E3 megathread


New member
Jan 16, 2013
votemarvel said:
Richard Kain said:
votemarvel said:
I can see console sales slowing drastically now that the Neo and Scorpio are on the way. Who in hell is going to buy a PS4 or a One when they can wait and get the updated versions.
The big question mark for that inquiry is how much those more powerful console versions are going to cost. If they are just $100 extra, sure, people will probably prefer to wait and get the better version. If they are twice the price, that wait is going to be a lot longer, for a lot more people. If the Scorpio goes for $600, there are going to be a lot of people looking at the $300 model-S and thinking that maybe 4K rendering isn't worth it just yet.
You don't spend the money you can put toward a console now and add it to the money you have in a years time.

Hard to see what the issue is unless people are spendthrifts.
They tend to be on Black Friday and during the holiday season in general.


New member
May 21, 2013
nomotog said:
Ezekiel said:
Lol, first Kratos encourages his son to be self-assertive and then he goes, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ONLY FIRE WHEN I TELL YOU TO FIRE!!"

It looks like they're going for the usual modern cinematic presentation, with typical walking and talking and a camera directly behind the character, slowing and obscuring the action and scale. They need David Jaffe back.
I was thinking the same thing. Kratos is such a bad dad.
Kratos is trying to be a good dad but he has to much anger (he is also to much of a old soldier) look at how fast he calms down he was also doing the breathing you do when you need to calm down also he didn't get yell at the kid for shooting him and at he was going to but his arm around him after he kill the deer at the but stop.


New member
Jun 21, 2013
residentout1 said:
nomotog said:
Ezekiel said:
Lol, first Kratos encourages his son to be self-assertive and then he goes, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ONLY FIRE WHEN I TELL YOU TO FIRE!!"

It looks like they're going for the usual modern cinematic presentation, with typical walking and talking and a camera directly behind the character, slowing and obscuring the action and scale. They need David Jaffe back.
I was thinking the same thing. Kratos is such a bad dad.
Kratos is trying to be a good dad but he has to much anger (he is also to much of a old soldier) look at how fast he calms down he was also doing the breathing you do when you need to calm down also he didn't get yell at the kid for shooting him and at he was going to but his arm around him after he kill the deer at the but stop.
Shame he is going to die after the tutorial then. I'm calling it now. Kratos dies before the start of the game proper.


New member
Jun 21, 2013
I keep likeing horizon zero dawn the more I see of it. It keeps looking more and more like a open world RPG. I also like the details of the enemies.


New member
May 21, 2013
nomotog said:
residentout1 said:
nomotog said:
Ezekiel said:
Lol, first Kratos encourages his son to be self-assertive and then he goes, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ONLY FIRE WHEN I TELL YOU TO FIRE!!"

It looks like they're going for the usual modern cinematic presentation, with typical walking and talking and a camera directly behind the character, slowing and obscuring the action and scale. They need David Jaffe back.
I was thinking the same thing. Kratos is such a bad dad.
Kratos is trying to be a good dad but he has to much anger (he is also to much of a old soldier) look at how fast he calms down he was also doing the breathing you do when you need to calm down also he didn't get yell at the kid for shooting him and at he was going to but his arm around him after he kill the deer at the but stop.
Shame he is going to die after the tutorial then. I'm calling it now. Kratos dies before the start of the game proper.
I don't think Kratos is going to die (even if he dies what is this his 5 time dying) I think the kid is going to die and the game will be trying to get the kid back. but this is a god of war game so Kratos is going to die will just have to see if it sticks.

Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
Ezekiel said:
Lol, first Kratos encourages his son to be self-assertive and then he goes, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ONLY FIRE WHEN I TELL YOU TO FIRE!!"

It looks like they're going for the usual modern cinematic presentation, with typical walking and talking and a camera directly behind the character, slowing and obscuring the action and scale. They need David Jaffe back.

I think it's a welcomed change for the series. Hell I wasn't expecting it in the first place, but it looks like they could pull off the new mythology. It'll be deeper gameplay-wise from the looks of it, and as far as action and scale I'm sure we'll see plenty of that in due time.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
$&^# You Activision!

we wanted New Crash Bandicoot LIKE the old ones. not more bloody remasters and DEFINITELY not Skylanders crap.


New member
May 8, 2007
Ezekiel said:
I don't see what was so exciting about The Last Guardian. We've known it would be released for a year now and they didn't really show anything new. Honestly, I've always found it overhyped.
Some people still expected a delay though. I know I did, especially with the PS4 Neo coming up.
And I haven't seen the Sony conference yet, but I'm kind of glad they're not showing anything new. The less they spoil the game the better.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
I have to say that I'm pretty excited by many of the trailers I've seen. Detroit Become Human really piqued my interest but I'm definitely more wary about it after finding out that it's being made by Quantic Dream and that David Cage is involved. Dear god, please don't let there be an incredibly awkward interactive sex scene.


