Election results discussion thread (and sadly the inevitable aftermath)

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Nov 6, 2020
No it was being said by leftist types.

Here's a recent lesser version of it.

This was in response to well known indie developer saying he would refuse to speak at conferences who deplatformed speakers in said fields for fairly mild political talk on social media that offended some people.

So no don't come at me with the gaslighting saying that it's just Nazis trying to gaslight people.
Woooow, one tweet with 10 hearts :ROFLMAO:

Truly, we are all doomed.

I'm so sorry that one tweet with 10 hearts strikes such powerful fear in your heart.

Also yes some Trans activists have been saying biological sex isn't real

Have a video from a Trans woman pointing out other Trans activists saying just that

OooOoOOooooOOooOOOo, spooooky scaaaaaary


C'mon dude, at least stick to your positions! You were being all "appeals to emotion and the incitement of fear is bad!" yet here you are gobbling up the video made by someone who's attempting to do exactly that; appeal to emotions, make you angry at trans people. Hell, she's even doing the exact same thing you're doing; taking random tweets and acting as though tweets from complete rando nobodies are a huge deal!

Like c'mon! You're whole shtick is that you hate fearmongering and people that try to just trigger emotional reactions!

Yet you're the one falling for people who are doing just that!

You're the one who's getting so upset over completely random people with barely a veneer of a platform making trashy tweets!

Dude! You're the one falling for the emotional reaction triggerers! You're the one buying into the fear mongering!

And you don't even realize it! But it's true, you're the one falling for the thing you'e out here criticising! And it's just soo.. SOOOOO sad!

If you're this terrorized by the tweets of completely random nobodies, it's probably time to take a good hard look inside.

Look, some people are gonna say stuff that's way out there and crazy on all sides of the spectrum. Especially on Twitter. Like, c'mon dude, time to stop getting so shocked about Twitter being Twitter.

As for detransitioning stuff well there was potential due to lets say inaccurate advice being given by certain charities etc.

The UK government had to step in because of advice from one lobbying group / charity.

Which yes if that had gone ahead as the main advice you can hopefully see how non conforming people who transitioned might come to that.
Key word being potentially. I'm not against policy that instructs teachers to not try and make assumptions about a child's gender or sexual identity. Though, honestly, like... I'm not finding any evidence that there even was an epidemic of this happening anyways or that the UK was at risk of having such a thing like that happening either.

Again, just sounds like fearmongering to me. More fearmongering that you should be critical of, since you were very critical of it before, but this one you're just eatin' right up.

Except it's not dead with Contrapoints and the push against her will keep happening and keep happening likely until enough people are there to push her out.
Hi, welcome to being a public figure. Haters gonna hate, etc. etc.

Dude, all public figures have a hatebase. All of them. Every. Single. One. She's no more special for having a hatebase than Rowling.

It may not be a good place for it but it seems like a good place for sociopaths to try and play on peoples positions.
I know, I'm speaking to someone who's a victim of that right now, that's why I'm telling you to stop treating Twitter like it's the height of praxis, straight-up for your own sake.

No it still had a lot of sit posting and memes but there wasn't a mob trying to cancel people every 2 weeks
Well you got the Justine Sacco incident, the Adria Richards incident, the Tim Hunt incident... This shit was going on years before the Tumblr migration. I'm not gonna get into an argument about which generation of Twitter cancelee deserved it more, but it did happen back then.

I should also point out that blindness toward how things were in the past is pretty real. Like, back then, I was nowhere near as political as I am now, the difference for me is massive. A lot of shit that happened back then I didn't give much thought towards, but I look at now in hindsight and think to myself "holy shit, how did I let that slip by me?" What we're seeing now isn't new by any stretch of the imagination.

Rowling hasn't been harmed but she's also not needed to deploy lawyers either. Others who were not rich and powerful have had to get lawyers involved due to claims spreading round like wildfire.

