Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Dragonborn DLC files found in latest patch


Renegade Interrupt
May 5, 2011
Soviet Heavy said:
Do you think that it will make food crafting not totally useless?
Elsweyr Fondue, Regenerate Magicka 25 pts for 720 secs, Fortify Magicka 100 pts for 720 secs. 25 points of Magicka per second for 12 minutes is pretty badass for a fairly easy food recipe.

White Lightning

New member
Feb 9, 2012
Mimsofthedawg said:
SajuukKhar said:
According to several people on the official Bethesda forums, there latest patch for Skyrim included files for the next DLC.

$Crafting_$DLC2ArmorBonemold BONEMOLD
$Crafting_$DLC2ArmorChitin CHITIN
$Crafting_$DLC2ArmorNordic NORDIC
$Crafting_$DLC2ArmorStalhrim STALHRIM
$Dragonborn Quests Completed Dragonborn Quests Completed
$DRAGONBORN_ESMName Dragonborn

update.bsa\interface\exported\hudmenu.gfx & quest_journal.gfx
Hudmenu compass markers/quest journal quest header:

MainList.entryList.push({text: "$DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT" + (iPlatform == 3 ? "_PS3" : ""), index: StartMenu.DLC_INDEX, disabled: false});

DLC for PS3?

Bonemold, Chitin, Nordic, and Stralhrim armor from Morrowind?

Dragon mounts?

seriously? WHAT WILL BE NEXT?

Also it MIGHT be called Dragonborn
meh... they've also found information that one of the DLC's is going to involve the Falmer. Hasn't happened yet. I'll hold my breathe until I hear something from bethesda.
Didn't Dawnguard mention the Falmer at that one part where there were Falmer everywhere and that one guy was all like "Dude I am totally going to talk about the Falmer right now so be sure to pay attention to all these things about the Falmer."


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Mimsofthedawg said:
meh... they've also found information that one of the DLC's is going to involve the Falmer. Hasn't happened yet. I'll hold my breathe until I hear something from bethesda.
The entire second half of Dawnguard was about the Falmer

You even
-Meet two uncorrupted Falmer
-Go to the Falmer's last refuge of the Forgotten Vale
-Go on an entire Falmer pilgrimage to a Falmer temple, met ghosts of Flamer priests, and learn about the Falmer's beliefs
-Raid a Falmer temple to Auri-El
-Get Auri-El's bow, that was in the hands of a uncorrupted Falmer.

CannibalCorpses said:
-Never ran into a bug during any of the major questlines
-I have pointed out previously several uses for both the lockpicking and speech trees besides just getting more money, such as bribing guards if you are not in the Thieves guild, and getting a major treasure booster that lets you get Dragon armor even if your not a smith.
-No one made you level stealth or use it at all, and using it in a overpowered way is only your choice
-The unbreakable lockpick is also removed from you at the end of the quest
-People power gaming is really their own fault, and if they want to make their character an OP god, they have every right to do so.
-Use the console to make NPCs not essential, Bethesda did write the console into lore for a reason.

Also I will admit the game has problems,
1. Its buggy
2. The combat is meh
3. The story seems weak if you haven't read all the other lore behind the series.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
SajuukKhar said:
-Becoming Thane of a city makes the Guards call you Thane, and give you special privileges in regards to getting out of crimes.
-Becoming the leader of a guild causes all the people in the guild to call you boss/Harbinger/Listener/arch Mage and the Guards will comment on your status as well.
-Killing Parth makes the Greaybeards hate you and refuse to tell you the location of world walls, while the Blades offer you special anti-dragon powers, and not killing him causes the reverse.
-Many Daedric quests have NPCs involved in that quest thank you for either not killing them, or helping the prince.
-Most quests you do for NPCs raise their relationship rank with you, causing them to offer nicer dialog, make comments about helping them, and if they are merchants, slightly lowering their prices.

There are plenty of things that happen in the game world as the result of your actions, with people commenting on what you have done.

Also, the endings of New Vegas are 100% pointless because you do not get to experience them in the games themselves.
-Get out of jail free ONCE...for accidentally clicking on a piece of cheese laying on a table. How about, once you become Thane, you get quests you didn't have before? New choices? Free reign to take anything in the town you want? I'm fairly sure the Jarl could take possession of anything HE wanted in needed, why can't the Thane?
-Ohhh, exciting.
-We went over this one already, 1 of the 2 choices in the game.
-You're reaching
-Indeed, once I bring back the White Phile, I should get a 1% cost reduction...laughable. (I don't know what the reduction in price actually is, don't care either).

