E3 megathread


New member
Nov 21, 2007
B-Cell said:
Titanfall 2 looks on rail scripted COD clone

What part looked "on rails"? At what point did Call of Duty have mech combat?

I get it. You don't like modern FPS games, but ffs B-Cell, at least try to come up with some criticism that make sense.

Besides, COD's been trying to copy Titanfall lately, not the other way 'round.

omega 616 said:
Titan fall looked amazing, kind of want a xbone (yes, I am still calling it that) just for it!
But...why? It'll be on PS4 and PC as well. Why force yourself to buy the (abysmal) Xbone just to play it?

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
If they had any guts, they'd make Andromeda an alternate timeline where the galaxy fled from the Reapers. That way they could skirt around the whole ending shebang, and keep the Reapers as an active part of the story if they wanted to.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So, more random thoughts:

-Star Wars Games: I don't doubt that this is a cash cow for EA, but that doesn't preclude decent games coming from it. Visceral's take has my interest the most.

-Fa: Because adding "e" would cost too much for EA. Don't have much to say - it's like a darker version of Yooka-Laylee to me, just substituting gameplay for atmosphere. Nothing against the game, but not really my thing.

-The Walking Dead: Season 3: Love it. Clementine's all grown up now, and though she is apparently willing to use ammo on a single Walker (bad idea - waste of bullets, can draw in other Walkers, etc.), I'm onboard. Also a nice touch on the Walker design, how a lot of time has passed, and it shows given how decayed they are compared to their earlier versions (TV series has done this as well, as I understand). This seems to be...ahem, a tale worth telling.

-Quake Champions: Yeah, don't care. Multiplayer only, PC only, bunch of meatheads with zero personality shooting at each other with no narrative context, pass.

-The Elder Scrolls Legends: Decent cinematic, even though it's no "pirates riding parrots" (brownie points to anyone who gets that). A singleplayer campaign does sound interesting, card format or otherwise.

-Prey 2: No idea how this stacks up with Prey, the original, or the original Prey 2 version. But going just by the trailer, this looks fairly interesting.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Vigormortis said:
B-Cell said:
Titanfall 2 looks on rail scripted COD clone

What part looked "on rails"? At what point did Call of Duty have mech combat?

I get it. You don't like modern FPS games, but ffs B-Cell, at least try to come up with some criticism that make sense.

Besides, COD's been trying to copy Titanfall lately, not the other way 'round.

omega 616 said:
Titan fall looked amazing, kind of want a xbone (yes, I am still calling it that) just for it!
But...why? It'll be on PS4 and PC as well. Why force yourself to buy the (abysmal) Xbone just to play it?
Assumed it was still exclusive. My bad


New member
May 21, 2008
Looks like whichever character you don't pick to play as in Dishonoured 2 dies and the rest of the game is trying to undo it. I wonder if the heart is still going to be the Empresses heart.


New member
Jan 16, 2013
Hawki said:
-Prey 2: No idea how this stacks up with Prey, the original, or the original Prey 2 version. But going just by the trailer, this looks fairly interesting.
Actually it was just Prey. They are calling it a rebranding which seems to be the case. Something I think is smart considering the rocky past of making a sequel and the time gap between now and the original. I never played Prey but was interested in Prey 2 when announced. I hope we see some of those assets from the 'Prey 2' game in this version, but I like what I saw so far.

Skyrim Remastered is good for consoles with mods and graphical upgrades. (PC user here but it seems like easy money) I was a little excited about the Fallout shelter addition too.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Skyrim Remastered Confirmed.... Oh God WHY!

At least the new add-ons for Fallout 4 look fun, and I am very happy Fallout Shelter is coming out for PC

But seriously... nobody asked for Skyrim Remastered did they?


New member
Jan 16, 2013
Shaun Kennedy said:
Skyrim Remastered Confirmed.... Oh God WHY!