Also you know J.K. Rowling has actually had to have security gates fitting at her home now?
I love how the first article I found when Googling that has the line "Rowling, 54, became the target of transgender activists in December for defending a researcher sacked for saying 'men cannot change into women'" .

She got sacked because she was harassing her co-workers.

Man, you're right! The appeals to emotion and the driving of fear through misinformation really is everywhere, huh?

Welp, now that she has security gates, I guess she'll now be living like... Every other rich person ever.

No reports of any actual attacks or attempted attacks against her or her property though.

Y'know, trans activists... They're not like far-right militia groups. If you've seen Contrapoint's video on Voting, she kinda talks about this in response to people's fearmongering about antifa. Like, you have pretty good reason to be afraid of far-right militias, you know, they're actually stockpiling weapons, they actually have ex-police and ex-military members who know how to use them... Whereas a lot of trans activists, well... Angry tweets are basically the worst you're gonna get from most of them.


Nov 6, 2020
Yeh no I'm not playing progressive stack bullshit rules of "It's ok because they're the oppressor or more powerful". Because at some point the rich / powerful will choose to strike back and people will not like it.
Don't fight back against your oppressors because they will strike back.

I uh...

... Wow, okay... That's a, uh... Interesting position to have...

Damn that fucking threw me for a loop lol I don't even know what to say to that, other than daaaamn duuuude.


"Don't do anything about oppression because your oppressors won't like it."

Shit, good point! Welp, that's it I guess, progressiveism over. Sorry guys, we lost, let's pack it up.

Why the UK isn't doing it.

1) most places are old, like very old buildings for most public buildings with little space or room to really place additional toilets in. Some buildings have been around since the 60s or 70s and just updated slightly over the years to repair stuff.
Well shit dude, that just means the government seriously does need to be funding improvements, if not the construction of brand new public buildings altogether to replace old ones! So, that just better reinforces that government austerity is still the heart of the problem.

I mean think of the benefits. The UK's facing an unemployment crisis right now, so that'll provide jobs for construction workers. Contracts for plumbers and electrician companies... If the supplies are purchased through UK manufacturers then that will help support those manufacturing companies and give them an extra boost. And all those paid people will now have money that they can in turn spend, helping to stimulate the local economy!

Damn, that means we can have separate changing spaces for everyone so all people can feel included and safe, we can create jobs and stimulate the economy, and the people in the community get a sweet new rec centre! Shit man, ain't that sweet? Everyone wins!

2) There's a lot of things to consider round them not least the issues of how to deal with certain things that go on. I mean in club toilets in the UK in a lot of clubs they have toilet attendants because of issues that can happen due to people and alcohol.
So, I guess... Hire some attendants then for those new bathrooms in the new facilities? Adds more jobs I suppose.

3)The places that have done it (some have) are relatively new builds and they only have unisex toilets but to ensure there are no issues they take up rather a lot of space as in 6 stalls in the space that in some buildings would fit both Male and Female bathrooms in there.
Well, again, problem due in part to a lack of proper funding. I know a lot of urban areas are pretty densely packed and many buildings have to have their external features preserved for historical reasons, but even so, well-funded public projects that really go a long way and make some incredible shit happen. But you don't have that right now and should be advocating for it.

4) Having to make the spaces equally sized or they may be claims of discrimination. It sounds dumb but it likely would happen
I mean our unisex spaces are generally smaller here. I've not heard any complaints.

Again, there's that fear. You're giving into the fear and appeal to emotion to keep you from doing a good thing that people would be happy with.

As for Rowlings comments.

This had recently happened at the time
Yeaaaah, I know about Karen White and Yessica Yaniv.


Still though, they really don't at all invalidate my solution here. My solution will still provide inclusive and space places for transpeople, and for cis women, and fuck even provide a bit of a boost to the local economy too. There are solutions to these issues that don't involve having to spread fear about the eeEeeEeViillll, spoooooooky scary trans cult (read: random, never-before heard of trans people on Twitter who most likely would never have even had their voices heard if people like Blaire White or Sophia Narwitz didn't platform them in the first place in order to inspire fear in you).


