Woooow, one tweet with 10 heartsNo it was being said by leftist types.
Here's a recent lesser version of it.
This was in response to well known indie developer saying he would refuse to speak at conferences who deplatformed speakers in said fields for fairly mild political talk on social media that offended some people.
So no don't come at me with the gaslighting saying that it's just Nazis trying to gaslight people.
Truly, we are all doomed.
I'm so sorry that one tweet with 10 hearts strikes such powerful fear in your heart.
OooOoOOooooOOooOOOo, spooooky scaaaaaaryAlso yes some Trans activists have been saying biological sex isn't real
Have a video from a Trans woman pointing out other Trans activists saying just that
C'mon dude, at least stick to your positions! You were being all "appeals to emotion and the incitement of fear is bad!" yet here you are gobbling up the video made by someone who's attempting to do exactly that; appeal to emotions, make you angry at trans people. Hell, she's even doing the exact same thing you're doing; taking random tweets and acting as though tweets from complete rando nobodies are a huge deal!
Like c'mon! You're whole shtick is that you hate fearmongering and people that try to just trigger emotional reactions!
Yet you're the one falling for people who are doing just that!
You're the one who's getting so upset over completely random people with barely a veneer of a platform making trashy tweets!
Dude! You're the one falling for the emotional reaction triggerers! You're the one buying into the fear mongering!
And you don't even realize it! But it's true, you're the one falling for the thing you'e out here criticising! And it's just soo.. SOOOOO sad!
If you're this terrorized by the tweets of completely random nobodies, it's probably time to take a good hard look inside.
Look, some people are gonna say stuff that's way out there and crazy on all sides of the spectrum. Especially on Twitter. Like, c'mon dude, time to stop getting so shocked about Twitter being Twitter.
Key word being potentially. I'm not against policy that instructs teachers to not try and make assumptions about a child's gender or sexual identity. Though, honestly, like... I'm not finding any evidence that there even was an epidemic of this happening anyways or that the UK was at risk of having such a thing like that happening either.As for detransitioning stuff well there was potential due to lets say inaccurate advice being given by certain charities etc.
Government issues gender identity guidance for teachers in England
Pupils must not be told they might be a different gender based on personality or clotheswww.theguardian.com
The UK government had to step in because of advice from one lobbying group / charity.
Which yes if that had gone ahead as the main advice you can hopefully see how non conforming people who transitioned might come to that.
Again, just sounds like fearmongering to me. More fearmongering that you should be critical of, since you were very critical of it before, but this one you're just eatin' right up.
Hi, welcome to being a public figure. Haters gonna hate, etc. etc.Except it's not dead with Contrapoints and the push against her will keep happening and keep happening likely until enough people are there to push her out.
Dude, all public figures have a hatebase. All of them. Every. Single. One. She's no more special for having a hatebase than Rowling.
I know, I'm speaking to someone who's a victim of that right now, that's why I'm telling you to stop treating Twitter like it's the height of praxis, straight-up for your own sake.It may not be a good place for it but it seems like a good place for sociopaths to try and play on peoples positions.
Well you got the Justine Sacco incident, the Adria Richards incident, the Tim Hunt incident... This shit was going on years before the Tumblr migration. I'm not gonna get into an argument about which generation of Twitter cancelee deserved it more, but it did happen back then.No it still had a lot of sit posting and memes but there wasn't a mob trying to cancel people every 2 weeks
I should also point out that blindness toward how things were in the past is pretty real. Like, back then, I was nowhere near as political as I am now, the difference for me is massive. A lot of shit that happened back then I didn't give much thought towards, but I look at now in hindsight and think to myself "holy shit, how did I let that slip by me?" What we're seeing now isn't new by any stretch of the imagination.
Rowling hasn't been harmed but she's also not needed to deploy lawyers either. Others who were not rich and powerful have had to get lawyers involved due to claims spreading round like wildfire.
I love how the first article I found when Googling that has the line "Rowling, 54, became the target of transgender activists in December for defending a researcher sacked for saying 'men cannot change into women'" .Also you know J.K. Rowling has actually had to have security gates fitting at her home now?
She got sacked because she was harassing her co-workers.
Man, you're right! The appeals to emotion and the driving of fear through misinformation really is everywhere, huh?
Welp, now that she has security gates, I guess she'll now be living like... Every other rich person ever.
No reports of any actual attacks or attempted attacks against her or her property though.
Y'know, trans activists... They're not like far-right militia groups. If you've seen Contrapoint's video on Voting, she kinda talks about this in response to people's fearmongering about antifa. Like, you have pretty good reason to be afraid of far-right militias, you know, they're actually stockpiling weapons, they actually have ex-police and ex-military members who know how to use them... Whereas a lot of trans activists, well... Angry tweets are basically the worst you're gonna get from most of them.