How is being a warrior, and thus not joining the thieves guild, a guild for thieves, not a logical choice?

Do you not understand basic reasoning?
Thieves Guild = for thieves
Warriors =/= thieves
Thieves guild =/= Warriors

I didn't really think I needed to explain that but you are simply failing to grasp elementary level thought processes here.

Those perks being a waste is pure opinion, not objective fact. Many find not having to deal with lower level locks at all to be a benefit.

It has nothing to do with being bad with the lockpicking mini game, it has to do with being able to take a perk and not have to deal with lock picks EVER again. why waste my time picking up every lockpick I see, even if they are common, when I can take a perk and never deal with it again?
Yeah, I know, how did Bethesda let those slide??! They must not understand basic reasoning either. Great point. I don't think you should be calling the Bethesda design team elementary level thought processes holders though, thats a bit mean. In Skyrim, Warrior = Mage = Thief = Merchant = Blacksmith = Enchanter = Everything. In your self imposed ruleset that only YOU are privy to knowing...what you said above could be true, but in the GAME, they are not true. You saying it is meaningless, because in the game, its not true.

The GAME WORLD should impose certain choices to hold in place the reasoning for those rules. The player should NOT be required to know the lore backwards and forwards and HAVE to impose self limitation to have the game world make sense. The world should already make sense. You are 1 person in a vast world, you are not the DM, YOU are suppose to follow the rules of this world as they exist. The developers are the DM, they set the rules. If they fail to set the rules properly, then they failed to design the game properly. You may love the openness of having no rules, but again, I find it an incredibly shallow gameplay experience.

If a gun can only fire 10mm rounds, then it fires 10mm rounds. It doesn't also fire 20mm and 9mm and 50cal rounds just to allow the game to be "open to do anything" (except killing who you want...)...those rules exist to make the world seem like a real place. If you ignore those rules, the world loses its credibility.

YOU may force these RP rules in yourself and get something more from it, but 90% of the gaming populous will not, and in their games, they are god who can and likely WILL do everything. The number of people who self impose rulesets is a very small minority (just because you are part of that minority, doesn't make it less of a minority), the default game type should NOT require self imposed rules to properly roleplay a character in a roleplay game. Roleplay should be BUILT IN to the game, or its not a roleplay game.

Hell, I can make Call of Duty an RPG by your ruleset, you can make Monopoly an RPG by your rules. That doesn't make those games RPGs. Skyrim is only an RPG in the fact it has level ups and it takes it name from a famous RPG series of games, otherwise it is simply NOT an RPG.

As I said before, giving people that kind of protect can cause bugsm its given to followers only for a reason.

Not to mention, there are plenty of times when Dragons/Vampires attack towns, and in the process of trying to kill them you will hit a NPC, having them be killable by the player only introduces players to accidental killings, having to reload the saves game, and then doing the ENTIRE battle over again.

It wasn't a bad game design at all, it was Bethesda thinking more then two seconds ahead.
Saying it twice doesn't make a false statement true. Modders have shown your statement about bugs to be false, furthermore it does not make sense in any possible way that having NPCs die if killed by the player or unconscious if killed by an NPC would cause the issues you're talking about. You're making this up to save face. If you hit an NPC on accident, you turn the entire town hostile...where you have to reload (or run and wait 3 days)...how is that any different? Its the same situation more or less. I learned to be careful with my targeting or rather, stand around like an idiot if things got too close quarters, because the aiming is so dodgy thats my only choice to not kill my companions.

Zenn3k said:
Odd how I played 50 hours and the only one I EVER saw was the Riften gate one. How did I miss them if they were so visible? Was this changed in a patch or something?
It has been like hat since the game was released, I suspect you either
A. haven't played it, and given how little you seemingly know of how skyrim works wouldn't surprise me
B. You were to busy hitting the skip dialog button and missed them
I dunno then, never saw them. I did indeed play the game, for awhile, didn't do everything in the game though, got bored too quickly with the afore mentioned lack of choice and consequence within the world. And no, I never skipped anything. Honestly can't tell you what is up in regards to this, I can even recall some of the quests I did within the game and seeing a few of them listed on that speech check list you provides, but I never saw them. Maybe I just didn't care anymore, I dunno, as I said, no consequences.