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
I can't help but worry nothing will change all that much during Biden's presidency, and a more competent version of Trump will win in 2024.

The fact that this race was as close as it was shows that Trump was no fluke.
The crimes that are potentially waiting Trump are numerous. The most blatant and the clearest slam dunk is the ten times that Mueller said that Trump could have obstructed Justice.

Just being sent to jail for one of those is a sentence of over five years.

If he's convicted of two of those crimes? Three? Or just one and other crimes? I mean, just China and Ukraine had a lot of infractions.

So, Trump's out next year. And thereby released from the protections that Mueller alluded to. But in reality everyone knew that Republicans would let Trump skate and Mueller (a republican himself) didn't want his Party to be tarnished any more by flagrantly disregarding the law in service of Trump. So, instead, Investigations in Trump's activities run for another year or so after his presidency. Arrest. Court Case. Sent to Jail.

Or, if they want to be sneaky, say they are going to be "extra-thorough." No formal charges brought up against Trump until 2023.

Even if they don't send him to prison for some reason... Oops. Misses the chance to become the 2024 candidate. Trump will be 78 years old and they'll say "Hey, why don't you try for next election in 2028? You know, when you're 82. You keep in shape and eat right, don't you? No? I would start if I was you."


Nov 6, 2020
Look, I'm gonna defend Tim Pool a bit in the fact that when the normal Right Wing Cancellers came for Vaush, he stood up to them
I mean I had a bit of a hope-spot too when I saw that happening.

'Course then the election hit and he kinda tumbled back into how he'd always been.

I'unno. Guess we can only see how thing'll play out with him from here on.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Dude, all public figures have a hatebase. All of them. Every. Single. One. She's no more special for having a hatebase than Rowling.

I know, I'm speaking to someone who's a victim of that right now, that's why I'm telling you to stop treating Twitter like it's the height of praxis, straight-up for your own sake.

Well you got the Justine Sacco incident, the Adria Richards incident, the Tim Hunt incident... This shit was going on years before the Tumblr migration. I'm not gonna get into an argument about which generation of Twitter cancelee deserved it more, but it did happen back then.

I should also point out that blindness toward how things were in the past is pretty real. Like, back then, I was nowhere near as political as I am now, the difference for me is massive. A lot of shit that happened back then I didn't give much thought towards, but I look at now in hindsight and think to myself "holy shit, how did I let that slip by me?" What we're seeing now isn't new by any stretch of the imagination.

Rowling hasn't been harmed but she's also not needed to deploy lawyers either. Others who were not rich and powerful have had to get lawyers involved due to claims spreading round like wildfire.

I love how the first article I found when Googling that has the line "Rowling, 54, became the target of transgender activists in December for defending a researcher sacked for saying 'men cannot change into women'" .

She got sacked because she was harassing her co-workers.

Man, you're right! The appeals to emotion and the driving of fear through misinformation really is everywhere, huh?

Welp, now that she has security gates, I guess she'll now be living like... Every other rich person ever.

No reports of any actual attacks or attempted attacks against her or her property though.
Id point out that you dont have to be a celebrity to get a hatebase on Twitter. You could just be Trans or Black or Asian or a Woman. You don't have to say things controversial. Just existing will lead to a hatebase.

At least this hate base is about some idea they find morally repugnant not what you are like Rowling pretends


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I mean I had a bit of a hope-spot too when I saw that happening.

'Course then the election hit and he kinda tumbled back into how he'd always been.

I'unno. Guess we can only see how thing'll play out with him from here on.
It's hard going against you bubble, you can get sucked right back in. Also, Vaush's takedowns of Pool previously aren't necessarily nice so he can't tall much


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Full on laws can be applied such that private corporations have to abide by them too.

