EA Buys Peggle Creator PopCap Games


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
I think this [http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/] about sums up my reaction simply reading the article heading. Go to that same link if you want my reaction once I was done reading. I feel sorry for the zombies in that picture. They have no idea what horrors await them.


New member
May 31, 2009
Something about an extra credits video on EA and how they buy developers that don't necessarily fit into their corporate culture comes to mind...


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008

I think this fairly accurately sums up everything that can be said about this news. Today is a dark day indeed.

PopCap, 2000 - 12 July, 2011; You will be missed.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Saaay, can we wait until EA actually kills the studio before we start saying they are dead? Who knows, maybe nothing bad will happen to PopCap.

Also, I'm looking to buy some bridges.


New member
Jun 5, 2010
Great I can't wait to start paying extra for more balls in Peggle or having to buy sunflowers in Plants Vs Zombies -_-


New member
May 19, 2008
This actually makes me a little sad. Part of what made me love PopCap was its creation of 4th and Battery, which is not something we'd ever see coming from a major publisher. PopCap may retain autonomy and this may be a great deal, but the bottom line is that they're going to be restricted in some way from now on. Maybe not a lot, and in all likelihood they'll continue to make great games. But chances are good that they'll never be able to do something as out there as 4th and Battery is while they're under the EA umbrella.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
gibboss28 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
God fucking damn it yet another decent developer down the drain.
My thoughts exactly, though one can have really pointless unfounded optimism that EA have learned their mistakes... not fucking likely but still.
Surely after the last 100 times they will have learned... right?

[sub]... right???[/sub]


New member
Dec 3, 2008
EA really are going after Steam. In a few months they will pull popcap games from steam and make them only available on EA's version.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Generally bad news imo, but then I thought about what the EA Marketing department are gonna do to Popcap's games.

There aren't enough colon's in the world to express exactly how sadface this makes me :(

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
DustArma[]Saaay, can we wait until EA actually kills the studio before we start saying they are dead? Who knows, maybe nothing bad will happen to PopCap.

Also, I'm looking to buy some bridges.
Some bridges you say? I just so happen to have gotten some in this morning. Top O' the line

We have your classic suspension, all the hype in Frisco at the moment.

Your genuine* Roman Aquaduct. Very popular in Europe this time of year, what with the summer rush it's very uncommon, and quite expensive, I guarantee you'll not find another one this side of Rome, but I can give you a ten percent discount on this lovely little number

Now I'm not supposed to show anyone this, but we just got a new bridge in, it's brand new, extremely stylish and coveted. I guarantee with this glass bridge the women will be falling at your feet, and the neighbours will be green with envy. It's a real conversation starter too.
Still not satisfied, well, I understand. Static bridges are so 2008. I can see you won't be satisfied with some carbon copy, same-as-everyone-else bridge. What you want is this truely unique portable bridge, it's one of a kind, it can carry the weight of a full grown man comfortably, It has been going for around half a century now and is as structurally sound as it ever was. No ones' made anything like it since. It strictly shouldn't be on sale to the public, but I like to think we have an understanding here. I like you, we're the same type of guys. so I'm gonna let you in on this beautiful deal. We call it "The Jeff"

Umm, sorry about that, that joke got out of hand really fast. Well anyway...
Judging by EA's track record with companies it's bought, it would be a lot less painful for all of us if they just reverse back over them right now. I just can't wait until EA's marketing division try to market games to the casual facebook crowd. There will be no survivors.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
Worgen said:
well I dont see how this could be a good idea for popcap, its great for ea, just not good for popcap

well, I guess its great for ea until they start messing with popcap and fuck it up and all the good people leave
Its 750 Million dollars for the guys with shares in pop-cap <_<