SirPlindington said:
Um... How about fuck no? Even if you're just talking from the perspective of a consumer with no outside context, there are still far worse companies. Come on, internet. Buck up.
My only reason for being ok with the outcome.
Bank of America is horrible. I won't deny it. I won't come out and try to say that it didn't deserve the award. I bleed for people who has suffered it's wrath, including my brother who had a little rattling up due to something we're still not sure of.
But there are organizations set up to police banks or support those who are victims of banks. They won't have the Bank Lawyer's fire power, but there are places to go, Government sponsored help, and the like. Do they work and help one hundred percent of the time? no. But there is something out there.
EA and companies who follow suit make it so to even view if their product is able to work for you, you give up your rights to a lawsuit. Click here to accept the game and install it, but by doing so you give up your rights to sue or anything. Suggesting as much allows us to terminate your account, meaning you lose all access to your games (Origin). That I do find horrendous.
Bank of America did some illegal things and screwed a lot of people over. They should not have any more of your business and if you were hurt by them, you do have the right to receive compensation.
EA made it legal to screw you over. They made you sign your rights away and roll the dice to see if you got a viable product. They will determine if they want to sate your requests, but don't hold your breath. And if you threaten anything, more of your rights can be taken away and you are left with nothing.
Does the loss of a game equal to a loss of your savings or chance at a house? No. Is Bank of America guilty of a lot of suspect things that are reprehensible? Yes. But from what I know, when you enter a contract with them, you don't sign away your right to actually try to receive compensation for the crimes committed against you. I don't bank with them, so I don't know. If someone can tell me otherwise, I will change my mind. But a company who sees fit to serve me an inferior product and hide behind a statement that to even see if it works for me, I am not able to put a lawsuit against them is the pinnacle of how I do
not want to see companies act in the future.
I do not wish to ignore the wrong the other companies have done. But I do not want to ignore what EA and it's ilk are doing. If we ignore it, it spreads to any company (gaming or no). Imagine the fine print on the back of your cookies that says by opening the package, you give up your rights to ask for a refund if stale or inedible in anyway. That by opening up the ikea package, the sale is final and if any parts are missing, you must buy a replacement pack at 25% of the original item's price.
I find EA's methods deplorable and worthy of stamping out before it spreads as acceptable business practice to other industries. That is all.