1A only protects from government action not private actions.
Private corporations are not in a position to force Sharia, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
The crimes that are potentially waiting Trump are numerous. The most blatant and the clearest slam dunk is the ten times that Mueller said that Trump could have obstructed Justice.

Just being sent to jail for one of those is a sentence of over five years.

If he's convicted of two of those crimes? Three? Or just one and other crimes? I mean, just China and Ukraine had a lot of infractions.

So, Trump's out next year. And thereby released from the protections that Mueller alluded to. But in reality everyone knew that Republicans would let Trump skate and Mueller (a republican himself) didn't want his Party to be tarnished any more by flagrantly disregarding the law in service of Trump. So, instead, Investigations in Trump's activities run for another year or so after his presidency. Arrest. Court Case. Sent to Jail.

Or, if they want to be sneaky, say they are going to be "extra-thorough." No formal charges brought up against Trump until 2023.

Even if they don't send him to prison for some reason... Oops. Misses the chance to become the 2024 candidate. Trump will be 78 years old and they'll say "Hey, why don't you try for next election in 2028? You know, when you're 82. You keep in shape and eat right, don't you? No? I would start if I was you."
Perhaps, but I'd hardly be surprised if the Democrats quietly forgot to do any of that.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Just some thoughts leading on from a bunch of areas

Re: Rupert Murdoch realizes that the trade war between China and the US damaged both economies and most other economies. It turned an average world economy and sent it down hill. Murdoch doesnt have stakes just in the US and having Trump in office damaged his own business

I hope Biden will start standing up against China over Covid investigations. Trump couldn't as he had the deal he was looking for

I do wonder if their are going back to unilateral deals, or staying with bilateral. I think the latter showed how weak the US was compared to China. And that China had probably already surpassed it.

Lastly, just for my own interest, this question is for locals of my country. Imagine there's an election between ScoMo and Biden. Who would you pick? Turnball? Abbott?

I would personally pick the first two. Maybe not Abbott.

What about UK folks? Who would beat Biden for you. Bojo? Starmer? Corbyn?

Or pick your leader and pit them against Biden


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
Onion with the straight news reporting...

Private corporations are not in a position to force Sharia, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.
Well, they are, but only on their workers, so it's fine. We don't have democracy at work, we have private despotism.
Last edited:


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Woooow, one tweet with 10 hearts :ROFLMAO:

Truly, we are all doomed.

I'm so sorry that one tweet with 10 hearts strikes such powerful fear in your heart.
Oh right first it didn't exist now it doesn't exist on a big enough scale according to you?


How many do I need?

Goodbye 48%of the USA on that last one

Is that enough?

OooOoOOooooOOooOOOo, spooooky scaaaaaary


C'mon dude, at least stick to your positions! You were being all "appeals to emotion and the incitement of fear is bad!" yet here you are gobbling up the video made by someone who's attempting to do exactly that; appeal to emotions, make you angry at trans people. Hell, she's even doing the exact same thing you're doing; taking random tweets and acting as though tweets from complete rando nobodies are a huge deal!
Funny how you don't actually recognise the trans activists who were part of Breadtube at one point in said video lol

You claimed no-one was saying sex isn't real. Well there you go people did claim that and it's shown in said video, sorry are you going to claim because [insert name of Trans movie star] hasn't said it then no-one is?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Like c'mon! You're whole shtick is that you hate fearmongering and people that try to just trigger emotional reactions!

Yet you're the one falling for people who are doing just that!

No I'm using her video with evidence in it to show you evidence of people saying said stuff does exist.

You're the one who's getting so upset over completely random people with barely a veneer of a platform making trashy tweets!

You claimed no-one was saying sex isn't real. Well there you go people did claim that and it's shown in said video, sorry are you going to claim because [insert name of Trans movie star] hasn't said it then no-one is?