At least the new add-ons for Fallout 4 look fun, and I am very happy Fallout Shelter is coming out for PC

But seriously... nobody asked for Skyrim Remastered did they?
From my perspective everyone and their brother asked for Skyrim Remastered once console mods for Fallout 4 were confirmed.

I am pretty sure no one asked for Fallout Shelter on PC though. :p It is a cute little mobile app, but at home I have better games. They need to add some challenges, risks, and features to the game to make it a worthy PC 'builder/sim' that competes with the PC market.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Spacewolf said:
Looks like whichever character you don't pick to play as in Dishonoured 2 dies and the rest of the game is trying to undo it. I wonder if the heart is still going to be the Empresses heart.
That's a weird way to start the game...

I really hope the heart come back, using it on people was the best part of the game and the only reason I cared about any character.


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
So Bethesda was better than EA. Not by much I think, they spend way too much time on stuff I didn't care about like Elder Scrolls Legends, a bunch of Elder Scrolls Online shit that should have been features at launch and not an expansion and updates, an multiplayer Doom Expansion (That no one wants).

As for the rest:

Quake. Meh. Glow Hair Lady feels out of place, other than that I have no coments.

Prey looked alright, I will reserve judgement on that but it reminded me of System Shock. But I need more nformation aside from some short gameplay footage and jelly monsters.

New Fallout 4 DLC, first one seems... OK, I guess. I am usually rather simple when bulding my settlements so I will never make use of it. Except for the prison thing, I am putting Marcy Long in there. The second one it's an good idea, so good that someone modded it months ago, yeah, it's pretty lazy.
Now, what's up with Nuka Town? It's a new story expansion? If that's the case I am down for it.

Dishonored 2 looks really good, I was weirded out by the fact they downright confirmed that Emily is Corvo's daughter when in the original it was heavily implied to be the case but never confirmed. Still, looks like the character you don't pick dies. Damn, Corvo really not have it easy first the Empress who he was sworn to protect, was a lover of and had a child together dies and he gets the blame for it, now his own child can die... That's what you get for being a protagonist in a videogame I guess. As for gameplay, either they wanted to showcase the powers and never went to crazy with it making the gameplay rather boring or they had someone granddad with no imagination to play for them. Either way still excited about it.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Shaun Kennedy said:
Skyrim Remastered Confirmed.... Oh God WHY!

At least the new add-ons for Fallout 4 look fun, and I am very happy Fallout Shelter is coming out for PC

But seriously... nobody asked for Skyrim Remastered did they?
At least it's a free upgrade on PC (assuming you own the DLC as well). Makes sense seeing as anyone with a decent PC could have already made their Skyrim look like this. I'm totally okay with this. I wouldn't have bought it, but as a free upgrade that lets me free up a bunch of ESP space, I say hell yeah. Honestly, the upgrade makes a lot more sense for console owners which I suppose is why they didn't bother charging for PC.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Zenja said:
Shaun Kennedy said:
Skyrim Remastered Confirmed.... Oh God WHY!

At least the new add-ons for Fallout 4 look fun, and I am very happy Fallout Shelter is coming out for PC

But seriously... nobody asked for Skyrim Remastered did they?
From my perspective everyone and their brother asked for Skyrim Remastered once console mods for Fallout 4 were confirmed.

I am pretty sure no one asked for Fallout Shelter on PC though. :p It is a cute little mobile app, but at home I have better games. They need to add some challenges, risks, and features to the game to make it a worthy PC 'builder/sim' that competes with the PC market.
I think people asking for Fallout Shelter on PC is why it happened, I'm one of them. I don't own (nor want) a mobile device, so being able to finally play it on PC is very nice.

RedDeadFred said:
Shaun Kennedy said:
Skyrim Remastered Confirmed.... Oh God WHY!

