EA Enters MOBA Arena with Dawngate


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Oh look. EA jumping on a bandwagon! What a shock!

I predict the following:

- The game will launch with EA saying it's an evolution of MOBA gameplay
- It's the same old with a minor twist nobody cares about
- People will continue to play Dota2 and LoL


Senior Member
May 8, 2011
Tanakh said:
IanDavis said:
That may not sound exciting, but the MOBA genre is pretty well entrenched with the very explicit Dota formula.
That is just not true. If you are avid fan of ARTS, MOBA or whatever you want to called, then you know SMITE, DotA, LoL, HoN, Awesomenauts, SMNC, Demigod and the rest of em are very different one from another.

As for the game, I might be interested, nahh, who am i kidding, there is almost zero chance this game will be something more than a cash cow. I expect zero tactical play and no promotion at all as an e-sport.

GodzillaGuy92 said:
Even so, the overall point remains that if EA manages to implement a more reasonable F2P model than Riot's, I'll eat the laptop I'm using to type this message.
I have trouble imagining a less reasonable F2P model than Riot's, for me it's on par with SW:ToR in the sense that it cripples the gameplay and tactics of LoL. The only thing that comes to mind is removing IPs, but that would hurt their earnings...
It's ARTS, MOBA is a stupid term. Multiplayer online battle arena, what's a battle arena, how is multiplayer and online a component of a genre, with ARTS it makes sense, action real-time strategy, that is accurate.

And HoN isn't really that different from DotA in fact many of their heroes are reskins of DotA heroes, their items are too.

As for, LoL's free to play, it's terrible, agreed. It's like WoW's business model, terrible and only allowed to exist because the popularity and installed user base, but to say that it weakens the gameplay or tactics of the game isn't true, the rune limitation is the primary problem with the system, and at any level where tactics can legitimately be created the players will of played enough to have the necessary IP to make that a non-factor.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Going to steal that ARTS term from godofslack. The one issue with pretty much all of the multiplayer focused games at the moment is the endless sense that no one plays for fun anymore. Everyone is just interested in leaderboards and rankings, picking the most efficient path to pad their scores, while burning any chance they have at friendly relationships with other players that extend outside of massive multiplayer sibling rivalry.

Furthermore, building up systems like the achievement system only encourages this kind of play and it's getting to a point where people like myself are swearing off multiplayer games all together. There is a major difference between bouncing around in Unreal Tournament and Quake shooting each other with rockets from obscene angles, and running around shooting people in Call of Duty / Halo / Battlefield 3 in relatively uninteresting ways, getting an achievement like "Rocket Buddy: You shot someone with a rocket launcher!" for just being alive.

The best solution would likely be to get rid of achievements outside of E-Sports and let people make their own achievements that reinforce their play style. If someone wants to do something incredibly round about for the sake of fun, they shouldn't get punished by the game system and by other players because of some predisposed competition driven system.

(Edit: Only reason I even go on these rants is because Defense of the Ancients really is an engaging game, it's just that the competition drive is murdering it much like Starcraft 2.)


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Oh wow, a MOBA by EA. Two things existing solely to suck your wallet dry in return for the minimum possible amount of fun!



New member
Jul 9, 2012
Wait. A MOBA/ARTS/BBQ that's allegedly COMMUNITY driven? If anything shows EA knows nothing about the genre, it's that. Last I checked this is a genre known for the incredibly toxic and hostile nature of its community.


New member
Feb 23, 2012

The problem is that most of these multiplayer... real-time... stuff..., are too afraid to innovate anything and just end up a "dota clone". I have played most of them and even Smite is the same but with a mythological bag over its head and a more ass-focused camera perspective. I'm not saying the games are bad but the question someone should pose to EA is, why would people play your game insted of all these better options with bigger communities, more content and no Origin?

