I'm seeing a lot of 'but he doesn't incorporate his hatred into his books' arguments from Card's defenders, which is actually incorrect. Regardless if your personal opinions, Ender's Game was the only book of his to be unambiguously well-received, and even then he incorporated portions of his own beliefs into them. I can't sight you sources but the link does exist that the 'Buggers', the primary antagonist race in the book, were named such because the term apparently referenced sodomy/sodomites. After Ender's Game his writing style devolved to the point where he was either bland or offensive.
The attempt to defend this author is demonstrably disgusting, with people making false equivalences with H.P. Lovecraft (dead for quite a long time now) or Walt Disney (also dead for a rather lengthy period of time) because apparently they don't want to admit to themselves that the man behind something they like is a raging bigot. Or maybe it's the fear of guilt-by-association that has his defenders frothing at the mouth? This man has called for the armed uprising and slaughter of people who don't fit his narrow views of what America should be in the event that truly equal rights ever becomes a thing, he's not some misunderstood victim, he's not the unfortunate target of the political correctness brigade. He's someone who makes money, but makes threatening and downright monstrous comments, and backs some of the worst people society has to offer with his cash that just happened to have a talent for writing that's mysteriously disappeared in his later works.
I will freely admit I'd feel just the slightest bit smug if this fanatical coward ended up suffering at the hands of one of the various national security things we've got in place, but funnily enough his types never seem to get any sort of legal comeuppance. Whenever things for the right-wing (and especially the religious right) go slightly bad they'll screech their collective (funny that) heads off and more often than not get their way unless what they're trying to push goes against every fiber of common decency in the average American's body.
But no, apparently we have to separate that the man behind these works is a vile cretin, who is ALIVE and who has thrown money as hate groups, because some dead guy was racist and his works are popular posthumously (Lovecraft wasn't exactly well-received during the time he was alive, folks). Or because, apparently, the poor rich folks in Hollywood will starve despite already being paid and any money that comes after the fact will just be lining the pockets of investors, who, frankly, could stand to lose a few pounds of dough and a bigoted violent little greedy weasel of a man who is trying to make sure that anyone who doesn't fit into the idea of his Christian America disappears or is treated like freaking animals.
So yes, tell me again how a boycott is childish, explain to me how all the fundies and right-wing nutbars who've protested films on completely baseless and frankly childish reasons are now telling anyone with a shred of respect for their fellow human beings that to do the exact thing they did and still do is somehow childish. It's only 'stupid' because you disagree with it. This man deserves to fail, you could've painted this generation's Mona Lisa for all I care, but if you're still a dangerous bigot I will do everything within my legal rights to make sure you will end up as a failure.
All the 'mature' people snubbing folks off because apparently he's worth the possible discrimination he may have a hand in, ignoring all the heinous things he's said, and how he's funded organizations that seek to ruin the lives of people are in my honest opinion the most childish of them all. I can't even begin to understand their motivations, but I imagine they're pretty flawed.