To be fair it was waiting to happen to Barenziah, Considering she slept with everyone and their brother.Dimitriov said:If Jesus aborted babies against the mother's willAcrisius said:Talos. That guy is a badass dude. Plus he's kinda like the Jesus of Tamriel, if you think about it...
The healer, a High Elf of middle years, confirmed that Barenziah was indeed pregnant, and that such a thing had never before been known to happen. It was a testimony to His Excellency's potency, the healer said in sycophantic tones. Tiber Septim roared at him.
"This must not be!" he said. "Undo it. We command you."
"Sire," the healer gaped at him. "I cannot... I may not--"
"Of course you can, you incompetent dullard," the Emperor snapped. "It is our express wish that you do so."
Barenziah, till then silent and wide-eyed with terror, suddenly sat up in bed. "No!" she screamed. "No! What are you saying?"
"Child," Tiber Septim sat down beside her, his face wearing one of his winning smiles. "I'm so sorry. Truly. But this cannot be. Your issue would be a threat to my son and his sons. I shall no more put it plainly than that."
"The child I bear is yours!" she wailed.
"No. It is now but a possibility, a might-be, not yet gifted with a soul or quickened into life. I will not have it so. I forbid it." He gave the healer another hard stare and the Elf began to tremble.
"Sire. It is her child. Children are few among the Elves. No Elven woman conceives more than four times, and that is very rare. Two is the usual number. Some bear none, even, and some only one. If I take this one from her, Sire, she may not conceive again."
"You promised us she would not bear to us. We've little faith in your prognostications."
Barenziah scrambled naked from the bed and ran for the door, not knowing where she was going, only that she could not stay. She never reached it. Darkness overtook her.
Sanguine is my bro. Pretty sure he was even there when I proposed to...whoever my supposed fiance was supposed to be.GLo Jones said:There's no love for Sanguine here? You disappoint me Escapists.
I so agree with you serious the Nine Divines BORING... But Deadra you can expect them to do weird stuff. Oh you want me to go there and find that item sounds "simple" [yes this is just the beginning of going all over the map WOOOO] They certainly make things interresting! And Sheogorath is a favourite of mine. Again he might just as well make your dead a hilarious one!Areth_1138 said:Definitely a Daedra worshiper here. They're like Greek Gods, they're petty, they make mistakes, and they get bored and use mortals for their own amusement. Anyone who EVER played a Black and White game will understand their position intimately.
They're also incredibly interesting and make for great characters. Sheogorath for example - who is a personal favorite of mine - is truly "chaotic neutral" and completely insane. And the scottish accent really sells that to me. Seriously, he might reward you for your help, or if the mood strikes him, teleport you 17 football fields in the air just to giggle as you fall to your death.
Aedra on the other hand (the Divines) don't take much interest in the mortal realm, and while being "good" never do much in the way of influencing events at all (except Akatosh that ONE time).
hell to the fuck yes.Kungfu_Teddybear said:Daedra worship. Simply because Sheogorath is my favourite character in the Elder Scrolls.
Wabbajack Wabbajack WABBAJACK!
Metaphors being the main problem. In TES, Talos was a real man, a well documented emperor and what he did isn't impossible in that world, you can still see it in "present day". Jesus, or at least his special powers, are pretty much a myth (no offense to Christians, but my atheistic views aside, I think you can agree Talos is more "provable" in TES than Jesus is in RL).Acrisius said:Dude, just switch out the words or consider them metaphors and you have EXACTLY what Jesus did.Vrach said:Hmmm, if Jesus was an emperor of dragon blood who conquered the Earth and was able to shout enemies to death, I have to admit, I'd be a Christian myselfAcrisius said:Talos. That guy is a badass dude. Plus he's kinda like the Jesus of Tamriel, if you think about it...
edited for a lore fail up there x.x
OT: Talos' awesomeness aside, Deadra are my favourite. I love them, they're like the Gods of Greek mythology, instead of being perfect, goody two shoes Gods, they're mostly just powerful jackasses
edit: oh and the Tribunal Gods were pretty awesome.
Example, he shouted out disease from people, shouted at water to make it let him walk on it, shouted at fish and bread to make it endless...So he didn't have DRAGON blood, but he did have DIVINE blood, kinda, being son of God and all. And he conquered a lot of the earth by spreading his teachings, and has his own hood up in heaven, etc. Plus, Talos being ascended to Aetherius and becoming a divine is almost a rip off from the bible with Jesus being ascended to heaven, etc.
I'm telling you bro. Talos = Badass Jesus.
Daedra show the same similarities, except with Greek gods, just like you say. Powerful Jackasses indeed
Try pissing them off if you can when you play Skyrim, be really ungrateful and cocky. They're fun![]()