 enemies as MasterChief had better be pretty damned fun in order to compensate for this dead-weight storytelling.

I don't even know what I'm so bitter about. I mean, Halo's story has always been big dumb war porn, but with lasers, right? I guess I figured, now that there's, y'know, no more war, they might actually have some science fiction in it. Big ideas. Weird alien thoughts explained. Glimpses of an Earth changed by peaceful coexistence with the Elites.

I mean there was an opportunity here to have a spiritual successor to Unreal II. And instead we got Battlefield II. In retrospect, I don't know why I expected anything better from a popular shooter franchise, but for some reason the description got my hopes up. It hit all the right notes, whereas the (excellently produced) video just let out a long wet fart of the same one note it's been sitting on since 2000.

War's over. Oop, here comes a new war exactly the same as the old war. SIFY!!!


New member
Apr 11, 2011
oh lovely. after 4 years of having weird freaky flashbacks, then having to literally go into the belly of the beast and drag her out while she recites poetry she's bitching all over again. godammit cortona.
May 28, 2009
Reading the thread I can't help but find myself irritated that they're pulling the "read all the stuff that's not part of the games to understand what's going on" thing again. I absolutely hate being brushed off on extra merchandise when everything I need to know ought to be in the games themselves, and the Halo series has been one of the absolute worst offenders in this regard.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
WarpZone said:
Guess somebody showed her a picture of a cow.

Seriously, is it just me or does this premise sound way better on paper than it looks in the video? I guess it's cool that they did a live-action trailer... FMV sure holds up a lot better than it did in the 90's... but when you read the description, your imagination comes up with an implementation, you think "wow, that could actually kinda work! What a bold new direction! I can't wait to see how it will play out!"

Then you watch the video, and you realize they just ripped off Prometheus.

No new ideas. Zero creativity. Huge disappointment.

Fighting Duke Nukem 1 enemies as MasterChief had better be pretty damned fun in order to compensate for this dead-weight storytelling.

I don't even know what I'm so bitter about. I mean, Halo's story has always been big dumb war porn, but with lasers, right? I guess I figured, now that there's, y'know, no more war, they might actually have some science fiction in it. Big ideas. Weird alien thoughts explained. Glimpses of an Earth changed by peaceful coexistence with the Elites.

I mean there was an opportunity here to have a spiritual successor to Unreal II. And instead we got Battlefield II. In retrospect, I don't know why I expected anything better from a popular shooter franchise, but for some reason the description got my hopes up. It hit all the right notes, whereas the (excellently produced) video just let out a long wet fart of the same one note it's been sitting on since 2000.

War's over. Oop, here comes a new war exactly the same as the old war. SIFY!!!
What...? How did Halo 4 copy Prometheus? A new movie, when Halo 4 has been in development since like 07. >.>

Stop trolling, also Humanity is not at peace with the Elites, in fact Humanity has helped forced the Elites into a civil war.



New member
Jun 24, 2010
Both trailers were pretty standard for a Halo game, but it looks like they have at least made the guns feel more lethal. The environment looked extremely familiar too, but I'm sure it'll get a lot more funky as the game goes on.

Bottom line; looks like a game I'll pick up some time after release, assuming the reviews are decent.

Doc Theta Sigma said:
So... It's a Metroid Prime game with Master Chief? Colour me unimpressed.
Do you enjoy being cynical, or does it just come naturally?


Full Frontal Nerdity
May 25, 2010
343 cleverly skirts around the issue that everyone hates everything they've said about the multiplayer by not even mentioning it at all.

It would've been a good chance they had to show people it wasn't going to suck, so I'm assuming everyone, including their own marketing team, has lost faith that we might see another decent Halo multiplayer...


Oct 5, 2011
United States
TheBobmus said:
343 cleverly skirts around the issue that everyone hates everything they've said about the multiplayer by not even mentioning it at all.

It would've been a good chance they had to show people it wasn't going to suck, so I'm assuming everyone, including their own marketing team, has lost faith that we might see another decent Halo multiplayer...
Or maybe everyone was complaining about the lack of single player information so they decided to give some. I can't be the only one who finds it ironic that they give so much information on multiplayer, release one video on single player, and then you jump to conclusions and say "oh, they must be abandoning multiplayer." You do know that E3 is just getting started right? Did it ever occur to you to be patient.


New member
Nov 5, 2010
I would of been thrilled by Cortana going rouge if it wasn't for her being a constant annoyance during Halo 3. She actually caused me to die once :mad:.

Other then that... looks like a shiny sandbox.

Farther than stars

New member
Jun 19, 2011
"A.I.s deteriorate after 7 years"? So I guess they've dropped all pretense of sci-fy now and have gone into full-on future fantasy. Also why is there an earthquake when the ship flies over Chief's head? Whatever, the gameplay looks bland and uninspired. The chance I'll be buying this is pretty much nonexistent.

Farther than stars

New member
Jun 19, 2011
CardinalPiggles said:
Both trailers were pretty standard for a Halo game, but it looks like they have at least made the guns feel more lethal. The environment looked extremely familiar too, but I'm sure it'll get a lot more funky as the game goes on.

Bottom line; looks like a game I'll pick up some time after release, assuming the reviews are decent.

Doc Theta Sigma said:
So... It's a Metroid Prime game with Master Chief? Colour me unimpressed.
Do you enjoy being cynical, or does it just come naturally?
You're saying that you don't enjoy doing what comes naturally? :S
Also, I disagree with Doc Theta Sigma as well, but for different reasons. I, for one, think that the level design in pretty much any Metroid game looks better than what they're showcasing here.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Lord Mountbatten Reborn said:
Reading the thread I can't help but find myself irritated that they're pulling the "read all the stuff that's not part of the games to understand what's going on" thing again. I absolutely hate being brushed off on extra merchandise when everything I need to know ought to be in the games themselves, and the Halo series has been one of the absolute worst offenders in this regard.
They have stated multiple times that you won't need to have read the books, but they do help enhance the experience and readers will pick up on more references and such.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Farther than stars said:
"A.I.s deteriorate after 7 years"? So I guess they've dropped all pretense of sci-fy now and have gone into full-on future fantasy. Also why is there an earthquake when the ship flies over Chief's head? Whatever, the gameplay looks bland and uninspired. The chance I'll be buying this is pretty much nonexistent.
They actually established that AI's specifically Smart AI's will begin to deteriorate in the very frist book in the Halo series back in 01. After seven years, with the accumlative data they essentially begin to think themselves to death.

Also there isn't an earthquake, it's either the camera shaking due to the size of the ship, and it's also probably because of the massive thrusters.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Farther than stars said:
"A.I.s deteriorate after 7 years"? So I guess they've dropped all pretense of sci-fy now and have gone into full-on future fantasy.
The reason given actually makes a surprising amount of sense.

"Smart" AI's like Cortana are smarter because they can continuously learn and adapt. This eventually means they will run out of memory space, and many times they spend more and more processes trying to prevent this, causing a lot of their functions to decline.

They think themselves to death or insanity.

It's very, VERY intriguing.

Not to mention the fact that you're trying to insult Halo for doing it now shows that you don't know that the first concept of rampancy was brought up in the Marathon trilogy in the 90s...