Not trying to pull the AA guns and hatred my way as I soar high above this one, but my current stance is this:
I've played shitty EA games back in the days when they were still ECA and the most powerful home computer gaming system was the C=64. Did I ever feel like sueing them for screwing me over or selling me sugar-coated crap? Certainly. Then again, playing video games has always been but a pastime activity to me (the occasional tournaments excluded), and so I age away thinking this: I want EA, Sony, Activision and the whole lot to put the money where my cravings are, and I want them to sell me games, and I want them to keep the servers running, and I want them to thwart any and all lulzy asshattery, no questions asked.
If it's about "We, the People" against some megalomaniac entertainment consortium selling us Soylent Green for breakfast, lunch and dinner, I'm all for it. If, however, more and more well-fertilized moldy grassroots "No you won't! Yes we can! Blockheads unite!" movements eat away at everything I enjoy, wanting to have decisive power over anything and everything they don't know jack about, binding capital and manpower to countering, rebutting and fighting their looney ends, hey, I'm all for new kickass EULA/EUALA/LALA.
After all, I usually buy a certain game title to point, click, drive, shoot away, and I don't fancy much of this "life is so harsh, corporations are evil" shtick. Do I fancy EA going all Origins on me now? No, I don't. Do I fancy Sony taking away Linux from the PS3? No, I don't. Then again, I got Steam installed, Desura and that darned Win some, Lose some LIVE! - and I certainly don't like the idea of installing more and more "marketplaces" and "distribution channels" on my gaming rig, but I really don't get the proper purpose of this whiney, fear-mongering anti-capitalist stance except that it poops diarrhea all over my sweet cherry pie. Take that Klassenkampf elsewhere, please. Try next galaxy, maybe.