Therumancer said:
Originally the arguement that this would benefit small, independant developers was compelling, and was made right along the idea of games in general having their prices lower. In the end however even services like Steam and Gamersgate failed to deliver lower prices on retail products. What's more all it did was make it easier for idependant developers to flood the market with shovelware that wouldn't even be able to hold up a $9.99 package at Wal*Mart.
Doesn't matter what platform or service you are using, there is *always* going to be piles of random, crappy games. Claiming that XBL allows independant Dev's to do what has been going on for some time now is really a weak arguement. Look at the Xbox's catalogue of games, the amount of random "shovelware", as you called it, exceeds that of the Arcade. Hell, look at the Wii and the DSi, those systems have more "shovelware" games than the PS3 has games, period.
Therumancer said:
Rave about Shadow Complex, but look at it this way, for roughly half the price you could buy an older game like Sacred WITH it's expansion packs, and have it on a DVD in your hand. Viewed that way your getting gouged.
While many will defend it as "worth it", look aqain at the price trends. The cost of old games like Marvel Vs. Capcom II, The Watchmen Beat 'Em Up games ($40 for the whole thing), ans Siren (PSN) as a package. When the XBL Arcade got started it was like "hey look what youc an get for $5". Then things expanded to like $10 becoming the big price, and now your looking at more and more games going for double that. Quality titles? Well considering that in many cases you can buy a 2-3 year old AAA title for the same bloody price (maybe even less used) it's pretty obvious how they gradually snuck up on us. People comparing more expensive XBL titles to the older anc cheaper ones (as time progressed) oftentimes use tunnelvision and don't look outside of the Arcade for what else they could get with that same amount of money to keep things comparitive overall.
You're comparing buying a brand new game, with a pretty damn good production value, to buying a 5 year old PC game. That just doesn't work of course it's going to be dirt cheap, who wants a 5 year old game? And while we are on the subject, I've been looking around FilePlanets
D2D games(and their prices are actually fair) and Sacred with all the updates and additions for 19.95. Where as Shadow Complex, a game published by on of those veteral AAA developers, is $15.00 or 1200 Xbox live points. And Marvel Vs. Capcom 2(which does have some additional content) is also 1200($15.00) which makes it rather unlikely that "The Watchman: The End is Nigh" is worth 2000($25.00). $10 is more than a fair price for an *Arcade* game, hence why you are not paying 69.99 or more for it.
You seem to have changed your arguement from "the PSPgo is the anti-christ for not using discs" to "XBL is over-priced compared to old, used games."