Dude! You're the one falling for the emotional reaction triggerers! You're the one buying into the fear mongering!
No you've just gone off on one because I pointed to a video with evidence showing you're wrong and you're wildly flailing to claim it's not valid for whatever reason.

I mean apaprently a video watched by nearly 400,000 people (the one reference in the video I linked) doesn't count?

Riley J. Dennis doesn't count? give me some standard here do I need kat blaque or higher for it to count in your view then?

And you don't even realize it! But it's true, you're the one falling for the thing you'e out here criticising! And it's just soo.. SOOOOO sad!

If you're this terrorized by the tweets of completely random nobodies, it's probably time to take a good hard look inside.

Look, some people are gonna say stuff that's way out there and crazy on all sides of the spectrum. Especially on Twitter. Like, c'mon dude, time to stop getting so shocked about Twitter being Twitter.
How big do they need to be to no longer count and nobodies?

I mean you think nobodies have no impact but I'm a nobody and I once wrote something that spread a lot such that it got a literal reaction from Microsoft the company
to fix the issue.

Key word being potentially. I'm not against policy that instructs teachers to not try and make assumptions about a child's gender or sexual identity. Though, honestly, like... I'm not finding any evidence that there even was an epidemic of this happening anyways or that the UK was at risk of having such a thing like that happening either.
So you don't think people being told they're the wrong sex when they're kids because of how they behave might cause some issue if they Transition believing it and then realise it's not true?

How many people do you know who truly rigidly stick to the most rigid gender binary and don't do anything outside of it?

Tomboys? gone

Male Stylists and fashion designers? gone

You don't think that would cause an issue.

Part of Rowling's arguments are about the idea of rushing to diagnose people as Trans when Dr Kenneth Zucker a leading expert of Gender dysphoria and pioneer in research into people Transitioning has urged causation and presented cases on non standard Gender expression can be a sign of other things and urges caution rather than jumping to claiming a child is Trans so fast.

Again, just sounds like fearmongering to me. More fearmongering that you should be critical of, since you were very critical of it before, but this one you're just eatin' right up.
Except I've read a decent deal of Kenneth Zucker's research and comparing the approach to the present approach being pushed (especially by many activists online claiming characters and people are Trans because they act outside of certain Gender norms) I can see a problem.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Hi, welcome to being a public figure. Haters gonna hate, etc. etc.

Dude, all public figures have a hatebase. All of them. Every. Single. One. She's no more special for having a hatebase than Rowling.
Most don't end up needing a security fence due to death threats and people trying to get onto her property after said threats. At least not unless you're super high end celeb or dating one........ or happen to be Gavin Free on Rooster Teeth.

I know, I'm speaking to someone who's a victim of that right now, that's why I'm telling you to stop treating Twitter like it's the height of praxis, straight-up for your own sake.
yet pushes on there and lies on there are starting to impact the real world because one person managed to annoy another and it ended up with attempts to destroy one another with essentially fan mobs fights.

Well you got the Justine Sacco incident, the Adria Richards incident, the Tim Hunt incident... This shit was going on years before the Tumblr migration. I'm not gonna get into an argument about which generation of Twitter cancelee deserved it more, but it did happen back then.
The fact you can name incidents yet now it's once every few weeks there's a flare up suggests its getting worse.

Tim Hunt kind of marks part of the start of it but as the article I posted shows this has been starting up for a while and getting worse.

I should also point out that blindness toward how things were in the past is pretty real. Like, back then, I was nowhere near as political as I am now, the difference for me is massive. A lot of shit that happened back then I didn't give much thought towards, but I look at now in hindsight and think to myself "holy shit, how did I let that slip by me?" What we're seeing now isn't new by any stretch of the imagination.

Rowling hasn't been harmed but she's also not needed to deploy lawyers either. Others who were not rich and powerful have had to get lawyers involved due to claims spreading round like wildfire.

I love how the first article I found when Googling that has the line "Rowling, 54, became the target of transgender activists in December for defending a researcher sacked for saying 'men cannot change into women'" .