Actually no, you don't have to join the mages college at all, using information given to you before hand, it is 100% possible to bypass the college entirely, and find Septimus.

Similarly, you don't have to help Brynolf if you listen to Delphine, and listen to he NPCs in the Thalmor base who say Esbern is in the Ratway. Joining any guild is 100% up to the player.

Whats the point of doing that?
Its called staying true to the character I made?
Its called roleplaying?
Its the same reason I didn't do many of the quests in New Vegas, because it goes against the morals of the character I made?

Do you even understand what roleplaying is? what getting into character is like?

From what I gather your just a person who plays RPGs like any other game, you don't bother making up a backstory for your character, or trying to think of how his backstory and life before the game would shape his actions or beliefs during the game.

You seemingly play RPGs like games, insted of role playing games.

Also Skyrim is consistent with itself.
Okay, if you have a "dumb" orc, you still have to cast that fire to get past the door (dumb meaning no speech check)...correct? So I must use magic, on my non-magic using character. Yes? So the game just forced a rule break.

Sure I do, more so than you give me any credit for, because you are obsessed with defending bad games while at the same time attacking good games (Like New Vegas) for trite and pointless lists of reasons.

You'll defend Skyrim's lack of interesting choices and reason within the world it created...but say "Damage Threshold is a primary reason New Vegas is bad because it makes heavy armor useless" (which isn't true, as others have told you), but the point is, you'll nitpick the shit out of a game you don't like, but defend to a seemingly ridiculous degree the nonsense of Skyrim's world that has no logic within itself.

Hell, in Skyrim heavy armor is useless. Light armor is better in every single possible way. It provides just as much protection when perked out (or at least enough to negate enough damage that both become equal), while at the same time allowing faster and quieter movement. If Vegas is bad because of DT, then Skyrim is bad because of Heavy armor, but I don't bring that up as a real argument against Skyrim, because that is stupid reason to hate a game.

I don't make up my own backstory on the first playthrough, no, I allow the creators of the game to TELL ME A STORY, thats what I paid $60 for. If the story is good, it'll provide hints to me as to what my backstory is (or outright tell me) and the rest is gameplay. To me, an RPG is a GAME where you assume a ROLE that you PLAY.

If I like the game, later on down the line, I might do what you mention, make my own backstory, really try to get down and role-play in the world, but the world has to have options and choices that allow for role play. I don't see any in Skyrim, outside of "I'll do your fetch quests, but I no like you, so I won't do your fetch quests". Thats boring as hell. The game needs a strong back to rest that roleplay experience upon, I simply don't see that in Skyrim. I see lots of empty hollow choices that mean nothing to almost everyone in the game world.

Like the girl in Whiterun who asks for a Mammoth Tusk so she can become a great trader...so I get her that tusk and what does she do? She doesn't run off to become a trader, maybe join with the khajiit traders. Nope, she stays right there in town, never moving. Why did I help her again?

You can cite a few examples here and there where the NPCs call me Thane now, or what not...but 99% of the quest in the game, nothing happens, nothing changes.

I'm really done talking to you about it, all you've managed to do is reinforce the reasons why I dislike Skyrim.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Zenn3k said:
I am glad you are done talking, your word twisting and lack of sound reasoning have, frankly, gotten annoying.

You can go play your games were the developers have to hold your hand on every little thing in order for you to feel like you have done anything, I am going to be playing skyrim were I get to do what I want.

Also I got to ask what real consequences are in New Vegas?
-The super mutant cure thing just causes those nightkin to disappear never to be heard from again
-Killing off the Kings has no real effect on anything but a post-credits slide
-Killing the NCR at Helion with the giant laser just causes them to be replaced with generic legion NPCs, and nothing really changes expect a few generic guards talk about it.

I really cant think of a single choice in New vegas that affected the game-world itself in a meaningful way that Skyrim doesn't also have, the only real consensuses of action in New vegas were presented in an entirely meaningless slideshow.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
SajuukKhar said:
Zenn3k said:
I am glad you are done talking, your word twisting and lack of sound reasoning have, frankly, gotten annoying.

