I played SimCity for the design and creative aspects, and basically switched off the disasters so I could just try design a good looking and fuctional city.
The idea of being forced into multi player whereby some other players city could impact my city isnt appealing to me.
Being forced online always is also a switch off, and finally being forced to install Origin to play it is yet another reason not to bother.
... then there is the fact it will have DLC, oh yes DLC and loads of it.
Can see it now already , Future City pack , Disaster Pack , Theme Pack, Pack of Packs , Giveusyourmoney Pack , Premium Pack , Subscribers Pack , A Pack because I cant think of any other name Pack , a Pack of Lies , EA Chairmans Retirement Fund Pack...
Thing is people will buy it, and defend it to the death and it will become the norm... and later when players complain, people will say what are you complaining about ? Its normal.
Always on ? The norm. DRM riddled ? Norm. DLC stuffed ? Norm. Delayed PC titles ? Norm.
Pretty sad the state of current gaming.
Sure in the 'good old days' the developers and publishers were out to make money as well, but as gaming was a niche market they had to offer a lot of value to keep fans happy, but now as the market has mass appeal its all about adding more revenue streams to IP's than adding more value.