E3 megathread


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
chrissx2 said:
Pseudonym said:
I'm going to be a party pooper here:

Why is there another mass effect game? Mass effect 3 was the conclusion. A new mass effect with new charactars, new antagonists, new protagonist might as well have been a new IP. I'd have preferred it to be a new IP. I oppose its existance and won't be buying it. Unless I hear that it is absolutely amazing, allong with some details that peak my interest, but I'm not holding out hope for that. In fact, I somewhat hope that doesn't happen, because then I have to begrudgingly admit that soulless marketing and using brand recognition as opposed to artistic common sense has delivered a decent product. Besides, lets be real here. The new mass effect won't hold a candle to the other ones.
Because they have already estabilished universe that people know and like. There's nothing wrong in placing new game in it.
They'll be mighty bummed when they find out nothing of that universe carry over...


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
undeadsuitor said:
AccursedTheory said:
On the other... They talk about the new worlds and new aliens and new techs... and then show a stream of generic worlds, old aliens, and samey tech.
eh, I mean what can you do with a planet?

besides, the worst thing about the new worlds and vehicle shit is it will probably follow the Dragon Age Inquisition playstyle, with 5 missions interspersed with hours upon hours of tedious grinding and fetch quests

....and I'm still gonna play the fuck out of it
Maybe planet should get a pass... but the rest? They literally say 'new aliens and civilizations,' then show an Asari with face paint.

Come on. Show me something new not related to fashion please.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
undeadsuitor said:
Meiam said:
They'll be mighty bummed when they find out nothing of that universe carry over...

except for the races, tech, and story
Well the races will be all different, at most you'll have some NPC at the beginning and in your base, but like 95% of character you'll meet probably won't be any of the same race. Same for story, will be largely irrelevant. And tech, I really doubt well be seeing mass relay again, so it'll be essentially different.

So yeah nothing was an exaggeration, it'll just be 95% different.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Well then it'll be even dumber, setup in another galaxy... that's filled with Krogan/Asari? Why make it a different galaxy then?


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
I am dissapointed by the Mass Effect "trailer", it's less than a year for the release (Unless it get's delayed...again) and I was expecting gameplay... more than 5 seconds of it at least.
Hell, prior to Mass Effect 3 release in E3 they showed off squadmates, powers, a level and even that useless kinect function thing no one ever used. Same with Dragon Age Inquistion, it was a full 20 minute gameplay demo.
Here we got little information other than "Yep, that's Mass Effect. Yes, that's an Asari. Look, the Mako. Hey, that may or may not be our main default female character."


New member
Jun 21, 2013
B-Cell said:
Feeling bored while watching EA conference.

FIFA got story mode - LOL
Titanfall 2 looks on rail scripted COD clone
Battlefield 1 looks like battlefield 4 in WW1 skin

IM waiting for bathesda conference. want to see Dishonored 2 footage and i heard bathesda going to announced system shock inspired prey 2 by arkane.
What is wrong with a story mode? I thought it sounded neat. I mean we added story modes to shooting. (The animations didn't look at that good though.)


New member
Apr 3, 2010
During Battlefield gameplay they catch Snoop's dude smoking a big joint inside on camera. Totes random. They also catch Terry Crews organically gettin' super intense about the game. Is funy 2 me.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Semi-related, Bethesda is supposed to have their big conference tonight (Sunday), but all the livestreams of it are happening at 9:15 EDT... seriously Bethesda? You expect me to postpone Game of Thrones for you? Sorry I'll watch your "big reveals" an hour late.

EDIT: Apparently that's just the pre-show time, the real livestream starts @ 10PM

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
I don't want to speak on behalf of all gamers but honestly and please tell me if I am wrong, does ANY GAMER give a fuck about celebs? They wheel on a celebs for a cringy game of BF1, most of whom seem to be RNB/rap stars but you have like Zac Effron and Terry crews etc , do any of us care?

Is this just game publishers figuring "everybody likes celebs, lets invite a load". I don't follow esports but I'd rather seem them play ... get day9 or totalbiscuit to play. I don't want to see snoop play BF1 on a PC with a fucking controller!

Titan fall looked amazing, kind of want a xbone (yes, I am still calling it that) just for it!

ME looked good, I expected nothing less.

Then everyone's favourite sports ... sports ... more sports, more sports and sports. I know they sell well but don't sell them to us, if you're watching E3, you're not doing it for fifa or NFL. If you're into them games, you're going to buy them, regardless of if they are at E3. (or am I being presumptive?)


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
omega 616 said:
I don't want to speak on behalf of all gamers but honestly and please tell me if I am wrong, does ANY GAMER give a fuck about celebs? They wheel on a celebs for a cringy game of BF1, most of whom seem to be RNB/rap stars but you have like Zac Effron and Terry crews etc , do any of us care?

Is this just game publishers figuring "everybody likes celebs, lets invite a load". I don't follow esports but I'd rather seem them play ... get day9 or totalbiscuit to play. I don't want to see snoop play BF1 on a PC with a fucking controller!

Titan fall looked amazing, kind of want a xbone (yes, I am still calling it that) just for it!

ME looked good, I expected nothing less.

Then everyone's favourite sports ... sports ... more sports, more sports and sports. I know they sell well but don't sell them to us, if you're watching E3, you're not doing it for fifa or NFL. If you're into them games, you're going to buy them, regardless of if they are at E3. (or am I being presumptive?)
They want people who don't know much about gaming culture to buy their game

Pirate Of PC Master race

Rambles about half of the time
Jun 14, 2013
omega 616 said:
I don't want to speak on behalf of all gamers but honestly and please tell me if I am wrong, does ANY GAMER give a fuck about celebs? They wheel on a celebs for a cringy game of BF1, most of whom seem to be RNB/rap stars but you have like Zac Effron and Terry crews etc , do any of us care?
I think when they said "expending the fanbase", they meant.... that to happen.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
omega 616 said:
I don't want to speak on behalf of all gamers but honestly and please tell me if I am wrong, does ANY GAMER give a fuck about celebs? They wheel on a celebs for a cringy game of BF1, most of whom seem to be RNB/rap stars but you have like Zac Effron and Terry crews etc , do any of us care?