You can go play your games were the developers have to hold your hand on every little thing in order for you to feel like you have done anything, I am going to be playing skyrim were I get to do what I want.
You're a last word junky aren't you? Word twisting, you're a funny guy.

You mean you're going to play a game where you have to impose rules you made up yourself in order for the game world to make sense.

You said yourself

Thieves Guild = for thieves
Warriors =/= thieves
Thieves guild =/= Warriors
Shame the developers couldn't figure that one out huh? You have to impose those rules yourself because the game is so lazy it cannot even hold itself together properly.

I'll go play a game where my choices have weight and world has consistent logic within itself. Bye now.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Well now that he is gone, what do yall think Bethesda might add in future DLC?

And what do yall think Bethesda should add in future DLC?


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Yes kiddies, when you lose an argument because your reasoning is flawed...its because the other person is a troll. Take note.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
I could actually prove how my reasoning isn't flawed, but I doubt you would be able to understand it because you don't have a developer to spell it out for you word for word.

Also coming into a thread for a game you hate just to hate on it, which is what you entire first post on this thread was, is considered trolling.

I am going to ask a mod delete this thread so I can start a new one, without the spam that has amassed here.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Zenn3k said:
SajuukKhar said:
Zenn3k said:
I am glad you are done talking, your word twisting and lack of sound reasoning have, frankly, gotten annoying.

You can go play your games were the developers have to hold your hand on every little thing in order for you to feel like you have done anything, I am going to be playing skyrim were I get to do what I want.
You're a last word junky aren't you? Word twisting, you're a funny guy.

You mean you're going to play a game where you have to impose rules you made up yourself in order for the game world to make sense.

You said yourself

Thieves Guild = for thieves
Warriors =/= thieves
Thieves guild =/= Warriors
Shame the developers couldn't figure that one out huh? You have to impose those rules yourself because the game is so lazy it cannot even hold itself together properly.

I'll go play a game where my choices have weight and world has consistent logic within itself. Bye now.
I just want to say. I agree with a lot of what you said.

An RPG is a roleplaying game and is about choice and the choice you make is unique

They are defined by exemplary characters, either companions or main character. They are defined by consistancy in the world and taking meaningful actions with consequences.

The problems with Skyrim is that there aren't many consequences of what you do.

Story is outlined with nothing bad happening to you for making a certain choice.

Gameplay doesn't punish you or limit you for making certain choices. Going down the magic tree doesn't reduce your ability to do some other tree. You make no meaningful choices in your gameplay choices. Meaningful means that you have some kind of consequence for what you took.

The only sort of limiter is what you choose for magic, stamina, or health, but it is easy to work around that.

The only consequence for any sort of things is being arrested. Which causes you to lose gold and skill points. Oh no. Like I can't get those back easily.

After you get out, everything resets. People treat you as though you didn't do anything


New member
Oct 1, 2012
DLC coming to PS3? Well what do you know, I can finally ask for my copy Skyrim that I let my friend borrow. Told him i would take it back when DLC comes out...... silly me.

For one thing, I just want this DLC to have a new dungeon design, and new enemies cause I already have Draugers floating in my dreams.
I'm pretty satisfied with the whole RIDE A DRAGON idea that probably should have been in the vanilla game. So much hype, no dragon mount.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
taciturnCandid said:
I just want to say. I agree with a lot of what you said.

An RPG is a roleplaying game and is about choice and the choice you make is unique

They are defined by exemplary characters, either companions or main character. They are defined by consistancy in the world and taking meaningful actions with consequences.

The problems with Skyrim is that there aren't many consequences of what you do.

Story is outlined with nothing bad happening to you for making a certain choice.

Gameplay doesn't punish you or limit you for making certain choices. Going down the magic tree doesn't reduce your ability to do some other tree. You make no meaningful choices in your gameplay choices. Meaningful means that you have some kind of consequence for what you took.

The only sort of limiter is what you choose for magic, stamina, or health, but it is easy to work around that.

The only consequence for any sort of things is being arrested. Which causes you to lose gold and skill points. Oh no. Like I can't get those back easily.

After you get out, everything resets. People treat you as though you didn't do anything
Actually people do make snide remarks to you about what you have done.
-Punching a guy causes him to say "I am ready this time" and similar things when you approach him next.
-Killing someones relative causes them to call you scum, or trash every time you meet them afterwards.