At least the new add-ons for Fallout 4 look fun, and I am very happy Fallout Shelter is coming out for PC

But seriously... nobody asked for Skyrim Remastered did they?
At least it's a free upgrade on PC (assuming you own the DLC as well). Makes sense seeing as anyone with a decent PC could have already made their Skyrim look like this. I'm totally okay with this. I wouldn't have bought it, but as a free upgrade that lets me free up a bunch of ESP space, I say hell yeah. Honestly, the upgrade makes a lot more sense for console owners which I suppose is why they didn't bother charging for PC.
Wait... it's a free upgrade? Source?

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Trailer for Dishonored 2 looks badass and makes me want to play it, but that was kinda expected and otherwise can't say there's been any announcements that particularly intrigued me.

Dishonored 2 trailer:

The Mass Effect trailer was especially disappointing. I mean they didn't really announce anything they hadn't already and it was pretty much just the devs talking with some pretty visuals in the background. I want story info, I want characters, I want gameplay. I already know the Frostbite engine looks really good Bioware, you've gotta give me something else to work with especially after the also very good looking but otherwise quite forgettable game that was Dragon Age: Inquisition.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Shaun Kennedy said:
Wait... it's a free upgrade? Source?
From their official Twitter https://twitter.com/BethesdaStudios/status/742194847101095936
Todd Howard also confirmed it in an IGN interview http://ca.ign.com/videos/2016/06/13/nuka-world-is-fallout-4s-final-dlc Skip to around 5:15.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
The only part of E3 I look forward to is Yahtzee's Zero Punctuation episode where he takes the piss out of it.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Prey is by far best thing i have seen on E3. Keep up good work arkane. im more impressed by it than dishonored 2.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
omega 616 said:
Assumed it was still exclusive. My bad
Nope. Respawn got out of that contract with Microsoft. New one is all platforms.

[sub]Though, it may still be Origin only on PC. Not sure yet.[/sub]


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Pseudonym said:
I'm going to be a party pooper here:

Why is there another mass effect game? Mass effect 3 was the conclusion. A new mass effect with new charactars, new antagonists, new protagonist might as well have been a new IP. I'd have preferred it to be a new IP. I oppose its existance and won't be buying it. Unless I hear that it is absolutely amazing, allong with some details that peak my interest, but I'm not holding out hope for that. In fact, I somewhat hope that doesn't happen, because then I have to begrudgingly admit that soulless marketing and using brand recognition as opposed to artistic common sense has delivered a decent product. Besides, lets be real here. The new mass effect won't hold a candle to the other ones.
Cause new IPs are overrated, and we already have an interesting established universe. Just because its not about one fucking guy, doesn't mean we need to kick out Asari, Krogan, Elcor, and those little fat guys whos race name eludes me.

I love expanded universes. Its one of the reasons I love The Elder Scrolls, and don't care about Final Fantasy. Why care about the world and the lore if the next game makes it all meaningless?

What appeals to me about history in real life is how its all connected. How the events in Rome in the BC times greatly influenced the world, and the US today. How this lead to that lead to this and so on.

I wish more IPs were willing to expand instead of just lingering on a few things. For example, I think Halo is too caught up in Master Chief and well, Halos. Could make a Mass Effect style game just based on The Covenant.


The biggest boss
Dec 31, 2009
E3's been pretty shitty overall so far, Bethesda announced 2 mildly interesting games with a 1 minute CG trailer each and a couple of minutes of Dishonored 2 gameplay. That's it. I'm very disappointed to say the least.


Renowned Latin Lover
Jan 30, 2009
There's been nothing that really held up my attention on this first day of E3.

It's nice that they spiritually brought back Lucien Lachance for the Elder Scrolls Online, but that's not going to get me to buy the MMO, as for EA's presentation, completely lackluster, nothing really held my attention. Seems like they completely fucked Battlefield 1, which could have been a Verdun-like slower MP-focused FPS, but instead we get automatic fucking guns, in World War 1, this is insanity.

Hell, they didn't even deliver in terms of inside jokes, this is a disaster so far.