Is this just game publishers figuring "everybody likes celebs, lets invite a load". I don't follow esports but I'd rather seem them play ... get day9 or totalbiscuit to play. I don't want to see snoop play BF1 on a PC with a fucking controller!

Titan fall looked amazing, kind of want a xbone (yes, I am still calling it that) just for it!

ME looked good, I expected nothing less.

Then everyone's favourite sports ... sports ... more sports, more sports and sports. I know they sell well but don't sell them to us, if you're watching E3, you're not doing it for fifa or NFL. If you're into them games, you're going to buy them, regardless of if they are at E3. (or am I being presumptive?)
I was more annoyed by the game trailers where 90% of the video was devs talking about their feelings and emotions instead showing some cool gameplay footage.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
To be fair to Bioware they had no other choice but to move out of the Milky Way for Mass Effect sequels. Like them or not the endings to the third game did make pretty significant changes to the galaxy, those changes would have needed to be reflected in any Milky Way set sequels.

So it is easier for them to have the move. You get all the familiar races and don't have to bother with referencing the previous games beyond "we moved in case the Reapers won".

Judging by my dislike of Inquisition though I don't think Andromeda is going to fare any better. Sad to say but Bioware slipped a while ago from a pre-order at announcement to wait and see.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Marik2 said:
omega 616 said:
I don't want to speak on behalf of all gamers but honestly and please tell me if I am wrong, does ANY GAMER give a fuck about celebs? They wheel on a celebs for a cringy game of BF1, most of whom seem to be RNB/rap stars but you have like Zac Effron and Terry crews etc , do any of us care?

Is this just game publishers figuring "everybody likes celebs, lets invite a load". I don't follow esports but I'd rather seem them play ... get day9 or totalbiscuit to play. I don't want to see snoop play BF1 on a PC with a fucking controller!

Titan fall looked amazing, kind of want a xbone (yes, I am still calling it that) just for it!

ME looked good, I expected nothing less.

Then everyone's favourite sports ... sports ... more sports, more sports and sports. I know they sell well but don't sell them to us, if you're watching E3, you're not doing it for fifa or NFL. If you're into them games, you're going to buy them, regardless of if they are at E3. (or am I being presumptive?)
They want people who don't know much about gaming culture to buy their game
Pirate Of PC Master race said:
omega 616 said:
I don't want to speak on behalf of all gamers but honestly and please tell me if I am wrong, does ANY GAMER give a fuck about celebs? They wheel on a celebs for a cringy game of BF1, most of whom seem to be RNB/rap stars but you have like Zac Effron and Terry crews etc , do any of us care?
I think when they said "expending the fanbase", they meant.... that to happen.
Ok, so I don't know anything about gaming but think Zac Effron is just dreamy ... so I watch him give a short as shit interview, (which was cringy as fuck, like Aisha Taylor levels.) then watch people play a game, I don't know which one Zac Effron is but he is playing it, so now I am going to go out and buy a ?400+ system and then ?50 to play the same game Zac played this one time for an hour?

Or was it more like "hey, celebs do this so it must be cool! Now go and spend ?450 to do what they do sometimes!". I don't think anybody would do that ...


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Okay, quick thoughts:

-Titanfall: Looks great. Gameplay looks fun, and with a singleplayer campaign, I could see myself getting it.

-Battlefield 1: Eh...I dunno. Problem is Battlefield likely runs beyond my PC's ability to support it right now, so I'd have to look at the singleplayer to see if it was worth it. And that hasn't happened since Bad Company.

-Andromeda: I'll repeat what I and others have said for a long time, that this would have been better as a new IP. I understand why it's called a Mass Effect game (brand recognition), but, well, yeah. Doesn't leave me much to talk about. Though "The Tempest" is exploring brave new worlds...hah hah.

And who knows, maybe we'll encounter Trance Gemini in Andromeda. That'll be nice. ^_^

-Story mode in sports games? I think that's a pretty neat idea.

-Telltale's Batman looks fine. Can't help but wish for a DC superhero other than Batman right now, especially since Telltale is good at doing obscure properties, but like I said, fine.
Jan 27, 2011
omega 616 said:
Or was it more like "hey, celebs do this so it must be cool! Now go and spend ?450 to do what they do sometimes!". I don't think anybody would do that ...
You overestimate our species. :s

I'm sure at least a few people were swayed by it. I mean, why else do some people care about using Niki Minaj brand perfume/booze/makeup? Celebrity power has more power than you think. :(

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
aegix drakan said:
omega 616 said:
Or was it more like "hey, celebs do this so it must be cool! Now go and spend ?450 to do what they do sometimes!". I don't think anybody would do that ...
You overestimate our species. :s

I'm sure at least a few people were swayed by it. I mean, why else do some people care about using Niki Minaj brand perfume/booze/makeup? Celebrity power has more power than you think. :(
Yeah, you're talking perfume and "hey blackberry phones are used by celebs, I'll use them as well" (ok that was a bit dated but still) or at the highest tier it's "Jordan just released these $200 sneakers, Imma get 'em!".

But Paying ?450 for a game a few celebs played for an hour is extreme. You don't even know they will go home and play these games, all you know is that for one hour they did.