Also why would going down the magic tree reduce your other trees? raising your survival skill in new vegas doesn't prevent you from raising your guns skill also.

furthermore, spending perks on magic perks prevents you form using perks on other trees, you cant become a god in everything, there's only 80 perk points, with the game designed for most people to only get about 50 or so, and over 250 different perks.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
SajuukKhar said:
I could actually prove how my reasoning isn't flawed, but I doubt you would be able to understand it because you don't have a developer to spell it out for you word for word.

Also coming into a thread for a game you hate just to hate on it, which is what you entire first post on this thread was, is considered trolling.

I am going to ask a mod delete this thread so I can start a new one, without the spam that has amassed here.
I came and gave an opinion on the game on what I would want from the DLC. YOU quoted me and replied.

If you don't want to talk to "trolls" (people you can't get to agree with your non-sense), don't talk to them.

My reasoning is simple. You should not have to self impose rules on a game for that world to make sense. Skyrim does not make sense within itself without self imposing rules on what you are and aren't allowed to do.

You believe you should have to make up for the laziness of the devs...and that somehow makes the game better, and I don't find that logical reasoning.

Get a mod to delete your lost argument. You got winner written all over you.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
And my reasoning is simple, one should not have to have rules imposed upon them when they can make up their own.

I like Skyrim for similar reasons as I like G-Mod, and Minecraft, because it allows you do do whatever you want, and play however you want, and be however deep you want to make it.

The possibilities are as endless as you want them to be, and indeed, they offer more possibles then games like New Vegas, who constrain you for no reason at every turn, could ever offer.

I prefer freedom and you prefer unnecessary limitations.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
SajuukKhar said:
taciturnCandid said:
I just want to say. I agree with a lot of what you said.

An RPG is a roleplaying game and is about choice and the choice you make is unique

They are defined by exemplary characters, either companions or main character. They are defined by consistancy in the world and taking meaningful actions with consequences.

The problems with Skyrim is that there aren't many consequences of what you do.

Story is outlined with nothing bad happening to you for making a certain choice.

Gameplay doesn't punish you or limit you for making certain choices. Going down the magic tree doesn't reduce your ability to do some other tree. You make no meaningful choices in your gameplay choices. Meaningful means that you have some kind of consequence for what you took.

The only sort of limiter is what you choose for magic, stamina, or health, but it is easy to work around that.

The only consequence for any sort of things is being arrested. Which causes you to lose gold and skill points. Oh no. Like I can't get those back easily.

After you get out, everything resets. People treat you as though you didn't do anything
Actually people do make snide remarks to you about what you have done.
-Punching a guy causes him to say "I am ready this time" and similar things when you approach him next.
-Killing someones relative causes them to call you scum, or trash every time you meet them afterwards.

Also why would going down the magic tree reduce your other trees? raising your survival skill in new vegas doesn't prevent you from raising your guns skill also.

furthermore, spending perks on magic perks prevents you form using perks on other trees, you cant become a god in everything, there's only 80 perk points, and over 250 different perks.
And then they forget 20 hours later. I've played the game. They remember the first few times, but then if you talk to them they act like nothing has happened and give generic dialog.

-Have you played an rpg before? I assume you have. You know that there is a reason why a ranged person isn't going to be taking hits.

Zen Archer can actually be impossible to hit with the right adjustments in Pathfinder, but he doesn't have the ability to survive if he does start taking hits. Not to mention that if you sunder his bow, he becomes useless.

What makes a game interesting is if you can put things into one aspect and be really good at it or make minor dips in everything and be a jack-of-all-trades. The thing about the jack-of-all-trades.

You don't get these vanilla characters that do everything extremely well.

And perks in skyrim? They make you a little better at something, but in reality you really don't need perks at all to be awesome at something.

Your skills level even if you don't level up and increase your perks. It ends up that yeah there is a little bit of flavor, but not enough of flavor to create multiple characters and replay the game with a different character.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
taciturnCandid said:
And then they forget 20 hours later. I've played the game. They remember the first few times, but then if you talk to them they act like nothing has happened and give generic dialog.
And I have played the game as well, 100 hours into a guy, and I still get NPCs calling me trash for killing an NPc friend of their at the beginning of the game.

taciturnCandid said:
Have you played an rpg before? I assume you have. You know that there is a reason why a ranged person isn't going to be taking hits.