She got sacked because she was harassing her co-workers.

Man, you're right! The appeals to emotion and the driving of fear through misinformation really is everywhere, huh?

Welp, now that she has security gates, I guess she'll now be living like... Every other rich person ever.

No reports of any actual attacks or attempted attacks against her or her property though.

Y'know, trans activists... They're not like far-right militia groups. If you've seen Contrapoint's video on Voting, she kinda talks about this in response to people's fearmongering about antifa. Like, you have pretty good reason to be afraid of far-right militias, you know, they're actually stockpiling weapons, they actually have ex-police and ex-military members who know how to use them... Whereas a lot of trans activists, well... Angry tweets are basically the worst you're gonna get from most of them.

Problem is when you lay it out because actual Right Wing militia the armed organised kind have likely killed more caps than anyone else this past year.

What you really want to be worried about and right wing nut jobs but you can't spot them because they're often lone gunmen and the things happen far more randomly so fear of them isn't something worth having.

The issue with AntiFa is they will strike without verification and kind of don't care if they actually target some-one who is a Nazi is not.

Dude was marching with them but was carrying an American Flag

Dude runs in and kicks guy in the head? Why? He heard he crashed trying to run people down. The reality? He tried to help a woman people were hassling earlier in the night and crashed further down the road. Footage exists of him crashing showing no protestors were around that area.

Her hat doesn't even say America lol They didn't realise she was in a parody hat and attacked her

Dude was recording as a journalist and got stabbed.

Now for the best one. The bike lock bandit



Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Well, they are, but only on their workers, so it's fine. We don't have democracy at work, we have private despotism.
Sean? Read back the conversation a little bit. Is it your contention that we need to codify into law that Sharia - and very specifically Sharia - should be forbidden from becoming the law of the land (something precluded by the First Amendment), because if they don't do so private corporations will force it into US law?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Lastly, just for my own interest, this question is for locals of my country. Imagine there's an election between ScoMo and Biden. Who would you pick? Turnball? Abbott?
I'd pick Turnbull. Otherwise, have to think about it. Don't know much about Biden, he clears the "better than Trump" bar, but that's very faint praise. Don't know how he'd do against someone with the integrity and capability of ScoMo or Abbott.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Onion with the straight news reporting...

Well, they are, but only on their workers, so it's fine. We don't have democracy at work, we have private despotism.
I work for Muslims. I know I'm in Australia and America goes stupid all the time but the biggest problem is that they wont pay for alcohol at Xmas parties

Dont get me wrong, its annoying, but not a threat to my existence. America, get better unions


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Don't fight back against your oppressors because they will strike back.

I uh..

... Wow, okay... That's a, uh... Interesting position to have...

Damn that fucking threw me for a loop lol I don't even know what to say to that, other than daaaamn duuuude.


"Don't do anything about oppression because your oppressors won't like it."

Shit, good point! Welp, that's it I guess, progressiveism over. Sorry guys, we lost, let's pack it up.
No don't strike out believing any tactics are justified then be surprised and upset wen some-one bigger idly swats at you. They likely will be able to do far more with a swat and wouldn't have swatted had you not gone so extreme.

You don't defeat a sleeping giant (insert other big thing of your choice instead) by making tons of noise to wake it up first so it know you're there.

You want to eat the rich?

Don't roll up outside their house after spending the day telling them you're coming. Make them think everything is fine until they can't escape.

Well shit dude, that just means the government seriously does need to be funding improvements, if not the construction of brand new public buildings altogether to replace old ones! So, that just better reinforces that government austerity is still the heart of the problem.
And that a lot of buildings are old and have been used for a long time. I mean the Houses of parliament were rebuild in the 1950s but before that were from the 1870s. which were rebuilt after a fire. They use what buildings are there and try to keep them running.