OT: Gotta love how just mentioning a MOBA/ARTS/w/e, brings out the "Only i know what true fun means and everyone else is an idiot" crowd. Really hope they all have home insurance because glass is not a resilient material.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
"That sounds like something fresh and original, and with EA's track record I can't forsee the game being kneecapped by any monetised features!"

-said nobody even remotely aware of EA's track record.


New member
Oct 12, 2012
Quite a lame trend that nobody bothers to come up and invest into new ideas and concepts. How well did the WOW-clone craze end up for the clones? Not exactly good. Hopefully most of the DOTA rip-offs will crash and brun as well, forcing the companies to take a risk and create something fresh for a change.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
ok people look at SMITE.
know what that game did? it took the basic MOBA mechanics and gave them a new touch by changing the perspective because every time you make a top-down moba that is item-driven you will end up making a dota-clone. it's like the first fps, all people did was make DOOM-clones but change the setting or put in a gimmick here and there.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
You guys know what would be hilarious? If this game was good. You all would be backpedaling like nobody's business if that happened.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
FalloutJack said:
Yet another haven for ten-year-old brats who cuss into microphones, whiners, griefers, sore losers, and of course the hardcore crowd who missed the point of gaming by not playing for gaming's most simple and obvious point of existence: FUN.
I find it rather funny how a Dota style games can really change peoples moods, especially when me and my roomie were visiting a friend we hadn't seen face to face in a year or two and he sounded happy about it but by the time we arrived he was in a foul mood because he lost at LoL that evening while I reminded him that it was just a game.

Other than that this clone doesn't seem to interest me in the least.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
godofslack said:
HoN is the closest game to DotA, but the pacing is very different, the balance also, metagame, pure reskinned heroes are actually the minority and even when they are they are played different in some cases. If you want to play a Lycan as a WB for example, chances are it will suck, what I am trying to say is that both are very similar, but the slight changes make a huge impact.

As for the tactics, are you serious mate? Tell me, what is the main meta of LoL for the positions in the laning phase? Now tell me how that would work without full runes and skills, even if your team helps you as they should. You cannot effectively pull the freaking basic and most popular laining positions until you are more or less done with skills/runes, how is that not breaking fucking possible tactics?

Finally I disagree the WoW comparison, simply because WoW is an MMORPG and LoL is an e-sport, in one it makes sense to grind for items in the other is retarded to give players different footings at the start of a match.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
teebeeohh said:
To be fair MNC and Awesomenauts both did the change of perspective way before smite, and it's my opinion that SMNC did what smite wanted only better and before, but some people might rather have smite. That said, I do not think that change is needed to make a good game.


New member
Sep 6, 2010
Tara Callie said:
Talaris said:
God knows how much EA is going to rip out of the game to sell back to us as micro-transactions. As if the whole MOBA community wasn't off-putting enough, now there has to be an EA one which, let me guess, will be locked onto Origin.
Riot made a MOBA and locked it to their specific systems. Valve made a MOBA and locked it to Steam.

Explain to me how EA locking a game they publish to Origin is worse? (Rhetorical Question).

And MOBA's are LOADED with Microtransactions already. And since this is a F2P game it's gotta make a profit somehow.
I realise that, but if the FTP transition for SWTOR is anything to go by (and I'm was 1 year subscriber to TOR), they will block a lot features for paid services than most companies do.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
BanicRhys said:
I know a lot of people think that comments like these are just sweeping generalisations and maybe they are. But, every single LoL player I know fits into at least one of those categories perfectly.
Ahh, you should maybe watch Zekent stream LoL. Guy is almost always smiling, never curses, never talks down other players(at most he'll be like 'that was silly' or 'that. . .wasn't so good'). When something bad happens he might raise his voice, but five seconds later he'll say something like "Oh well!". Point being that he's a guy who plays for fun, and when he's not having fun he stops streaming LoL (though he might stay on to play something like Fez).

So there's at least one exception!

(I really do quite enjoy watching him. It's so refreshing to see someone not respond to losing with whining, blaming or rage)