Zen Archer can actually be impossible to hit with the right adjustments in Pathfinder, but he doesn't have the ability to survive if he does start taking hits. Not to mention that if you sunder his bow, he becomes useless.

What makes a game interesting is if you can put things into one aspect and be really good at it or make minor dips in everything and be a jack-of-all-trades. The thing about the jack-of-all-trades.

You don't get these vanilla characters that do everything extremely well.

And perks in skyrim? They make you a little better at something, but in reality you really don't need perks at all to be awesome at something.

Your skills level even if you don't level up and increase your perks. It ends up that yeah there is a little bit of flavor, but not enough of flavor to create multiple characters and replay the game with a different character.
My warrior in Skyrim does double sword damage, has an extra bleed effect on axes, and can smith armor to twice its normal protection levels. Something my theif and mage characters cant do

My thief has a 10% chance of dodging all melee blows, can turn invisiable, can make potions with no negative effects, poisons with no enemy positive effects, and can bribe his way out of any crime, something neither my mage or warrior characters can do.

My Mage character can cast master level spells for trivial amounts of magicka, control the minds of any NPC, except Dragons, and can summon multiple familiars at once, something neither my warrior character or thief character can do.

And yes, you defiantly do need perks to make yourself REALLY good at something
-Most damage from weapons comes from perks
-Most protection from armor comes from perks
-Most damage from spells comes from perks
-Without perks the highest level a illusion spell affects is like 6, with perks it goes up to 50

Without perks you are considerably more weak compared to someone who has the perks for that skill, the person with said perks are easily twice, if not more so, more powerful then someone without.

Also, while your skills do continue to level even if you don't level up, you get no perks points, and no health/magicka/stmina upgrades either, and as pointed out above, the skill level itself really isn't that important, the perks are,


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Elmoth said:
A thousand rpgs have done that before. Skyrim's classless system could have allowed for every character to be unique but it just reduced it to stealth skills, magic skills and fight skills. The perk system is also laughably simple.
Considering that Skyrim provably offers more character diversity then any previous elder scrolls game it has worked moderately well. The removal of attributes was a great boon to character diversity.

Also Skyrim's perk system still manages to beat Fallout's.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
Nothing short of complete and absolute removal of Skyrim's plot armor garbage will make me re-purchase Skyrim. There's no way that Skyrim for the PS3 will ever have this upcoming DLC because Bethesda won't release Dawnguard or Hearthfire to us. I actually DID re-purchase Skyrim FOR Dawnguard. Only to find out that we'll likely never have it. Which was actually a rather painful punch to the face.

Also, I want an actual reason to care about the world. Sure, some dialogue changes here and there are nice, but I want some actual choice and consequence. Nothing actually.....happens. The same people walk around the same areas at the same time of day every single day no matter what I do. Why should I care what happens if it's all the same whether I do something or stand around?

SajuukKhar said:
Also Skyrim's perk system still manages to beat Fallout's.
Opinions are pretty cool and hey, I'll even let you have your own. But Fallout's perks are more interesting and more useful than Skyrim's.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Were on earth did you get the idea Bethesda has no plans to release it for the PS3?

I love how when a game company says "we are holding back a game because even by our standards its too buggy" people complain, and yet, had the game been released as it was, people would have complained about it being buggy and unplayable.

I feel bad for Bethesda
-Release a buggy game? Get yelled at
-try to make a buggy game less buggy? get yelled at

ExiusXavarus said:
Opinions are pretty cool and hey, I'll even let you have your own. But Fallout's perks are more interesting and more useful than Skyrim's.
I disagree, fallout's perks were so dull and uninteresting that I spend an hour sitting at the level up screen looking through all the perks because I couldn't choose one because I found them all to be incredibly worthless.

Skyrim's perks on the other hand, I sit at the level up screen for awhile because I cant decide which ones to pick because most of them offer me a worthwhile bonus.

-Intense Training
-and that grim reaper one that respores AP
most of the perks were +damage, fire rate, throw distance, or something similar, all of which were pointless because you already did those things so fast that increasing them was really pointless.

Ive gotten more use of my illusion perks that raise the level of monsters I can affect from 6 to 50 then I ever did those perks in NEw Vegas.