I mean think of the benefits. The UK's facing an unemployment crisis right now, so that'll provide jobs for construction workers. Contracts for plumbers and electrician companies... If the supplies are purchased through UK manufacturers then that will help support those manufacturing companies and give them an extra boost. And all those paid people will now have money that they can in turn spend, helping to stimulate the local economy!
The buildings are still mostly fine as is though that's the thing.

Damn, that means we can have separate changing spaces for everyone so all people can feel included and safe, we can create jobs and stimulate the economy, and the people in the community get a sweet new rec centre! Shit man, ain't that sweet? Everyone wins!
So where does the room come from for these new facilities because most places at present have most of the room on their site being used? You have to basically gut the internals and start again from scratch basically.

So, I guess... Hire some attendants then for those new bathrooms in the new facilities? Adds more jobs I suppose.
24/7 ?

Because the issue is the issue of people mixing and well club toilets have sometimes had people mixed when they were supposed to in there if you get my drift

Well, again, problem due in part to a lack of proper funding. I know a lot of urban areas are pretty densely packed and many buildings have to have their external features preserved for historical reasons, but even so, well-funded public projects that really go a long way and make some incredible shit happen. But you don't have that right now and should be advocating for it.
And yet the issue remains of space usage etc.

I mean our unisex spaces are generally smaller here. I've not heard any complaints.

Again, there's that fear. You're giving into the fear and appeal to emotion to keep you from doing a good thing that people would be happy with.
No I'm giving in to knowing what will happen and be claimed because the option is open to do so and cheaper than the USA to do so.

Yeaaaah, I know about Karen White and Yessica Yaniv.


Still though, they really don't at all invalidate my solution here. My solution will still provide inclusive and space places for transpeople, and for cis women, and fuck even provide a bit of a boost to the local economy too. There are solutions to these issues that don't involve having to spread fear about the eeEeeEeViillll, spoooooooky scary trans cult (read: random, never-before heard of trans people on Twitter who most likely would never have even had their voices heard if people like Blaire White or Sophia Narwitz didn't platform them in the first place in order to inspire fear in you).
Except you have to close the facilities for the duration of the building work and try to find other buildings to use. Part of the reason the buildings only get maintained is they're open and used quite a lot.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Waaaaait, you hate when people fearmonger and only appeal to emotional reaction, yet you're a Tim Pool fan?

Big oof.

Not a big fan personally of Beanie boy. He has some .......... interesting takes.......... I wouldn't say they were the best but he highlights smaller stories sometimes.

I kind of hope you posting a vaush video isn't evidence of you being a fan of his when a lot of his stuff is really just emotional knee jerk reactions lol

Private corporations are not in a position to force Sharia, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.
Not yet.......Though would be good to stop that and you know the likes of Walmart trying to fire employees over using Birth control (like happened a few years back)

Just some thoughts leading on from a bunch of areas

Re: Rupert Murdoch realizes that the trade war between China and the US damaged both economies and most other economies. It turned an average world economy and sent it down hill. Murdoch doesnt have stakes just in the US and having Trump in office damaged his own business

I hope Biden will start standing up against China over Covid investigations. Trump couldn't as he had the deal he was looking for

I do wonder if their are going back to unilateral deals, or staying with bilateral. I think the latter showed how weak the US was compared to China. And that China had probably already surpassed it.

Lastly, just for my own interest, this question is for locals of my country. Imagine there's an election between ScoMo and Biden. Who would you pick? Turnball? Abbott?

I would personally pick the first two. Maybe not Abbott.

What about UK folks? Who would beat Biden for you. Bojo? Starmer? Corbyn?

Or pick your leader and pit them against Biden
What rules we fighting under UK rules or US rules?

cause under UK rules Bojo wins, Starmer wins, Corbyn loses because he gets called a commie spy (again) and it's actually revealed actually Russian spies did refer to him as Agent Cob and did do talks with him but he was never in a position to actually know anything worthwhile back then (again)
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