New member
Apr 7, 2015
So far
Very excited: Dishonored 2, The Fractured But Whole
Interested: We Happy Few, Trials Blood Dragon Soundtrack (only the soundtrack)

Not interested at all: the rest

Looking forward to Deus Ex & Nintendo stuff.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Death Stranding........I want to say wtf I saw, but the truth is I like it.
I don't know maybe you can call the trailer...hypnotic. Enough surreal to don't let you look away.
For sure I would look for updates of the game.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Ezekiel said:
I don't see what was so exciting about The Last Guardian. We've known it would be released for a year now and they didn't really show anything new. Honestly, I've always found it overhyped.
I agree last guardian looks absolutely terrible. looks like early last gen game.

PREY is highlight of this year E3. easily best game of the show.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
B-Cell said:
PREY is highlight of this year E3. easily best game of the show.
I really don't understand. They didn't show anything other than what I assume is a pre-rendered cutscene to announce the game. Sure, the premise could be interesting, but there were so many games at the show that actually showed something real. How does PREY beat literally any of those out?

Best game of the show, for me? Titanfall 2. I feel like Titanfall was a great proof of concept, but was far too barebones for its own good, which resulted in the population collapse that it experienced. But Titanfall 2 looks like they really responded to the mistakes of the first game, and it looks like an absolute blast to play. Also: grappling hooks. Im sold.

That being said, I am still kind of worried that Titanfall will just lose most of it's population to BF1, because apparently the whole world has a massive hard-on for WW1/2 shooters, again. Pretty silly competing with yourselves, EA.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Laggyteabag said:
B-Cell said:
PREY is highlight of this year E3. easily best game of the show.
I really don't understand. They didn't show anything other than what I assume is a pre-rendered cutscene to announce the game. Sure, the premise could be interesting, but there were so many games at the show that actually showed something real. How does PREY beat literally any of those out?

Team behind it on arkane consist of people from looking glass studio too. lead writer is one who wrote planetscape tourment. inspired by System shock 2. i mean this will be closest thing to system shock 2 in last 15 years.

the reveal trailer show everything that sound very promoising. previous prey 2 version was looking terrible yet many people complaining about it lol.
Jan 19, 2016
Pretty underwhelming E3 all in all. Horizon still looks great, Mass Effect should be at least good, and the Spider-Man game and Days Gone look promising. Not much else of interest to me.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
I know it's somewhat gauche to even suggest one might like Call of Duty around here, but I gotta say...the gameplay trailer for Infinite Warfare looked fucking amazing. (if you'll pardon my language) The seamless transition from boots-on-the-ground, to air combat, to zero-G space combat both in the Jackal and in suits on the hall of a large vessel, to on-foot combat inside that same vessel, left me in awe. And from what I've been hearing, none of it was 'scripted'. The events panned out based on the player's actions and choices.

Yeah, I dunno. I know everyone's all aboard the Battlefield 1 hype train, but DICE's 'gameplay' trailer did nothing for me. It essentially looked, at least what little one could glean from those quick cuts, like Battlefield 4 with a World War I veneer smeared on top. It looked like more of the same. I can't say I felt at all the same way with the Infinite Warfare trailer. It looked....dynamic, and fresh. Something I can rarely say about games of this sort.

As a quick experiment I approached a few friends and associates, all of whom had joined in the chorus of calling Infinite Warfare garbage after the first trailer hit Youtube, and, without the context of letting them know it was for the new game, I showed them the trailer. They were all really impressed with the trailer. They thought the game, whatever it was, looked fluid, slick, epic, and downright cool. Some even asked if it was from Star Citizen.

The look of shock on their faces when I told them it was for Infinite Warfare made my day. Some felt legitimately silly that they had jumped so heedlessly onto the hate bandwagon without first seeing what the game was. Others, so staunch in their revulsion to anything COD related, immediately began backpedaling on their statements and began trying to find faults with the trailer. One even tried to undercut the trailer by saying it was, "Just trying to copy Titanfall 2" and claimed it was "All prerendered" and "Contained no gameplay".

It's truly fascinating. Call of Duty, not as a franchise or even a concept, but simply as a name, garners some profoundly strong, narrow opinions and reactions in people, regardless of the context.

It's a phenomenon unto itself.

votemarvel said:
[If EA is still the publisher then it will remain Origin exclusive.

Look on the brightside though, if you don't like Origin it could have been a lot worse. If the game was still Microsoft exclusive then it would be coming out on the Windows Store instead.
I'm sort of ambivalent towards Origin. It's not bad, in the sense that it's "the devil disguised as spyware trying to steal my porn stash", but it's not really good either. It's just sort of....there. A marginal resource hog disguised as a DD storefront with limited content and limited features.

I use it when I have to and ignore it when I don't. So Titanfall 2 potentially being 'exclusive' to it doesn't really bother me that much.

Would I prefer access to the game on Steam? Absolutely. I'd get more use out of the platform and easier access to Steam's wealth of features, including the community and friends list. But I'm not going to avoid what could potentially be a fantastically fun game just because it's on Origin.